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Ground War in Gaza? Ground War in Gaza?

11-22-2012 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
I disagree. The wider aim is to stop the colonisation of the West Bank and to get a Palestinian state. They have failed to shift Israeli policy on that and nor have the international community put more pressure on Israel to stop doing this.
Hamas is now the voice of the Palestinian people. They are the resistance. They are the ones getting props. The clowns running the West Bank should try to smuggle themselves and their money out of there while they still can.
11-22-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
And by the way, Happy Native American Nakba Day, Imperialists!
At least the US is a functioning democracy for all.

"Any conversation about the region is now dominated by a string of propaganda myths, he [Gideon Levy] says, and perhaps the most basic is the belief that Israel is a democracy. “Today we have three kinds of people living under Israeli rule,” he explains. “We have Jewish Israelis, who have full democracy and have full civil rights. We have the Israeli Arabs, who have Israeli citizenship but are severely discriminated against. And we have the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, who live without any civil rights, and without any human rights. Is that a democracy?”"

link upthread by Bill Haywood.
11-22-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
At least the US is a functioning democracy for all.

"Any conversation about the region is now dominated by a string of propaganda myths, he [Gideon Levy] says, and perhaps the most basic is the belief that Israel is a democracy. “Today we have three kinds of people living under Israeli rule,” he explains. “We have Jewish Israelis, who have full democracy and have full civil rights. We have the Israeli Arabs, who have Israeli citizenship but are severely discriminated against. And we have the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, who live without any civil rights, and without any human rights. Is that a democracy?”"

link upthread by Bill Haywood.
the whole thing is an opinion (and tragically wrong, since Israel hasn't annexed the entire West Bank, making the democratic issue irrelevant until a peace agreement is signed. the only reason they are at all under israeli control is because there is no peace agreement).

But, of thousands of journalists in Israel who all say otherwise, why did you pick him as the only one who is telling you the truth? Confirmation bias much?

I sometimes wonder if there's a "journalist" like Gidon Levy in the Palestinian territories, and where he's buried.
11-22-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Yeah I'm trying to. Still not sure what the big deal is with having Jews live in your neighborhood when you seemingly have no problem with Christians.
They had no problem with Jews the region had been a haven for Jews fleeing from European persecution for hundreds of years. They had a problem with a group of people whose aim was to take their country from them (the Zionists). I'm not sure why you don't understand this.

Originally Posted by dinopoker
I'm also a little unclear why in your opinion they rejected the original 1948 deal that would have given them basically everything they're asking for now. To me it looks like they didn't want a peaceful deal then because they felt they could get the whole thing by force
There was no deal in practice. No-one was prepared to enforce it and the Jewish side had already attacked and occupied areas marked out as Arab in the plan. If there had have been law and order and some enforcement then both sides would have negotiated something with the UN.
11-22-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
the whole thing is an opinion (and tragically wrong, since Israel hasn't annexed the entire West Bank.

No they seem to using the South African "bantustan" model as they appear to want the land but not the people and they do not want to kill all the unwanted people.
11-22-2012 , 05:52 PM
By making Egypt run by an independent (ie not American puppet) a relevant player on the world stage and a key part of the mechanism when it comes to the eventual Palestinian state they clearly won. Its not even close.

They didnt lose anything of value, people dont think worse of them, they lost some lives but lives are cheap under Israeli occupation and resisting asymmetrically means you will lose more people than the other side.
11-22-2012 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
As a Brit I object to this. When did we treat the Jews "like cattle" ? If anything afaics they were treated better than the local Palestinians.
Yeah, the UK is very progressive. They actually allowed Jews to become citizens as early as the 1850s, even though they'd only been living there about 600 years. That was well before (well by ~10 years anyways) the US allowed blacks the same rights, too!

Yay England!
11-22-2012 , 05:57 PM
Another dagger in the idea that Israel started this "escalation", as well as exposing hypocrisy and partisanship of the UN and its councils.

On at least 20 separate occasions this year, the Israeli government appealed to the UN to take action against Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, in letters sent to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the President of the Security Council.

In the letters, Israel informed the United Nations about repeated instances of rockets fired from Gaza against Israeli civilians, and urged the U.N., at a minimum, to speak out and condemn the attacks.

Not a single response from the UN, cited here and by Israel-haters everywhere - and by political science professors (on 2p2) as well - as impartial arbiters of morality and reason.

Not a single ****ing word.

January 6, 2012
The situation in Gaza must be addressed with the utmost seriousness. Day after day, international law is flagrantly violated by the terrorists that operate with impunity in Gaza. In letter after letter, Israel has warned the international community about the dangerous potential for escalation. Yet, we still hear no words of condemnation from the Security Council. There has been no concerted effort in the international community to halt the fire of rockets into Israeli cities.
January 31, 2012
I write yet again to express Israel’s serious concern about the rockets flying out of the Gaza Strip day after day into our homes, cities and communities. It is clear that these acts of terrorism could ignite an escalation of conflict in our already volatile region. Unfortunately, some members of the Security Council continue to turn a blind eye to the serious dangers posed by these attacks
March 8, 2012
Reminder: One million civilians in southern Israel remain under fire.
– In the past seven days, seven rockets have exploded in Israeli communities.
Not one word of condemnation has been issued by the Security Council, to date.
– No responsible Government can tolerate the unabated targeting of its citizens.
June 25, 2012
Since my last letter four days ago (S/2012/472 of 21 June 2012) 87 more rockets were fired into Israeli communities.
• We see the same reality, month after month: as aid flows into Gaza, rockets fly out.
The Security Council has not uttered a single syllable about this appalling terrorism.

Caution: The Security Council’s decision to stay mute could have grave consequences.
Inaction today could help ignite an escalation of conflict tomorrow.
October 12, 2012
Last week, the Security Council showcased unprecedented efficiency when rockets were fired in the direction of another country in the Middle East — and rightly so. This is the Council’s responsibility.

Meanwhile the Security Council has slept through more then 12,000 rocket attacks against Israelis over the past decade. We applaud the Council’s condemnation last week — and expect the Council to act with the same speed and conviction to condemn the rocket fire targeting 1 million Israeli civilians.
November 12, 2012
The serious danger of an even greater escalation hangs over our very volatile region. Many Israeli civilians and soldiers have been injured. Damage to property has been significant. One million people in Southern Israel remain under grave threat. The people of Israel cannot – and will not – tolerate these acts of terrorism. The Israeli government has a right and a duty to protect its citizens.

Israel holds Hamas fully responsible for all acts of terrorism flowing from Gaza. Israel’s leaders have been very clear: we are prepared to take all necessary measures to protect our citizens from Hamas terror. Those who target Israelis with terrorism today will pay a very heavy price tomorrow. Israel has exercised – and will continue to exercise – our right to self-defense.
11-22-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
They didnt lose anything of value, people dont think worse of them, they lost some lives but lives are cheap under Israeli occupation and resisting asymmetrically means you will lose more people than the other side.
Funny, about half the number of Palestinians have died in 45 years of "occupation" than the last 18 months in Syria. About half as many has have died in 45 years than in 10 years in Afghanistan, and about 1/10th the number in Iraq since 2003.

So: Syria is under Israeli occupation? Afghanistan? Iraq? Or the teenagers executed in Iran today, were they also under Israeli occupation? Meanwhile, Israel has executed one person in 67 years.

In the arab world, lives are cheap. In Israel, they are valued - whether Jewish, Arab, or otherwise.

Israel derangement syndrome at its finest.

Last edited by Gamblor; 11-22-2012 at 06:12 PM.
11-22-2012 , 06:08 PM
WTF are you talking about? Those people have nothing to do with Palestine and its occupation and domination by Israel.
11-22-2012 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
If the British had been fair to the locals they would not have let in a lot of immigrants from abroad whose stated aim was to take the country. That's a recipe for civil war if you let enough of them in. The White Paper was an attempt to be fairer to the majority population but is was belated.
Their position is that they weren't immigrants, but that they were returning to their actual ancestral home stolen from them back in whatever, 122 AD or something. You keep skipping over that part, but it's fairly important.
11-22-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Their position is that they weren't immigrants, but that they were returning to their actual ancestral home stolen from them back in whatever, 122 AD or something. You keep skipping over that part, but it's fairly important.

edit maybe not. i cant be bothered to figure out exactly.

Last edited by Gamblor; 11-22-2012 at 06:34 PM.
11-22-2012 , 06:28 PM
What would Xenu do?
11-22-2012 , 06:38 PM
I must say as a general principle it's hard not to call the racial motivations into question of anyone who uses the word "Zionist" routinely.
11-22-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Their position is that they weren't immigrants, but that they were returning to their actual ancestral home stolen from them back in whatever, 122 AD or something. You keep skipping over that part, but it's fairly important.

Is it ? I don't give a monkeys about the country my ancestors from two hundred years ago came from let alone two thousand years. I have no rights there. It belongs to the people who have been there since then.
11-22-2012 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Their position is that they weren't immigrants, but that they were returning to their actual ancestral home stolen from them back in whatever, 122 AD or something. You keep skipping over that part, but it's fairly important.
Seems a little odd to say Israel has the right to exist because they hold their territory with force, while also saying they have the right to be there because another group used force to expel them 2,000 years ago.
11-22-2012 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Is it ? I don't give a monkeys about the country my ancestors from two hundred years ago came from let alone two thousand years. I have no rights there. It belongs to the people who have been there since then.
okay, adding it to the list of accusations.

israel intentionally murders innocent civilians.
and even if they didn't intentionally murder innocent civilians, they drop bombs indiscriminately on civilians.
and even if they don't drop bombs indiscriminately on civilians, they use white phosphorus bombs to cause extra pain to civilians.
and even if they didn't use white phosphorus bombs to cause extra pain to civilians, they use disproportionate force to reply to attacks.
and even if they didn't use disproportionate force to reply to attacks, they intentionally starve civilians.
and even if they didn't intentionally starve civilians, they force other countries to starve civilians.
and even if they didn't force other countries to starve civilians, they stole other countries' lands.
and even if they didn't steal other countries' lands, they occupy another country.
and even if they don't occupy another country, they steal the land of individual people.
and even if they didn't steal the land of individual people, they torture innocent people.
and even if they didn't torture innocent people, they let "settlers" shoot people.
and even if they didn't let "settlers" shoot people, they run an apartheid state.
and even if they didn't run an apartheid state, they are running a racist state.
and even if they didn't run a racist state, their leaders were racist.
and even if their leaders weren't racist, they colonized others' lands.
and even if they didnt colonize others' lands, they were installed as a proxy for Western powers.
and even if they weren't installed as a proxy for Western powers, they should have stayed where they were in the first place.
and even if they hadn't stayed where they were in the first place, they shouldn't have returned to their historic homeland where their entire history and focus has been for 2000 years.
and even if they had returned to their historic homeland where their entire history and focus has been for 2000 years, they should have not had any rights because they waited too long, so now only arabs have rights.
and even if they didn't wait too long and non-arabs should have rights
, they should have just shut up and got slaughtered without asking for help from anyone else.
11-22-2012 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
I must say as a general principle it's hard not to call the racial motivations into question of anyone who uses the word "Zionist" routinely.
You do realize Jews from Israel call themselves Zionist?
11-22-2012 , 06:54 PM
The European colonisation of Africa could have gone so much...better?... had the Europeans just invoked the "return to homeland" defence.

Also Americans should be really wary of such a doctrine given their own history.
11-22-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
So land ownership is a function of race?
It's about country "ownership". Anyone can buy land in any country eg Israelis could buy some Scottish islands but it would not make them "Israel". They'd still be part of the UK.
11-22-2012 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
Is it ? I don't give a monkeys about the country my ancestors from two hundred years ago came from let alone two thousand years. I have no rights there. It belongs to the people who have been there since then.
But you're not a displaced person. You're a Brit with full citizenship, including a passport and a government that will protect you. The Jews of the 40s had no such luxuries. Most of the world didn't want them and the places that did (sort of) couldn't protect them.
11-22-2012 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
And by the way, Happy Native American Nakba Day, Imperialists!
At least we acknowledge it. You're still doing it.
11-22-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Cwocwoc
It's about country "ownership". Anyone can buy land in any country eg Israelis could buy some Scottish islands but it would not make them "Israel". They'd still be part of the UK.
Was it legal for Jews to buy land in Arab states in the 40s?
11-22-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
You do realize Jews from Israel call themselves Zionist?
Do you believe that applies to the majority of posters ITT using it?

I'm referring to the way it's commonly used outside Israel, as in it's use by White Nationalists, Sovereign Citizens, Muslim extremists etc.

I mean, I get it. Some posters here want the Jews out of the region. They have racial motivations behind it.
11-22-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
But you're not a displaced person. You're a Brit with full citizenship, including a passport and a government that will protect you. The Jews of the 40s had no such luxuries. Most of the world didn't want them and the places that did (sort of) couldn't protect them.
There were many displaced persons after WW2. Most of them were free to go home and most of them (including Jewish displaced persons) did so. Hitler lost the war and most Jews in Europe were no longer in need of special protection. As for my own situation I have lived through times when I couldn't expect much protecton from racists. I am black and the police used to be pretty racist themselves in the old days.
