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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

09-18-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Benholio
Anyway, it isn't relevant at all to the point that categorizing these people as freeloaders who 'see themselves and victims' and 'refuse to take personal responsibility for their lives' is hilarious.
Not categorizing retirees as freeloaders. Those who determined the monthly retirement payments must have been poor math students.
09-18-2012 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by jokerthief
You know I live in WI and I haven't seen a single Romney yard sign. I've been looking for them too. There are Republican yard signs in people's yards but none of them have a Romney sign. Obama has a fair amount.
Now that you mention it- I haven't seen one that I can recall either (but that's not really shocking in Seattle and in the parts of Seattle in which I tend to be).
09-18-2012 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Benholio
faddle 3 minutes ago

The trolls are in total panic mode. Now, even with the pollsters joing the press and media to prop up their loser, they know that - in the end - the truth will out, people will be liberated by the truth, and their gansta' politicans will be sent packing. I love it!
amazing stuff
09-18-2012 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
This is shockingly great stuff. Nails it.
Agree. (Referring to this, originally posted by FlyWf )
09-18-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
amazing stuff
Damn press, media, pollsters, and voters all in the bag for Obama.
09-18-2012 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by JackOfSpeed
What are you referring to, specifically? This?

I don't really agree with his sentiment, but I don't think it qualifies as a gaffe. (If that's what you meant). Seems to fit in his larger worldview on foreign affairs (i.e. minimizing American interventionism/presence overseas).

Please link me to what you're referring to, if it's something else.
Yeah, GJ not knowing what an Embassy does and why it is good to have them in foreign countries is a huge foreign policy gaffe and would have left him stabbed repeatedly in the stomach bleeding out in an ally, metaphorically speaking, if anyone cared what he said enough to have a follow up question.
09-18-2012 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I'm not sure how anyone could think that Mitt isn't a douche.
Just wanted to quote the bestest Ikes post EVAR
09-18-2012 , 02:08 AM
if romney were ahead he would be backing him.
09-18-2012 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
A cheese eater is someone who hasn't earned government benefits that they consume. Veterans benefits aren't cheese nor is SS if you have paid proper FICA taxes.

I hope that clears up the confusion
Great. So from now on you'll say 31% instead of 47% that don't pay taxes, right? Because those 16% on SS don't count.
09-18-2012 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
I think there's a bit of overreaction going on to him making some talking points tailored to his audience at the time.

Anyways, some interesting perspective/strategy is in here that is worthy of discussion. Namely:

This is very interesting and without debating the truthiness of anything regarding the claims, it is a really candid and fascinating look at the art of running a campaign.

1. The realization (that I suspect is true) that the true undecides he needs to win almost all voted for Obama in 08.

2. The kinds of general talking points that get a favorable reaction.

3. The kinds of things he *can't* say because it is indirectly attacking those who voted for Obama the first time, or will be perceived as being unfair by some who feel somewhat vested due to their vote in 08.

4. The thought process surrounding the realization of who he has to cater to and the tightrope that he needs to walk when courting them.

They know that the core republican stuff can't and won't work. They realize the need to be more centrist and moderate - they are just really bad at faking it.
Part of the problem with the Romney campaign is the actually thought that people and independents were "in love with" with Obama but not his policies so all they had to do was have the voters "break up" with him. So they ran an Obama sucks campaign while being completely vague on policy themselves. It came back to bite them when even their own party complained there was no substance.
09-18-2012 , 02:44 AM
I'll add on a theological note that Bishops in the Mormon church which Romney was one have a primary duty to the poor under their care. They are in charge of the funds to help the destitute and needy and the church places a big emphasis that bishops "take care of their flock" so to speak. Doesn't mention anywhere about treating them like losers and parasites.
09-18-2012 , 02:53 AM
Also this

I ve told reporters [looking for "the dirt" on Romney] they were barking up the wrong tree. Mitt is a loyal husband, and he is conscientious. But he is incredibly entitled and feels like his story is the most important. If you were ever at a ward party and sat down with your plate of food and found yourself at a table with Mitt and five other men, you would just expect that you wouldnt be in the conversation. No one was particularly unkind, but there was an in-group made of up those who were in the circle of male leaders many Harvard Business School types and their wives. I was spouseless, and I didn't live in Belmont, but Watertown, which is economically less privileged. I tried and always came to church, but it was often awkward. [Referring to interviews she gave about Romney's abortion stance during his Senate run,] it was not that I had specific horrible stories to tell, it was that I felt people should know that he was not a caring man, particularly when it came to women. He once said to me, "Judy, I don't know why you keep coming to church. You are not my kind of Mormon. "
09-18-2012 , 03:19 AM
This election has been better than any reality tv, I've eaten a ridiculous amount of popcorn.

LolRmoney-his performance is reminding me somewhat of that south park episode where Obama and McCain are out to steal diamonds so McCain throws the election, although this time Romney is playing his part too well.
09-18-2012 , 03:23 AM
More footage dropping in a couple of hours.

That stuff was kind of floating around for a couple of months. I posted the Chinese factory part here a couple of days ago after seeing it on my Twitter feed. So, not that it matters much, but I think whoever took the footage managed to get a buyer, MoJo & NBC together maybe, after fishing it around for a while in different crappier forms and snippets.
09-18-2012 , 04:10 AM
The part that bothered me about the Romney statement was not the implication that he was unsympathetic to the less fortunate. It was the ridiculous assertion that he can't get the vote of the 47% who pay no income tax. At least a quarter of those people were planning to votefor him. Forgiveme if this has been brought up already
09-18-2012 , 04:16 AM
I don't think it's as much that RMoney couldn't get their votes as much as that he wanted the donors to understand he had no intention of representing those people, that they didn't count because they don't have money.

It's also, of course, the notion that "anyone who's not a ****ing leech would clearly support me, so my opponents supporters must all be ****ing leeches".

Last edited by BigPoppa; 09-18-2012 at 04:42 AM.
09-18-2012 , 04:26 AM
Romney can actually be pretty funny...

Last edited by Ce1ska; 09-18-2012 at 04:33 AM. Reason: @ roast'ish type of event
09-18-2012 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Yeah, GJ not knowing what an Embassy does and why it is good to have them in foreign countries is a huge foreign policy gaffe ...
Respectfully...what part of the linked commentary suggests that GJ doesn't know what an Embassy does? Or that he doesn't recognize that there are any benefits of having an embassy (seems he believes that the practical downside and the $ cost of having an American presence in certain countries outweighs those benefits)?

Just because you or I strongly disagree with an opinion does not make it a gaffe. Just because an idea is well outside of the political mainstream does not make it a gaffe.

...and would have left him stabbed repeatedly in the stomach bleeding out in an ally, metaphorically speaking, if anyone cared what he said enough to have a follow up question.
I'm pretty new to the Politics forum, so maybe this stuff is par for the course. But this seems like a rather childish way of dealing with an opinion you don't like (calling it a "gaffe;" marginalizing the messenger; etc). Let me post what GJ said last week in its entirety:

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can’t afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm’s way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don’t want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders’ most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.
(Source: )

What part of this is a "gaffe" that "would have left him stabbed repeatedly in the stomach bleeding out in an ally, metaphorically speaking, if anyone cared what he said enough to have a follow up question?" Maybe I'm missing something here. Just seems like he was stating his foreign policy beliefs, ones which are pretty well in-step with Libertarian Party principles -- nothing too earth-shattering.
09-18-2012 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
To paraphrase Obama, everybody should have some skin in the game....
You know a huge percentage of the 47% not paying federal income taxes are living off their social security, right?

Should they have skin in the game again?

Or would that be taxing them twice?

Feel free to not answer this.
09-18-2012 , 07:01 AM
New video from the same fundraiser is out. It's Israel/Iran/foreign policy...
09-18-2012 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Effen
You know a huge percentage of the 47% not paying federal income taxes are living off their social security, right?

Should they have skin in the game again?

Or would that be taxing them twice?

Feel free to not answer this.
You do realize not everyone collecting SS paid into it don't you?

Last edited by raradevils; 09-18-2012 at 07:12 AM. Reason: inserted link....
09-18-2012 , 07:25 AM
You know, this kind of **** is embarrassing to watch in a way. And I'm not talking about the content of anything Rmoney says.

Mitt is up there yammering away in the new videos and these fatcats are barely listening to him, too busy shoveling their dinners into their maws. It doesn't look to me like anyone gives a ****. It's just Mitt's obligation to be there and put on this degrading act then collect the cheques.

And basically all of them have to do it. There's a billion different dinners and **** where an author or speaker is there doing the same damn thing every day trying to sell something or another but when it's someone running for council, Senate, or POTUS, it seems a bit ****ing demeaning.

I've been to a couple of these types of fundraising functions, lower level, but still. There's no real content or discussion at these things, it's just the flip-side of the mass rallies, shouting slogans, in 10,000 person arenas.

Decent townhall meetings, local constituency meetups, club & university events, (and even some internet forums, dare I say) are all about 100 times better for any real substantive discussions on the issues.

I'm guess I'm not exactly sorry for those who choose to put on that type of dog and pony show, they know what they're getting into.

I suppose that's all pretty obvious though.

lol politics, what a joke.

Last edited by Hamish McBagpipe; 09-18-2012 at 07:30 AM.
09-18-2012 , 07:36 AM
My favorite #RomneyEncore tweets so far

Hey Mitt, that big lead that Obama has now? You Built That!
Romney just strapped 47% of Americans to the roof of his car.
Romney's campaign is so dead that the Mormons are looking to baptize it.
But there are literally dozens of good ones out there atm.
09-18-2012 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
New video from the same fundraiser is out. It's Israel/Iran/foreign policy...

"[S]o what you do is, you say, you move things along the best way you can. You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem…and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it."
That's some steely resolve and foreign policy leadership right there.
09-18-2012 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
Decent townhall meetings, local constituency meetups, club & university events, (and even some internet forums, dare I say) are all about 100 times better for any real substantive discussions on the issues.

I'm guess I'm not exactly sorry for those who choose to put on that type of dog and pony show, they know what they're getting into.

I suppose that's all pretty obvious though.

lol politics, what a joke.
The forum dictates everything. Even the presidential debates are awful because they can simply run over and not answer questions. In an event like a fundraiser, there isn't any real substance, it's not like Romney or Obama is going to go back and forth with someone like they do on, say, this forum.

I've learned much more in this forum than I have anywhere else when it comes to politics. Arguing your points makes you better understand both sides - and to be able to defend them. No matter what side you take you're going to be called on it.

Some (Ike), more than others.
