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The GOP war on voting The GOP war on voting

10-19-2014 , 04:23 PM
The arguments our new Republican friends are making in favor of these ID laws are of course indistinguishable from arguments people would make for poll taxes 50 years ago, but unfortunately they aren't bright enough to see that.
10-19-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Citation still needed that any significant amount of in-person voter fraud exists that would be stopped by voter ID laws.
No amount of citation will prove relevant to you, we all know. Its documented & you can seek it out at your leisure, whether you choose to believe or not.
10-19-2014 , 04:43 PM
Just look it up, duh.
10-19-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
No amount of citation will prove relevant to you, we all know. Its documented & you can seek it out at your leisure, whether you choose to believe or not.
It is documented in the OP, in fact.

A major probe by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 failed to prosecute a single person for going to the polls and impersonating an eligible voter, which the anti-fraud laws are supposedly designed to stop. Out of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and many of the cases involved immigrants and former felons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.
10-19-2014 , 05:05 PM
Republicans on voter fraud:

10-19-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
No amount of citation will prove relevant to you, we all know. Its documented & you can seek it out at your leisure, whether you choose to believe or not.
The burden of proof is on you here. Those are forum rules.
10-19-2014 , 06:11 PM
These are the people for small government, folks. Create unnecessary policy regimes to combat nonexistent problems birthed from paranoid fear. Nice work all around.
10-19-2014 , 06:41 PM
So why does anyone need to provide proof of self ... ever? Why does the very govt that doesn't deem voter identification necessary, require it when registering for food stamps? For Medicaid? For WIC?

Somethings up alright...
10-19-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
So why does anyone need to provide proof of self ... ever? Why does the very govt that doesn't deem voter identification necessary, require it when registering for food stamps? For Medicaid? For WIC?

Somethings up alright...
Proof of self is required for voting, even in California and other states that haven't passed new vote restrictions.
10-19-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
The burden of proof is on you here. Those are forum rules.
That rule absolutely fits this thread. Lol. See inserted video stream from earlier for a brief snippet in Florida. That would require effort, though. Are you sure this isn't an insignificant burden?
10-19-2014 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
So why does anyone need to provide proof of self ... ever? Why does the very govt that doesn't deem voter identification necessary, require it when registering for food stamps? For Medicaid? For WIC?

Somethings up alright...
What's up is you have been intentionally misled with a pack of lies by people who know exactly how to exploit your baseless fears for partisan political gain at the expense of those already deprived their voice in most aspects of life. Personally, I'd be kinda mad about that, but I expect you to run back into the arms of those who deceived you like a Stockholm Syndrome victim who can only find comfort in the warm embrace of his abuser.
10-19-2014 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
What's up is you have been intentionally misled with a pack of lies by people who know exactly how to exploit your baseless fears for partisan political gain at the expense of those already deprived their voice in most aspects of life. Personally, I'd be kinda mad about that, but I expect you to run back into the arms of those who deceived you like a Stockholm Syndrome victim who can only find comfort in the warm embrace of his abuser.
Response to question above? Ive heard your talking points, I've responded to your questions. Now respond to mine or move on

Its humerous to me how this who claim "fear mongering" are so quick to act the part of the bully. Keep up the good work. You do your kind proud

Last edited by KegNog; 10-19-2014 at 07:23 PM.
10-19-2014 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Response to question above? Ive heard your talking points, I've responded to your questions. Now respond to mine or move on
What exactly is your question? I've watched the uToob. None of the proposed or enacted voter ID laws would solve that problem, but it could easily be solved by county election officials doing their job correctly.
10-19-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
IDs are available. The only thing not free is a little thing called initiative to get one on ones own volition before voting day.
Originally Posted by ShellPoker
ID should be required. Ever see a poor person at work? They are not working 100% of the time trust me. I'm sure they can make time to go get an ID if they really wanted to. Then they can open up a checking account with direct deposit and save 30 minutes every week from the Western Union + extra savings from not having to pay usurious check cashing fees.
Ahh, so everyone is allowed to vote except illegals, poors, and those that lack initiative. I can understand illegals, but why the other two categories? As far as I can tell, they are still American. And by "as far as I can tell", I mean they already proved their citizenship when the registered to vote.
10-19-2014 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by ShellPoker
ID should be required. Ever see a poor person at work? They are not working 100% of the time trust me. I'm sure they can make time to go get an ID if they really wanted to. Then they can open up a checking account with direct deposit and save 30 minutes every week from the Western Union + extra savings from not having to pay usurious check cashing fees.
is this a real post
10-19-2014 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
What exactly is your question? I've watched the uToob. None of the proposed or enacted voter ID laws would solve that problem, but it could easily be solved by county election officials doing their job correctly.
Its only a few posts above. In fact its in the very post that you ranted on about, answering nothing within the post itself. I suppose that's not one of the forum rules.
10-19-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Its only a few posts above. In fact its in the very post that you ranted on about, answering nothing within the post itself. I suppose that's not one of the forum rules.
The lies that have been fed to you is that people aren't currently proving their identities when they vote, and that requiring currently valid, state-issued photo IDs are the only way to do that. That's a lie. Everyone has to verify themselves every time they vote. No one actually disagrees with verifying identity at the polls to ensure that only citizens vote and that no one votes more than once, including zikzak. It's just that these laws are unnecessary on top of the security measures that are already in place, they don't stop any fraud, and they prevent people from voting legally. Stopping legal voters is their only purpose.
10-19-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Its only a few posts above. In fact its in the very post that you ranted on about, answering nothing within the post itself. I suppose that's not one of the forum rules.
Your question doesn't make sense because, despite it being pointed out several times in the past couple pages, you still don't seem to understand that it is already necessary to prove your identity to vote. I'm not sure where we go from here. We seem to be at an impasse.

Is there any chance of you taking the time to learn wtf you are talking about so we can resume the conversation?
10-19-2014 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
Doing a quick google search shows plenty of articles to the contrary. By I'm sure you choose not to believe it.

I love how this is simply a "ploy" by Rs to somehow win an election to every minion democrat out there. As if by owning an ID it somehow enlightens a person to think responsibly and conservatively. Lets try the shoe on the other foot symbolism. Maybe by not requiring any form of ID, the left can maintain a base from which it can win elections because it continues the ignorance of an entire population to remain dependent upon the govt for its very existence through subsidies paid for by taxation.

Obviously this will fall on deaf ears but keep throwing stones and ignore the hypocrisy of your talking point argument.
If it's not just a ploy to suppress democratic turnout, why are Republicans also trying to stop early voting, absentee ballots, Sunday voting, and reduce polling stations?

You're being wilfully ignorant here.
10-19-2014 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Your question doesn't make sense because, despite it being pointed out several times in the past couple pages, you still don't seem to understand that it is already necessary to prove your identity to vote. I'm not sure where we go from here. We seem to be at an impasse.

Is there any chance of you taking the time to learn wtf you are talking about so we can resume the conversation?
Regiatering to vote doesn't necessitate proving identity. So I guess you're right, no longer discussing.

Impressive that the left are adamant that medical insurance was so broken that deregulation was not an appropriate fix but instead a government take over of the entire industry necessitated the need for Obamacare yet voting must be deregulated and remove govt interference entirely.

I enjoyed debating while it lasted. Gg
10-19-2014 , 08:14 PM
Would you say that's any more or less interesting than how small government Republicans are all about putting government fingerprints all over the voting process? Like literally, you suggested fingerprinting people to verify their identity for voting earlier in this thread!!

10-19-2014 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Would you say that's any more or less interesting than how small government Republicans are all about putting government fingerprints all over the voting process? Like literally, you suggested fingerprinting people to verify their identity for voting earlier in this thread!!

So you agree theres quite a disconnect? Well, that's at least progress.

The idea of substantiating voters is simply due to legal means. Its not a constitutional guarantee for any person breathing to vote or vote in multiplicity. Those who follow the laws have no issue with conforming to them for the validity of the process. I realize that its difficult for the left brain to fathom that it happens.

Limited govt does not involve govt monopoly of enterprise. Again, hard for the left to comprehend, I realize.
10-19-2014 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by KegNog
So you agree theres quite a disconnect?
No, but by your own logic you're as much of a hypocrite as you accuse us of being. Maybe make sure you are being consistent before you bring that weak **** in here.

For example, just look at your above post. If you're suggesting that voter ID laws now don't violate the principle of limited government, then it's no longer the case that the left is hypocritical for opposing them, as you suggested they are just one post before. Can you make up your mind, please?

Every post you make on this subject is demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of what you're talking about. I'd take my ball home and run too, as you tried to do above, if I was called out on having such a staggering level of ignorance as you've displayed.
10-19-2014 , 08:41 PM
Hey Kegnog, I'll pose the same question I did to the mouthbreather earlier ITT. You and your buddies want to commit voter fraud and you don't need ID to vote. What's your plan? Just give them a fake name and profit?
10-19-2014 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
No, but by your own logic you're as much of a hypocrite as you accuse us of being. Maybe make sure you are being consistent before you bring that weak **** in here.

For example, just look at your above post. If you're suggesting that voter ID laws now don't violate the principle of limited government, then it's no longer the case that the left is hypocritical for opposing them, as you suggested they are just one post before. Can you make up your mind, please?

Every post you make on this subject is demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of what you're talking about. I'd take my ball home and run too, as you tried to do above, if I was called out on having such a staggering level of ignorance as you've displayed.
The fact that you can't interpret the difference between capitalistic enterprise and constitutionally afforded rights that require govt intervention to maintain validity of source shows where the ignorance lies.

But please, continue to rant on. It's keeping me entertained.
