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The GOP war on voting The GOP war on voting

10-29-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
He's saying Obamacare, a program that expanded healthcare to millions do didn't have it before, was abject tyranny in that it was voted on in the House and Senate, the passed the Supreme Court, and the people reelected the person who passed it, so the Democrats have to mulligan Republicans disenfranchising millions, to win elections, in order to not to seem like hypocrites.
add that those people in the house, senate, and white house are illegitimate because too many people are voting.
10-29-2014 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by 5kids2feed
add that those people in the house, senate, and white house are illegitimate because too many Colored people are voting.
10-29-2014 , 03:28 PM
Don't fix my posts unless you show some ID, boy!
10-29-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm sorry let me rephrase. Our health care system is the laughing stock of the DEVELOPED world.

I mean sure, by third world standards we are ****ing USA #1 in healthcare. By first world standards we ate more like USA #65!
England? Canada?
10-29-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by 5kids2feed
Don't fix my posts unless you show some ID, boy!
Discrimination in da house
10-29-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
England? Canada?
Yes, all of the illegal immigrants streaming in from Canada to get away from their free healthcare in order to pay outrageous sums for ours.

You're joking right?
10-29-2014 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
You seem to not know and/or not care that the current voter registration process already includes effective checks to ensure that only those eligible to vote are allowed to do so.
Really.... you need to read more:

In Nevada you never have to prove you're a citizen to register to vote or cast a ballot. Forget about showing government-issued photo identification at the polls, as several states now require. You don't have to show a photo ID at any point in the process. The immigrants I met could vote Tuesday just by showing a Culinary health insurance card and a power bill.......

"One would establish identity and one would establish residence," Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said of state standards. "Just like every other voter in Nevada, they will not be asked to prove citizenship."

Originally Posted by zikzak
Instead, you want draconian ID laws.
Now, the issuance of a passport like ID which 100,000,000 Americans have already is a "DRACONIAN ID".

Originally Posted by zikzak
I'm guessing you're the sort of guy who claims to favor freedom and small government, yet you are earnestly advocating for a massive federal bureaucracy, one that is unnecessary, would be prone to serious abuse, is probably in violation of the 10th amendment, and mandates a serious invasion of privacy in order to engage in a constitutionally guaranteed right.
Of course, you don't have a ****ing clue what I favor other than I favor an national passport like ID for US citizens. Hardly the need for a "massive bureaucracy". 100,000,000 are already in circulation.

Also, uber lutz for raising the 10th amendment. Oh the irony.

Originally Posted by zikzak
There's no hyperbole here. This is literally ultranationalist fascism.
Again for the uninitiated, what is fascist about favoring a passport like national ID which 1/3 of the American public already have requested????

I understand Halloween is around the corner, but sooooo many straw men have been erected in this commentary , I doubt there will be any left to scare the kids.
10-29-2014 , 04:18 PM
You didn't answer my question. Will the government come personally deliver these to all citizens eligible to vote?
10-29-2014 , 04:30 PM
OT: why shouldn't non-citizen immigrants who live and work here be allowed to vote?
10-29-2014 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Really.... you need to read more:

Now, the issuance of a passport like ID which 100,000,000 Americans have already is a "DRACONIAN ID".

Of course, you don't have a ****ing clue what I favor other than I favor an national passport like ID for US citizens. Hardly the need for a "massive bureaucracy". 100,000,000 are already in circulation.

Also, uber lutz for raising the 10th amendment. Oh the irony.

Again for the uninitiated, what is fascist about favoring a passport like national ID which 1/3 of the American public already have requested????

I understand Halloween is around the corner, but sooooo many straw men have been erected in this commentary , I doubt there will be any left to scare the kids.
If you are unhappy with how Nevada registers its voters (I have registered to vote, voted, and registered other people to vote in that state. It seems like they run a pretty tight ship imo), you should take that up with the government of Nevada. That's what the 10th amendment is for, and yes there is a very solid legal case against mandatory national ID based on that amendment. It's not my fault you don't seem capable of understanding the legal argument.

Passports are for enabling international travel only. Requiring their use within the country for anything is ultranationalism. It's really creepy and fundamentally at odds with the principles this country is based on. You should be ashamed for suggesting it, and you should be even more ashamed that you still don't understand that there are ways to accomplish exactly what you want to accomplish without it.

If you knew anything about what you are talking about, you would probably be aware of the Real ID Act. It does many of the things you think you want. You should maybe google that and have a gander at the groups opposing it. It's a pretty broad coalition.

You also seem to not understand what a straw man argument is. Maybe google that too?
10-29-2014 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Yes, all of the illegal immigrants streaming in from Canada to get away from their free healthcare in order to pay outrageous sums for ours.

You're joking right?
Dude, you really need to learn to stay on topic if you're going to try to debate with somebody
10-29-2014 , 05:57 PM
Hands up everyone who introduced the topic of healthcare in the war on voting thread.

Huh... just you then.
10-29-2014 , 07:34 PM
Kegnog, you know people in Canada/Europe routinely talked about "Thank god things aren't like the USA" wrt Healthcare, right? It's not a myth at all.
10-29-2014 , 07:35 PM
Everything we have seen has pointed towards Keg being chewed up and spit out by the great Republican hype machine.
10-29-2014 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Hands up everyone who introduced the topic of healthcare in the war on voting thread.

Huh... just you then.
To include a paralleled point of view doesn't redirect the topic of discussion.

To say "the entire world" but exclude Europe or Canada does.
10-29-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Everything we have seen has pointed towards Keg being chewed up and spit out by the great Republican hype machine.
Ignorance breeds ignorance
10-29-2014 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Kegnog, you know people in Canada/Europe routinely talked about "Thank god things aren't like the USA" wrt Healthcare, right? It's not a myth at all.
Im a quite certain there are some who hold that view. And I know for fact many people have to from those other countries to the USA because they were held on waiting lists to get procedures that were readily available in the states. In terms of cancer patients, this is also a factor.
The problems with healthcare were never related to the quality of care. The problems stem from monetary issues. Yet obamacare will not significantly improve the monetary cost (over time it will increase it & already has for many to include myself), yet there is quite a bit of talk about the quality of care being reduced as private practice doctor offices will go with the times as home visit doctors have.
Seems a straw man created by the liberals to create policy to fit an agenda that didnt fix the problem. Hence the initial correlation to obamacare.

I realize none of you care to see beyond your own nose in any of these discussions.
10-30-2014 , 12:00 AM
No one doubts that if you have the money you can get good care in the US.
10-30-2014 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by KegNog
To include a paralleled point of view doesn't redirect the topic of discussion.

To say "the entire world" but exclude Europe or Canada does.

You do understand there is such a thing as first and third worlds, right?

Originally Posted by KegNog
Ignorance breeds ignorance
Did... did you just insult yourself for me?
10-30-2014 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Im a quite certain there are some who hold that view. And I know for fact many people have to from those other countries to the USA because they were held on waiting lists to get procedures that were readily available in the states. In terms of cancer patients, this is also a factor.
The problems with healthcare were never related to the quality of care. The problems stem from monetary issues. Yet obamacare will not significantly improve the monetary cost (over time it will increase it & already has for many to include myself), yet there is quite a bit of talk about the quality of care being reduced as private practice doctor offices will go with the times as home visit doctors have.
Seems a straw man created by the liberals to create policy to fit an agenda that didnt fix the problem. Hence the initial correlation to obamacare.

I realize none of you care to see beyond your own nose in any of these discussions.
The whole "we wish our health care was just like the US because no waiting lists" spouted by other first world countries is just another republican talking point that doesn't really exist. Emergency care in those countries works exactly like it does in ours, except it's free and won't bankrupt you.
10-30-2014 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Ignorance breeds ignorance
spank gimmick?
10-30-2014 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Im a quite certain there are some who hold that view. And I know for fact many people have to from those other countries to the USA because they were held on waiting lists to get procedures that were readily available in the states. In terms of cancer patients, this is also a factor.
The problems with healthcare were never related to the quality of care. The problems stem from monetary issues. Yet obamacare will not significantly improve the monetary cost (over time it will increase it & already has for many to include myself), yet there is quite a bit of talk about the quality of care being reduced as private practice doctor offices will go with the times as home visit doctors have.
Seems a straw man created by the liberals to create policy to fit an agenda that didnt fix the problem. Hence the initial correlation to obamacare.

I realize none of you care to see beyond your own nose in any of these discussions.
Well I'm Canadian and I promise we laugh at your health care system all the time. Why wouldn't we? I pay no premiums, no deductible, no co-pay and have pretty much unlimited access to one of the best systems in the world. You guys pay through the nose and get one ranked what? Fiftieth? Then a guy comes along who proposes fixing it all and you scream tyranny. It boggles the mind.

Like I get it that you think geniuses like Dr. House only work in the US, but it's not really like that. For one there are plenty of smart docs in other countries as well (yes, even France), and for another only the ultra rich can even get in the door to see House. The rest are lucky if they can see the Australian assistant who thought everything was lupus.
10-30-2014 , 03:56 AM
Yup, it's been dinner table conversation for decades. "Holy ****, they pay how much? If they need this, it costs how much? The way you choose/get a doctor works, how?"

You also put an insane more amount of money into your system then say, the UK or Canada. It's because it was and still continues to be terribly, terribly inefficient. Lol insurance providers, lol of the myth of "public sector cant do anything right' actually winning the debate in the USA.

Keg is one of those people that is "'Murica #1!!!" Your standing on education/healthcare/most things important isn't very high outside your borders.
10-30-2014 , 09:11 AM
All of you guys realize the cost of healthcare is mostly due to govt regulations, right? Google the cost to get any drug regulated by the FDA.

I'm all for regulating health care and I'm all for voter laws that reduce/eliminate fraud. But to claim govt intervention in a free market is mandatory yet govt intervention over constitutional protected rights (for citizens) is discriminatory is laughable at best.
10-30-2014 , 09:40 AM
There already is government oversight on voting. In case you didn't notice, it isn't run by a third party private company.

Government regulation over something that can end or save a citizen's life instead of trusting it to a for profit company only makes sense. The fact that it's been privatized for so long here is exactly what makes the health care system here a laughingstock
