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The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court The Great ObamaCare Debate, Part 237: Back to Court

09-23-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Link? I haven't heard it. Rand Paul appears to be a firm no.

They could make big changes to the bill in order to win his vote, I suppose, but (1) they only have one week, (2) the resulting bill would likely be so draconian as to drive a few others away, especially Murkowski who they 100% need now.
Yeah I already think other senators want nothing to do with this but can’t figure out this rock and hard place they have put themselves in. Paying off rand would likely implode the whole thing.
09-23-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Man fly was like five years ahead on everything wasn't he. Max, you aren't on our team.
It's like they believe all the weird fake narratives about how things work and the current situation as republicans do, but they think that maybe we should be a little nicer to poor people. Their view of the world seems to be stuck in the 70s or early 80s, which makes sense for a ton of boomers because that's when they came of age, but makes no sense whatsoever for gen x or millennials. Like they have no ability to look things up or come to an actual conclusion, they just go off of what some boomer told them, because that's the only way they can make sense of things.
09-23-2017 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Its my team. And yes, we consider you embarrassing allies at best.
Every single Senate Dem with the faintest hint of 2020 aspirations signed on to Bernie's single payer bill and you're still running your ****ing mouth about how it's a bad idea. Really lays bare the artifice, son, before the co-sponsorship you could at least pretend your side had a secret better plan.

Now you're just mad that people whose parents made less than yours did are smarter than you(in addition to being unquestionably your moral superiors. That was already conceded. The morality wasn't even the battle you wanted to fight). Or something? Absolutely no ****ing point to be found in this ****.
09-23-2017 , 04:20 PM
Like for all the handwringing about how unsophisticates on the left shouldn't dare opine on political strategy, which one of us is still gonna be voting for a 2020 Dem whose policy on healthcare they oppose?
09-23-2017 , 05:05 PM
So when does fiscal 2019 start? Then they can try for reconciliation again to move around some healthcare-related money in order to claim they "repealed obamacare."

In the meantime, I still think they should just try gaslighting their base and claim they already repealed it.
09-23-2017 , 06:26 PM
Regardless of what happens with repeal and replace, the Trump administration continues to sabotage the **** out of the ACA.

The latest.
09-23-2017 , 06:33 PM
Lol 12 hrs these guys ain't even hiding this ****.
09-23-2017 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Link? I haven't heard it. Rand Paul appears to be a firm no.

They could make big changes to the bill in order to win his vote, I suppose, but (1) they only have one week, (2) the resulting bill would likely be so draconian as to drive a few others away, especially Murkowski who they 100% need now.
Ok just heard his name get floated several times as one of the noes they might try to flip, didn't see that he responded to it.
09-23-2017 , 09:37 PM
Don't those guys know how to play the long game? The worse that they make Obamacare and/or healthcare in the short term, the more demand there will be in the long run for more healthcare reform. And more healthcare reform = more people getting better coverage. The end result of more people getting better coverage always leads in the direction of, if not directly to a single payer system.
09-23-2017 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Don't those guys know how to play the long game? The worse that they make Obamacare and/or healthcare in the short term, the more demand there will be in the long run for more healthcare reform. And more healthcare reform = more people getting better coverage. The end result of more people getting better coverage always leads in the direction of, if not directly to a single payer system.
There is no long game for the GOP with regards to health care. Literally the only reasonable solution is universal coverage, as every other wealthy country has figured out.
09-24-2017 , 09:12 AM
This **** ain't dead yet. I won't believe it's dead until there's still no bill passed and it's a week from now.
09-24-2017 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Every single Senate Dem with the faintest hint of 2020 aspirations signed on to Bernie's single payer bill and you're still running your ****ing mouth about how it's a bad idea. Really lays bare the artifice, son, before the co-sponsorship you could at least pretend your side had a secret better plan.
Yes, its a bad idea to make single payer the left wing equivalent of obamacare repeal. Its only gonna help Bernie Sanders, not anybody that actually needs help getting healthcare.
09-24-2017 , 09:42 AM
Luckily that bad idea is only in your head.
09-24-2017 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Now you're just mad that people whose parents made less than yours did are smarter than you(in addition to being unquestionably your moral superiors. That was already conceded. The morality wasn't even the battle you wanted to fight). Or something? Absolutely no ****ing point to be found in this ****.
My parents never made alot of money....prob not 10% at their peak of what I make now. And aren't you a lawyer? The ultimate "I'm not very smart but I am upper middle class" profession?
09-24-2017 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Yes, its a bad idea to make single payer the left wing equivalent of obamacare repeal. Its only gonna help Bernie Sanders, not anybody that actually needs help getting healthcare.
I have no idea what you're arguing here, it doesn't seem to be responding to anything. But no, single payer would actually help millions of people get health care.

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
My parents never made alot of money....prob not 10% at their peak of what I make now. And aren't you a lawyer? The ultimate "I'm not very smart but I am upper middle class" profession?
Bro you can't only NOW try to fire back about our respective professions after I've clowned on you. You gotta pop back immediately or just take the L, the incredibly delayed comeback is a really sad move.
09-24-2017 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I have no idea what you're arguing here, it doesn't seem to be responding to anything. But no, single payer would actually help millions of people get health care.
Fake single payer bills don't get millions of people healthcare.

Bro you can't only NOW try to fire back about our respective professions after I've clowned on you. You gotta pop back immediately or just take the L, the incredibly delayed comeback is a really sad move.
You're always gonna make it personal before any decent human being! I sorta feel bad about the lawyer potshot tbh. Its prob true in your case but not for most lawyers.
09-24-2017 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Fake single payer bills don't get millions of people healthcare.
What fly is saying is that we (liberals) miss 100% of the legislative shots that we (liberals) never ever take. Look at the republicans. They are trying to repeal obamacare for the 15th time even though it fails every attempt for a different reason.

Last edited by sylar; 09-24-2017 at 12:00 PM.
09-24-2017 , 11:54 AM
He also ignores the fact that passionate advocacy is the easiest way to change random, low info voters minds. Emotional appeals FTW.
09-24-2017 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Its not confiscating, its called tax

we all pay tax
Many people as you probably know consider taxation as exactly confiscation by the government.

I don't have a problem with paying taxes as long as they are being used wisely. The problem is, they almost never are. From what I understand, you could take care of healthcare of every single person in the US several times over with what we spend on wars and the military.

I'm all for a strong military to defend our interests and homeland, but Jesus ****ing Christ war has become a for profit business! I don't want my tax dollars going to some private war contractor.

The main question I have about single payer is, would it take employers out of the health insurance biz? IOW do I still get screwed because I have or work at a small 10 person company and not GM? If not, I don't get how all these small business owners are AGAINST single payer! I've been self employed most of my life and have had to pay extraordinarily higher costs for health insurance than people who work for large companies. I never understand why where you work should affect your health insurance.

But I have one other question about single payer. What does this do to prescription costs? Does it do anything to tame big pharma? If all it does is transfer big pharma ripping off me to ripping off the government, we're all still getting ripped off!

My conservative viewpoint is that healthcare and health insurance should be two completely separate industries. They are as different as Jiffy Lube and State Farm auto.
09-24-2017 , 11:58 AM
Single payer will dramatically reduce prescription costs. Why do you think people are currently trying to make it legal to import drugs from Canada?
09-24-2017 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
What fly is saying is that we (liberals) miss 100% of the legislative shots that we (liberals) never ever take.
Or worse, if you take half hearted shots and wind up screwed on both sides.

You (liberals) want government to run everything, which would be fine, but you have to take the corruption out first. Otherwise, there is no entity more inefficient at running things than government.
09-24-2017 , 12:06 PM
Saying we have to eliminate "all" the corruption first is no different than saying we shouldn't do anything at all because that's impossible.
09-24-2017 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
Single payer will dramatically reduce prescription costs. Why do you think people are currently trying to make it legal to import drugs from Canada?
Afaik you can currently get drugs from Canada. Fwiw, I had a prescription that, without insurance cost over $100 for 30 pills in the US. For $60, I could get 100 pills by going through Canada. It's obscene how much we get ripped off by the pharmaceutical companies in this country. What metric/regualtion allows them to get away with that with us and not other countries?
09-24-2017 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
What fly is saying is that we (liberals) miss 100% of the legislative shots that we (liberals) never ever take. Look at the republicans. They are trying to repeal obamacare for the 15th time even though it fails every attempt for a different reason.
Uhhh...thats what I'm saying. Its easy to get low info/ fly level voters riled up about single payer or obamacare repeal. But you can't actually pass anything when the time comes.
09-24-2017 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Or worse, if you take half hearted shots and wind up screwed on both sides.

You (liberals) want government to run everything, which would be fine, but you have to take the corruption out first. Otherwise, there is no entity more inefficient at running things than government.
No, almost all social progress is incremental. Revolutions almost all end up with more corruption.

You are drawing the wrong conclusion from wayne gretzky's adage. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, does not mean that half-hearted shots screw you on both sides.

Last edited by sylar; 09-24-2017 at 12:28 PM.
