Originally Posted by grizy
Romney would be better off doubling/tripling down and really push the message he's about helping Americans help themselves while Obama is about giving out government handouts.
It's a long shot... but we're out of time.
The amazing thing is all he has to do is sit down and say "Look, here's what I meant to say... obviously all of those 47% are not freeloaders who see themselves as victims, nor do I think they're all going to vote for Obama. What I did was make an easy, lazy, off-the-cuff mis-characterization, and I regret that. But my over-arching point is still valid - democrats are expanding programs like food stamps, and relaxing wellfare-to-work requirements in a cynical attempt to create a dependent class that will continue to vote democrat far into the future. [Etc. ...]"
But of course for that he would need to be more human than cyborg.