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The Great Partial Government Shutdown of 2019 The Great Partial Government Shutdown of 2019
View Poll Results: How long will this government shutdown last?
2 weeks
2 1.85%
3 weeks
7 6.48%
4 weeks
22 20.37%
6 weeks
24 22.22%
8 weeks
10 9.26%
10 weeks
7 6.48%
3 months
8 7.41%
6 months
3 2.78%
1 year
1 0.93%
the remainder of trump's term
24 22.22%

01-04-2019 , 01:09 AM

currently shut down for 13 days with no end in sight. how long will this last?

House Democrats vote to reopen government and deny Trump wall money, defying veto threat
“We’re not doing a wall. Does anyone have any doubt that we’re not doing a wall?” Pelosi said Thursday.

Senate will not consider House Democratic bills to end shutdown: Republican McConnell

closest prediction wins 500 quatloos.
01-04-2019 , 01:17 AM
Trump doesn't want to work. Shutting down the government is the way to do it.
01-04-2019 , 01:22 AM
I say Trump caves if there's an arctic outbreak and he wants to go to Florida for 2 weeks. The Dotard stays in DC while the government is shutdown and vacations when it's operating. He's gonna start getting antsy about golf.
01-04-2019 , 01:45 AM
CNBC market analyst Ron Insana appeared earlier this evening on MSNBC. He was asked specifically what the economic impact would be if this shutdown goes on indefinitely? Mr. Insana mentioned an analysis/guesstimate done by the Congressional Budget Office - or maybe it was a Wall Street firm or somebody else - that for each month the shutdown goes on it trims one-tenth-of-one-percent off GDP. If that projection turns out to be true, and the stock market continues falling due to concerns over trade and China, the shutdown will come to a quick halt as the political talk will shift from "Trump's Wall Standoff" to "Trump's Recession."

The 1995 shutdown lasted 21 days. Once the GDP growth rate begins shrinking from whatever it is at present, I have a feeling this shutdown will come to a quick end. This is a pure guess, but I'll go on the record with a prediction that the shutdown will last no longer than 45 days. Enough "vulnerable" Republican senators who are up for re-election in two years will vote with Democrats to end the shutdown - by a veto-proof margin if necessary - rather than go down with the ship known as RMS Trump. (Look for Mitt Romney to help stiffen the spines of some of his wavering GOP senators.)

Not that I'm a swami or clairvoyant, but the chances that this standoff goes 100 days (or longer) are less than 5 percent. (I'm tempted to lower my guesstimate to 30 days, but I'll stick with 45.)
01-04-2019 , 01:47 AM
daily double; two months, and the remainder
01-04-2019 , 02:24 AM
Within 21 after the State of the Union Address. Trump will claim that the Democrats who are opposing 5 billion dollars in border security now voted for 46 billion for border security in 2013. He will go on to blast the democrats claiming that the only reason they are opposing it now is just to prevent him from fulfilling a campaign promise.

He will rile up his base who will be more than willing to live with delayed tax refunds. Everyone else will want the dems to cough up a measly 5 billion so they can get their refunds and move on with their lives.
01-04-2019 , 02:30 AM
Six weeks pushes it past state of union. Stakes will be too rich for his blood at that point. He'll want a "win" before then.
01-04-2019 , 09:48 AM
trump and GOP have no leverage here, simple as that

**** their demands
01-04-2019 , 10:13 AM
Write in: Forever

01-04-2019 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by El Lobo Gordo
Within 21 after the State of the Union Address. Trump will claim that the Democrats who are opposing 5 billion dollars in border security now voted for 46 billion for border security in 2013. He will go on to blast the democrats claiming that the only reason they are opposing it now is just to prevent him from fulfilling a campaign promise.

He will rile up his base who will be more than willing to live with delayed tax refunds. Everyone else will want the dems to cough up a measly 5 billion so they can get their refunds and move on with their lives.
01-04-2019 , 11:13 AM
I saw a headline like this yesterday: "National Parks are Overflowing with Trash Because of the Government Shutdown" and it pissed me off. If any national parks are indeed overflowing with trash, it's because *******s are throwing their trash everywhere. Yes, there are no government employees to clean up after these pigs, but the pigs are the ones to blame.
01-04-2019 , 11:14 AM

muh narrative
01-04-2019 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
trump and GOP have no leverage here, simple as that

**** their demands
Yeah, eventually McConnell is going to cave on this and pass something with a majority big enough to override a veto, even if it just kicks the can for a month or two.
01-04-2019 , 11:54 AM
i mean this **** is so easy, this is why im going ham about this in the other thread
01-04-2019 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
Yeah, eventually McConnell is going to cave on this and pass something with a majority big enough to override a veto, even if it just kicks the can for a month or two.
01-04-2019 , 12:42 PM
01-04-2019 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Six weeks pushes it past state of union. Stakes will be too rich for his blood at that point. He'll want a "win" before then.
Fox News and CNN are both reporting that Schumer is saying Trump told him he was willing to shut down the government for years. This ain't ending before the State of the Union unless the democrats relent.
01-04-2019 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by El Lobo Gordo
Fox News and CNN are both reporting that Schumer is saying Trump told him he was willing to shut down the government for years. This ain't ending before the State of the Union unless the democrats relent.
Yes, Trump is live right now bellowing the same thing. So we're supposed to start believing what he says? Lol at McCarthy in the background when Trump said that-- closed his eyes for like a 5 count.
01-04-2019 , 04:03 PM
these boys are SHOOK and some of you want to give them an out to save face because reasons
01-04-2019 , 04:11 PM
Dems are playing this the right way. Going immediately to the press and telling them what idiotic things Trump is saying behind closed doors. Embarrass the mother****er.
01-04-2019 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Yes, Trump is live right now bellowing the same thing. So we're supposed to start believing what he says?
If your goal is to predict how long the shutdown will last, you should certainly factor it into your calculus.

Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Dems are playing this the right way. Going immediately to the press and telling them what idiotic things Trump is saying behind closed doors. Embarrass the mother****er.
I see it a different way. The Dems are tools of Trump.
01-04-2019 , 06:23 PM
01-04-2019 , 08:36 PM
Three dead in national parks as shutdown wears on
The deaths follow a decision by Trump administration officials to leave the scenic — but sometimes deadly — parks open even as the Interior Department has halted most of its operations. During previous extended shutdowns, the National Park Service barred access to many of its sites across the nation.
01-04-2019 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Three dead in national parks as shutdown wears on
The deaths follow a decision by Trump administration officials to leave the scenic — but sometimes deadly — parks open even as the Interior Department has halted most of its operations. During previous extended shutdowns, the National Park Service barred access to many of its sites across the nation.
The article claims that usually 6 people a week die a week in national parks on average. The shutdown is saving lives!
01-04-2019 , 09:21 PM
6 people a week die when the parks are open and loads of people go there. i can imagine they're getting a lot lower than normal tourist attendance during the shutdown. because the national parks website has a big red banner saying there are no visitor services, and bathrooms and trash will not be maintained. and also that any park could close at any time without giving notice. don't plan your vacation to a national park if you're thinking about it.

but otherwise that was a pretty funny joke about those people that died in areas that were closed during previous shutdowns. and seriously, thanks for contributing i appreciate hearing a conservative viewpoint on current topics because it reminds me that you guys aren't just a caricature and that there are fellow human beings living out in the middle of nowhere who live a different kind of life and just have different sensibilities than me because their brains were scrambled by bumpy tractors or something
