Originally Posted by suzzer99
So it's ok to kill militants if they're "in camp". But if they hide out in a peaceful area they're off-limits?
You don't get the distinction? If Sicilians declared war on the US and plot our demise, the President has power to send the Army to invade Sicily to protect American interests. If the Governor of Sicily is strolling unarmed through a piazza on a trip to Rome, and a CIA agent walks up and puts a bullet through his head, that is illegal assassination. What happened to Awlaki is much closer to assassination than act of war.
It's legal to wage war against an armed group of individuals.
It's illegal to kill a single unarmed individual in a peaceful setting.
Sure, there is some grey area in between, and you can kill an unarmed indvidual in self-defense (say he is about to give a command to detonate a bomb). Awlaki was not close.