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Have you voted? Have you voted?

11-06-2018 , 11:40 AM
Got there as polls opened this morning in Trey Gowdys district. Not a lot of early voting options in SOuth Carolina. Was 69/70 in line. Probably 100 in line as I left. If I had to guess based on demographics it was 70/30 Republican (About what I saw in 16). Took about 30 minutes. My friend wanted to miss the AM rush and went at 10:30–said it took him ten minutes just to find parking. Cautiously optimistic (though not about my district)
11-06-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
There was a small line and I didn’t want to tie up anyone’s time with a dispute over nothing. I also don’t think it’s wholly unreasonable to expect a voter to know the address on his ID.

The sample ballot people out front irritated me rather more.

I don’t knock sample ballot lady anymore because of the metric ****ton of Amendments on the ballot this year. It goes a long way toward helping speed the low info voter along. Someone who offers you one after just seeing you decline another one is obviously ripe for ridicule, though they’re probably just excited
11-06-2018 , 11:45 AM
Voted this morning, Bloomington, IN. Literally 0 wait @ 9am.
11-06-2018 , 11:58 AM
Wife and I voted, no wait at all but that’s pretty normal.
11-06-2018 , 12:42 PM
Just voted. About a half-hour wait. But I would have camped out if I had to.
11-06-2018 , 01:08 PM
This far and away the longest line I've ever seen at this polling place. I'm normally in and out. It's my synagogue and I've barely ever seen this many cars here. Been in line 17 minutes and I'm not even close. I've heard it's about an hour wait from where I am now.

Oh this is the GA-06 district (McBath).
11-06-2018 , 01:12 PM
Voted - pretty much blue with one exception (Hi BAIDS!) on the more significant offices and I voted for the GOP for local treasurer because I know the guy, he's the incumbent and there's been no drama during his past term. Competence should be rewarded IMHO.

Lines were LONG - 20 minutes to get to a booth when generally it's a walk in/walk out place - lots of olds (like me) and REALLY olds - one poor lady was completely thrown by the touch screen - but many more 20-40 y/o than I usually see voting. I'd guess that bodes poorly for the GOP - although this year you can vote anywhere in the state. Had to show my drivers license - apparently your mailed sample ballot was enough to get your ticket, but I didn't have mine with me -not a whole lot of offices on the ballot, and we only had 7 ballot measures to deal with, so I didn't need it.

11-06-2018 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
I'm from the east coast so I could easily be wrong, but I thought CA mail-ins had to be post-marked by today and arrive within 3 days of today.
Yes, I meant the 6th. I got approximately 15 gajillion texts from Gavin Newsome supporters, and a visit and 16 gajillion texts from a Christy Smith supporter (D assemblyperson). Smith's people called yesterday and told me the address of my polling place to drop off my mail-in ballot.
11-06-2018 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
doesnt matter if its unreasonable or not. it matters if its legal. but you already knew why they were doing it.

I have just the opposite take. I’m more or less indifferent to whether it’s legal or not, just because if it’s not, it’s malum prohibitum rather than malum in se — and I have a healthy disregard for most malum prohibitum rules. And my decisions will never in a million years be influenced by cheap party-line salesmanship from either side of the aisle. But if I personally find it unreasonable, I’m much more likely to pop off.

And yes, I know why they were doing it.
11-06-2018 , 01:57 PM
Just got back from voting today in PA. Voted D in all races except one state house race where the Republican was unopposed. I did a write in for Mickey Mouse.

Did not have to wait and was not even asked for my photo ID which was odd.
11-06-2018 , 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
I am also popping my mid-term cherry tomorrow (popped my voting cherry in '16).

Voted De Leon over Feinstein and looked up all the down-ballot people to check for deplorableness.
Speaking of which, researching CA candidates last night, seems like most papers endorsed Steve Poizner for insurance commissioner. I went to read one of these endorsements to see what he's about, and:

Any assessment of Poizner’s public life cannot ignore his ugly immigrant-bashing in his 2010 campaign for governor, when he tried to run to the right of Meg Whitman in a Republican primary. He opposed sanctuary cities, called for a cutoff of public assistance to “illegal aliens” and supported Arizona’s controversial “show me your papers” law.
NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. Do not pass go, get the **** out, **** you, you are disqualified from serving statewide in California.

Dude's probably gonna win, ugh, at least it's for a dumb office
11-06-2018 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Just infuriating to hear how long it takes people in urban areas.
Well, usually urban areas in GOP-run states (Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, etc), right? Don't think it's a coincidence.

Longest line I've ever had in San Francisco was 10-15 minutes in 2016. Today was in and out like usual.
11-06-2018 , 02:35 PM
Voted around 10:00 AM. Two people in front of me, easy in, easy out. No ID's, no problems, no muss, no fuss. lol @ all the lame states the rest of you live in.
11-06-2018 , 02:39 PM
I was out to lunch yesterday with a Trump voter, who's brother is a full-blown deplorable. Apparently the brother is being paid $20/hour to 'monitor election integrity.' I asked what it meant, and apparently he's there to make sure no one is voting illegally, etc, but he's being paid by some GOP group. Is this normal? How would he even know if someone is voting illegally, etc?
11-06-2018 , 02:40 PM
The monitors aren't there to ensure integrity. They are there to harass and intimidate people.
11-06-2018 , 02:48 PM
Just voted in NJ. In and out in 1 minute. Mostly olds coming in right now but that's hopefully just due to it being the middle of the day. Straight Dem of course. Nobody harassing people outside. I was expecting a line for the first time ever so I brought every blue umbrella I could find in my house in case there were people in line without one. Didnt need to employ my subliminal messaging tactics though.
11-06-2018 , 02:49 PM
Took me an hour today, which is about 58 minutes longer than normal, but not bad considering what I've been hearing.
11-06-2018 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by flytrap
I was out to lunch yesterday with a Trump voter, who's brother is a full-blown deplorable. Apparently the brother is being paid $20/hour to 'monitor election integrity.' I asked what it meant, and apparently he's there to make sure no one is voting illegally, etc, but he's being paid by some GOP group. Is this normal? How would he even know if someone is voting illegally, etc?
11-06-2018 , 03:32 PM
Loving all the reports in this thread. Thank you all!!! If you've voted, can you please text everyone you know to ask if they voted / remind them to vote???

Originally Posted by cuserounder
Walked 7 miles in the rain today to canvass in NY-19. Spent 5+ hours, knocked on 40 doors, talked to five people - four D confirmed voters and they confirmed three additional family members voting/voted D. One additional person was a construction worker remodeling a house who told me the person I was canvassing for had passed (he was 93, so I was actually mentally prepared to encounter a family member and apologize and then somehow transition to asking them if they'd be voting). One of the confirmed voters, her and her husband have two houses - one in NYC and one in NY-19, and they changed their primary residence to NY-19 to vote in this race. So that was pretty cool, although I was kind of glad I'm not a lawyer so I don't know whether that's questionable or not... Of course, for all I know, they actually spent 183 days there in the last year.

My feet were soaked, it was cold, but other than that it was a good experience - most doors I hit, I was the third or fourth person this week to knock... The amount of volunteer power they have had there seemed really impressive. It was also really cool talking to some of the other people in the campaign office about politics in general. It's rare to get to have those in depth conversations in real life!
Wow, that's so awesome. THanks for sharing!

Originally Posted by dlk9s
I'm really surprised I never had a single canvasser come to my house in the GA-6 district. I've gotten a lot of mailers and have had a bunch of robocalls in the last few days, but nobody knocked on my door. Got three, I think, in the Ossoff election.

My prediction for my district: all Dems lose. Abrams goes to a runoff and loses. I hope I'm wrong. I'll place my votes tomorrow.
Did you vote yet??

Originally Posted by jmakin
I took some suggestions from people here and am canvassing all day tomorrow, signed up for 8 hours in newport beach. Ca 48. I think this race is a hopeless cause but I won't be able to look at myself in the future if I didn't do everything I could this race.

I am doubtful of the effectiveness of canvassing and I am kind of a confrontational person but I'm gonna do my best tomorrow and hope for the best as well. Will post TR if anyone cares.
Amazing, thanks for doing this

Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
I am also popping my mid-term cherry tomorrow (popped my voting cherry in '16).

Voted De Leon over Feinstein and looked up all the down-ballot people to check for deplorableness. Also looked up all the yes/no judgeships. Didn't know anything about them, so if you were appointed by Schwarzenegger you got the heave-ho from me.

I'm vote by mail, but not dropping it off until tomorrow. In CA, which apparently means my vote is guaranteed to be counted sometime before Trump's third term.
Thanks for being a voter and jumping into the midterms! Remember this feeling of urgency, we need to show all these *******s the door.

Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Got to my polling location to poll watch. I’m at a sleepy little church in a very white relatively wealthy area of south FL. Doesn’t seem like the type of place where there will be many issues, anyway, I’m ready for Florida to turn blue. let’s gogogogo!!!!

Originally Posted by Victor
Just voted. Split ie purple suburb. Quite a few ppl but there's like 20 booths so short wait.

Don't think issue 1 in Ohio which drastically reduced penalties for drugs and even existing incarcerstions will pass. While its polling well, the wording on the ballot is quite infuriating.

Really hope cordray and Sherrod win. Cordray is 5050 for gov. Not sure about Sherrod but he's about the most liberal senator and is the incumbent. His opponent renaci has been around and is a house seat.
Thanks for voting! Ohio has so much at stake this cycle.

Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Just voted here in Virginia.

I don’t like being accosted by morons as I walk up to the polling place. This morning’s conversation:

Moron 1: Sir, do you need a republican sample ballot?

Me: Nope. I’m pretty sure I can figure out who I’m voting for without any help.

Moron 2, within earshot: sir, do you need a Democrat sample ballot?

Me: Is there something seriously wrong with you?

Here in Virginia, you’re required to show a driver’s license, which I did. I was then asked to verify my full address while not looking at my license. I was tempted to tell the person asking me that question to **** off, but decided to squelch my antiauthoritarian instincts.
LOL. I would have asked if that were required. Way too many hall monitors turned voting inspectors in states with strict ID requirements, getting their rocks off busting balls.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Longer line than 2016 for me in a very liberal Atlanta precinct. This is despite it raining. Good sign overall but hope the rain doesn’t suppress turnout.
Thanks for waiting in line. It's a ****ing travesty that it takes anyone hours to vote.

Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Polls open at 6:00. I arrive at 6:05. I put in my ballot at 6:50 and I was the 24th person to vote. Chicago elections, not the most well run operation.
Wow. Thanks for voting and going so early . I was snoring at 6 and 605 and 650.

Originally Posted by econophile
No early voting in NY so I voted today. When I got there, line was significantly shorter than 2016, but by the time I left line was approaching 2016 levels. Probably a good signal for blue enthusiasm since none of the NYC races are competitive.
Awesome. There are some competitive house races in NY state I think, but not NYC.

Originally Posted by jman220
I just voted. I was the 99th person to vote at 8:30 AM. That is on par with where we were in my precinct in 2016 when I also voted around 8:30 AM. I live in a middle to upper middle class suburban heavily democratic precinct in a swing republican congressional district that is currently occupied by a republican. Here’s hoping.
wow. Hope you guys can vote that republican out. Thanks for voting

Originally Posted by biggerboat
Very crowded at the neighborhood voting place this morning.
Yay! thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
There are easily 300 people in line just at my polling place despite needing to wait outside in the rain. I’m probably almost halfway through the line and have waited about half an hour
holy. ****. How's the energy in the crowd?

Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
Just went by my voting place, hour wait easy.

Will return at 1 pmish and hope **** has calmed down lol
Good luck, let us know what it's like at 1!

Originally Posted by forum ferret
Yes! Just got back.

There was a very large line and about a twenty minute wait, mere minutes after the polls had opened. I usually vote first thing in the morning right when polling places open and have never had to wait through a line like this so early in the morning. Other people were remarking about how they expected a very large turnout.
All these signs of crowds are so heartwarming. Thank you for voting.

Originally Posted by JonnyA
Just voted in North Virginia. Two years ago for presidential there was no line, in and out in 5 minutes. This time, there were about 50 people waiting in the rain (took 20 minutes so not so bad). Hopefully this is a good sign that turn-out in D heavy areas will be much higher than 2016.
Wow. Commenting on all the lines, it's a great sign for enthusiasm, and a really bad sign for how hard it is for some people to vote. If your state is D they need to pass voting rights!

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don’t think I’ve ever waited more than 15 min to vote in my life. Just infuriating to hear how long it takes people in urban areas.
Yes. This.

Originally Posted by Nonfiction
voted in Philadelphia, Wolf and Casey seem like locks and I'm in a 100% dem district so kind of pointless, but feelsgoodman
Not pointless . Gotta play all 48 minutes.

Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
Voted this morning in Baltimore. Got there about 30 minutes after polls opened. Probably 40 people in line, about a 30 minute process all told. In 2016 I had probably 10 people in line at the same time in the morning, although I lived in a different precinct at that time. Our governor's race unfortunately seems out of reach, but I'm hoping Jealous can at least close the gap and make it respectable.
Yeah every vote counts, for enthusiasm, for future fundraising, for all of it.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Took about 1.5 hours from the time I parked but I voted. They said they had over 800 votes in the first 2 hours which was “several hundred” more than 2016
Bananas. Thank you for voting!

Originally Posted by phillydilly
voted in michigan this morning 7am right when my polls opened. took me about 1/2 hour total. I'd say volume was about 75% of 2016, although that is an incredibly rough estimate.
Cool, thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by alazo1985
Got there as polls opened this morning in Trey Gowdys district. Not a lot of early voting options in SOuth Carolina. Was 69/70 in line. Probably 100 in line as I left. If I had to guess based on demographics it was 70/30 Republican (About what I saw in 16). Took about 30 minutes. My friend wanted to miss the AM rush and went at 10:30–said it took him ten minutes just to find parking. Cautiously optimistic (though not about my district)
God Trey Gowdy is such a clown. Fingers crossed

Originally Posted by D104
Voted this morning, Bloomington, IN. Literally 0 wait @ 9am.
Cool, thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by markbris1
Wife and I voted, no wait at all but that’s pretty normal.
Thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by Stinky Stu
Just voted. About a half-hour wait. But I would have camped out if I had to.
holla. THank you for voting and for being willing to risk life limb and testicle.

Originally Posted by dlk9s
This far and away the longest line I've ever seen at this polling place. I'm normally in and out. It's my synagogue and I've barely ever seen this many cars here. Been in line 17 minutes and I'm not even close. I've heard it's about an hour wait from where I am now.

Oh this is the GA-06 district (McBath).
Stacey Abrams one time!~!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!! Thanks for your patience. How's the crowd? Energetic?

Originally Posted by hobbes9324
Voted - pretty much blue with one exception (Hi BAIDS!) on the more significant offices and I voted for the GOP for local treasurer because I know the guy, he's the incumbent and there's been no drama during his past term. Competence should be rewarded IMHO.

Lines were LONG - 20 minutes to get to a booth when generally it's a walk in/walk out place - lots of olds (like me) and REALLY olds - one poor lady was completely thrown by the touch screen - but many more 20-40 y/o than I usually see voting. I'd guess that bodes poorly for the GOP - although this year you can vote anywhere in the state. Had to show my drivers license - apparently your mailed sample ballot was enough to get your ticket, but I didn't have mine with me -not a whole lot of offices on the ballot, and we only had 7 ballot measures to deal with, so I didn't need it.

Cool, thanks fro voting! Especially for Rosen!

Originally Posted by stinkubus
Just got back from voting today in PA. Voted D in all races except one state house race where the Republican was unopposed. I did a write in for Mickey Mouse.

Did not have to wait and was not even asked for my photo ID which was odd.
LOL. My buddy wrote in my name on some nothing office as a troll for my pestering him to vote. Thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by goofyballer

Speaking of which, researching CA candidates last night, seems like most papers endorsed Steve Poizner for insurance commissioner. I went to read one of these endorsements to see what he's about, and:

NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. Do not pass go, get the **** out, **** you, you are disqualified from serving statewide in California.

Dude's probably gonna win, ugh, at least it's for a dumb office
Thanks for voting

Originally Posted by zikzak
Voted around 10:00 AM. Two people in front of me, easy in, easy out. No ID's, no problems, no muss, no fuss. lol @ all the lame states the rest of you live in.
Yeah, lines for voting are so bad. Makes me so grateful I have it easy. Thanks for voting!

Originally Posted by Coasterbrad
Just voted in NJ. In and out in 1 minute. Mostly olds coming in right now but that's hopefully just due to it being the middle of the day. Straight Dem of course. Nobody harassing people outside. I was expecting a line for the first time ever so I brought every blue umbrella I could find in my house in case there were people in line without one. Didnt need to employ my subliminal messaging tactics though.
Easy peasy. I really hope Menendez holds on, schmuck that he is. Thanks fro voting!

Originally Posted by dlk9s
Took me an hour today, which is about 58 minutes longer than normal, but not bad considering what I've been hearing.
Awesome. Thanks for voting!
11-06-2018 , 03:32 PM
Noticed voting in tennessee today on the list where you sign next to your name they had voters flagged as "inactive." I knew the state could purge you from the roll if you fail to vote for 2 general elections and dont answer them when they mail you, not sure what it means if they keep the name on the roll but flag it as "inactive"? Probably still keep you from voting somehow
11-06-2018 , 03:40 PM
Pretty much. I know three people who are election monitors. All three are deplorable, racist, republicans.
11-06-2018 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Don’t think I’ve ever waited more than 15 min to vote in my life. Just infuriating to hear how long it takes people in urban areas.
I live in NYC and it never takes me more than a few minutes. But I tend to go vote at 6-6:30 am, which may be the explanation.
11-06-2018 , 03:44 PM
Just voted, **** the fascists
11-06-2018 , 03:44 PM
Cast a largely ceremonial vote in SC
11-06-2018 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by vaya
Cast a largely ceremonial vote in SC
Not in Sanford's district? iirc there's an outside chance his Trumpkin primary winner loses
