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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

09-25-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
bush sucked though. on another subject, i like chris, racheal, and lawerence but think ed and rev al are irritating. i think david gregory sucks he is horrible ruined a great institution of mtp and knows nothing and looks like a monkey. oh i dont like liberal blogs that say anything about mitts wife or any wife, think if the wife wants to say something, just say thats nice dear and w/e leave them out of it, dudes wont go into politics if wives are the target.
I like Alex Wagner because she has some pretty interesting discussions and seems to keep it moving. mostly because she's cute, though.

I like Melissa Harris-Perry, but her lisp tilts me.
09-25-2012 , 08:15 PM
like mitch daniels seems like a sane goper, sure he lies on meet the press about economy but he has to do that and he is probably far right since thats where its at, but in another universe guys like that are good old school bob dole bush sr jack kemp gop'ers but since he has those family issues he cant run imo
09-25-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by neg3sd
If the left really wanted to help these people, they would assist in getting them IDs. The far left want these people to vote more than they want to vote. What the Republicans are doing in voter suppression would be a non issue.
In San Francisco everyone votes absentee.

Also doesn't one need an ID to get on welfare?
Please report to the war on voting thread. This will be fun.
09-25-2012 , 08:22 PM
Alex Wagner and, to a lesser extent Erin Burnett are personal crushes of mine. Melissa Harris-Perry might have the single best show, i love how it's sort of what Sorkin was going for with The Newsroom. Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein are like the Trinity of Truthfinding, love those guys.
09-25-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by neg3sd
If the left really wanted to help these people, they would assist in getting them IDs. The far left want these people to vote more than they want to vote. What the Republicans are doing in voter suppression would be a non issue.
In San Francisco everyone votes absentee.

Also doesn't one need an ID to get on welfare?
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Please report to the war on voting thread. This will be fun.
Funny you should say that:

Ladies and gentlemen, we just found the perfect example of someone who was ignorant on a topic, showed that ignorance, got shown why he was ignorant and then ignored those explanations to then repeat that ignorance again - one time less than a month later.

Here are his posts from the war on voting thread:

Originally Posted by neg3sd
If they don't have an ID, they have a lot more problems than the need to vote.
All the money spent by the far left complaining about voter ID laws could have put to use to help these people get IDs.
Originally Posted by neg3sd
How do all these people without IDs go on welfare, medicaid or get food stamps?
Those points and the fundamental errors behind them were explained to him by a few people after.

Just. Wow.
09-25-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Did you feel the same way when Bush was in office?
First term no, second term yes ldo.
09-25-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Alex Wagner and, to a lesser extent Erin Burnett are personal crushes of mine. Melissa Harris-Perry might have the single best show, i love how it's sort of what Sorkin was going for with The Newsroom. Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein are like the Trinity of Truthfinding, love those guys.
those shows follow the Morning Joe format, bring in a few people to have a discussion about a topic. I have a few issues on Hayes show when his panel gets too animated and continues to talk over the other guests.

All in all, msnbc has some of the best programming on cable, but not the stellar ratings the circus crowds flock to.
09-25-2012 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by neg3sd
If the left really wanted to help these people, they would assist in getting them IDs. The far left want these people to vote more than they want to vote. What the Republicans are doing in voter suppression would be a non issue.
In San Francisco everyone votes absentee.

Also doesn't one need an ID to get on welfare?
By passing the lolz for a second the answer is no. I applied online. I never met in person with anyone.
09-25-2012 , 08:48 PM
I like Maddow's reporting, but when she starts to do her hyper-sarcastic voice, I just have to change channels.
09-25-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
how many in the pandhandle didn't vote because the state was already declared a win?
Nice try but no one was actively blocking the panhandle from voting. That was NOT the case with the black vote in Florida that year.
09-25-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by big gilute
id take a peek at those knockers if she were to undress
You may have to look at her knees, then.
09-25-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Nice try but no one was actively blocking the panhandle from voting. That is NOT the case with the black vote in Florida this year.
09-25-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by big gilute
id take a peek at those knockers if she were to undress
head on down to the local bookstore, SEX by Madonna.

eta; or Body of Evidence with Willem Dafoe
09-25-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by cres
head on down to the local bookstore, SEX by Madonna.
Which was pubished in, roughly, the same year that Madonna was last musically relevant.
09-25-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I walk around this world in a constant state of shock at the lack of knowledge or interest about things people display.

I love my wife. She's smart, caring, beautiful, and one of the best people in general I've ever met, yet she cares nothing about these things. Nothing. Not a bit. She doesn't care who's the president, knows nothing about policy or laws, or anything related to government. The only thing she cares about are taxes, the trash being picked up, and getting her car inspected once a year. I do all the finances and investments. She doesn't want to get involved, and she's plainly told me so. In fact, I just emailed her at work and told her one of our investments is up 98% in 3 weeks. Her reply? "great". She simply doesn't care.

This baffles me because I run around butthurt about what the GOP does and how it could affect the country and blah blah blah. Her? She watches dancing with the stars.

I'm still thinking all of this is something of a joke, that people really do not live their entire lives not caring about anything except going to work, coming home and making dinner, then watching The Biggest Loser or Monday night football. I'm constantly proven wrong.
And the funny thing is they are usually much happier then people who are informed.
09-25-2012 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by M2d
yes. I frequent a striped bass board that's very right leaning (gun culture trumps environmental culture, i guess) and made sure that I used the proper title when referring to the previous president. also pointed out the inconsistency a number of times to the lefties on the board, but this phenomenon seems to be much more prevalent now than it was then. sample size, though, since that board is about 90% rightwing.
Haha are you talking about stripersonline? I got banned from there for making standard left-of-center arguments.
09-25-2012 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Yeah I know a lot of people who think politics has no bearing on their daily lives. They are grossly misinformed, and it is very sad. We live in a country where you actually have a say in how you are governed and the majority of Americans choose to abstain from having that say.
Though of course being 'free' should also mean 'free to not give a ****' too, don't you think?
09-25-2012 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
You may have to look at her knees, then.
haha yeah good point
09-25-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Though of course being 'free' should also mean 'free to not give a ****' too, don't you think?
Interesting idea, but I have to disagree. The price of freedom is the electorate informing themselves and participating in the process. We stop doing that, our freedom is little more than a shadow on the wall.
09-25-2012 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Though of course being 'free' should also mean 'free to not give a ****' too, don't you think?
09-25-2012 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by big gilute
id take a peek at those knockers if she were to undress
R U sure?
Here U go

09-25-2012 , 09:33 PM
The ****tyness equilibrium - the point at which just enough people give a **** to stop things from getting worse.
09-25-2012 , 09:39 PM
c'mon, Madonna sucks, always has. Her boobs might be fine but her arms/ hands are freaky as hell.

also, wil, you should watch DWTS with your wife. This all-stars series is pretty awesome with Emmitt Smith, Shawn Johnson, Apollo Ono... I haven't watched a full season before, but I'm gonna this year.
09-25-2012 , 10:15 PM
Yeah, you should let your wife watch all those fit, dreamy men dance around and then when she turns off the tv and looks around and you're the only one left.... score.
09-25-2012 , 10:18 PM
wow nates got it up to 80 percent.
