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GOP Presidential Debate - Sept 7th GOP Presidential Debate - Sept 7th

09-08-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by bernie
Nope, just checked again. The crowd was cheering before the question was even asked. Around 7:27:

They cheered at his execution record, something a mod pointed out later after the initial question.

Anyone listening to the question knew where Williams was going. "ZOMG Governor Perry you pulled the switch on >200 people you ****ing barbarian!"

The crowd, like 65% of the overall American public showed their agreement with Perry's policy of following Texas law and let Williams know what they thought of his question.

People that favor the death penalty aren't imbued with a satanic blood lust (in general).

Either way, that question helped him in both the primary and the general should he win the primary.
09-08-2011 , 12:19 PM
Ron Paul briefly started to touch upon the problems that result from the "Drug War" and the CIA/usgov's part in all of it.

Wouldn't this be a reasonable and interesting discussion to have with the candidates, especially in the midst of immigration reform theory?

Just annoying how transparent the media is in ignoring topics that they feel threatened by.
09-08-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
I wouldn't expect you to.
Dear god not another one of you in Politics. I mean if we have a rule against ever saying the I-word, can't we have a rule against cryptically vague trolling?
09-08-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
lol wtf
09-08-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by swinginglory

Anyone listening to the question knew where Williams was going. "ZOMG Governor Perry you pulled the switch on >200 people you ****ing barbarian!"

The crowd, like 65% of the overall American public showed their agreement with Perry's policy of following Texas law and let Williams know what they thought of his question.

People that favor the death penalty aren't imbued with a satanic blood lust (in general).

Either way, that question helped him in both the primary and the general should he win the primary.
You're right, there's nothing disturbing at all about not just supporting, but enthusiastically celebrating the death penalty.
09-08-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
We're not doing this Spladle. You made a ridiculous bizarre statement that 99.9999% of the public would say lol wtf to and doesn't even make sense gramatically (Illegal immigrants are magic?). The burden is not on me to explain to you why that statement was singled out. (Note that we mostly agree on this issue, but as usual you insist on pushing into surreal areas and apparently have zero self-awareness about it.)
09-08-2011 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The only real problem is violent drug runners coming across and killing farmers and others who get in their way. That and CA tightening their borders is what's spurring AZ into draconian laws.
I am guessing if you ask Texas and Arizona thats just one of the problems. Illegal Immigrantts use up a lot of services and resources (unisured medical, schools, recieving the child tax credit) and really do not contribute any tax payments back to the government.
09-08-2011 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
I am guessing if you ask Texas and Arizona thats just one of the problems. Illegal Immigrantts use up a lot of services and resources (unisured medical, schools, recieving the child tax credit) and really do not contribute any tax payments back to the government.
Go out and look at who's tending all the yards in your neighborhood or who's washing your car (at least if you live in TX or AZ) and tell me they contribute nothing. Most of those pay payroll and other taxes as well when they're paid. Most illegal immigrants use up a hell of a lot less net resources than some white kid maxing out his unemployment. Yes you can find a case every now and then of some anchor baby welfare queen. But that is far far from the norm for people who make it into this country. Most of them are here to work, very hard, and do jobs regular Americans don't want to do.
09-08-2011 , 12:34 PM
Do you think Rick Perry realizes that the HPV vaccine was created by scientists?
09-08-2011 , 12:34 PM
09-08-2011 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
I am guessing if you ask Texas and Arizona thats just one of the problems. Illegal Immigrantts use up a lot of services and resources (unisured medical, schools, recieving the child tax credit) and really do not contribute any tax payments back to the government.
Illegal immigrants pay more taxes than citizens and legal migrants in like for like comparisons.
09-08-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
We're not doing this Spladle. You made a ridiculous bizarre statement that 99.9999% of the public would say lol wtf to and doesn't even make sense gramatically. The burden is not on me to explain to you why that statement was singled out. (Note that we mostly agree on this issue, but as usual you insist on pushing into surreal areas and apparently have zero self-awareness about it.)
I think you overestimate people. To those with a poor grasp of economic insights, the positive effects of illegal immigration can seem invisible, and it takes time to explain/understand them. Simple, sensationalist language is a way of conveying the immense impact of open borders without being misleading at all. Pretend that ideas like "comparative advantage" and "mutually beneficial trade" are alien to you. Would not the effects of illegal immigration seem like a miracle?

You're under no obligation to explain why you think my statement "ridiculous," "bizarre," or "surreal," of course (I'm also curious about your use of "as usual" - have we interacted before?). But it's a safe bet that I have much more experience explaining complicated subjects to simple people. You should probably defer to me here.

09-08-2011 , 12:52 PM
were you saying the good or bad aspects of illegal immigrants were/are magic?

Originally Posted by JohnEPark
Do you think Rick Perry realizes that the HPV vaccine was created by scientists?
If by 'scientists' you mean 'praying to god', then yes.
09-08-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
You're right, there's nothing disturbing at all about not just supporting, but enthusiastically celebrating the death penalty.

09-08-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle
I think you overestimate people. To those with a poor grasp of economic insights, the positive effects of illegal immigration can seem invisible, and it takes time to explain/understand them. Simple, sensationalist language is a way of conveying the immense impact of open borders without being misleading at all. Pretend that ideas like "comparative advantage" and "mutually beneficial trade" are alien to you. Would not the effects of illegal immigration seem like a miracle?

You're under no obligation to explain why you think my statement "ridiculous," "bizarre," or "surreal," of course (I'm also curious about your use of "as usual" - have we interacted before?). But it's a safe bet that I have much more experience explaining complicated subjects to simple people. You should probably defer to me here.

Lol ok. 2 paragraphs of foof with barely attempt to explain what you mean other than to equate magic with miracle. Which still makes no sense. Which is fine if you want to say it. But just don't act completely clueless when someone calls you out on 'illegal immigrants are magic'.

Yes we've interacted before and it was exactly the same. Same obtuse passive-aggressive condescending tone and refusal to address simple straightforward points.
09-08-2011 , 12:59 PM
A pretty rational way to deal with Illegal Immigration
09-08-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Spladle

Illegal immigrants are basically magic/heroes.
Lol wtf
09-08-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
Random musings on last night's affair:

First, LOL at the high dudgeon on this board on the crowd cheering Perry's death penalty answer. It may come as a huge surprise to those in the college dorm, but support for the death penalty in America has been the vast majority position since the great depression (when Gallup first polled this issue):
Because most people are very naive when it comes to our justice system and the reliability of eyewitness accounts, they don't realize there is essentially no doubt an innocent man has been executed in modern times.

Since 1976 there have been 1266 executions, and 133 people exonerated while on death row. There is a very, very small chance that only 133, of those 1399 originally convicted, were innocent, especially considering they are being overturned at a higher rate every decade. From 1930-1976 there were 3728 people executed, imagine how many of those were innocent.

I would guess that most people have no idea that the number of people exonerated is that big.
09-08-2011 , 01:03 PM
I'm pretty sure Spladle views illegal immigrants as heroes/magic because they break the law en masse to provide cheap labor to an economy with what he views to be very wealth destructive minimum wage laws. Whether this position is bizarre depends on your own perspective of the effects of minimum wage and other labor laws on the economy.
09-08-2011 , 01:03 PM
But "magic"? And really more than anything if you do mean something by that, at least be prepared to explain yourself with some kind of clarity. That's all I was asking.

In before "I'm sorry if you're struggling with this concept. Maybe you need to be a little more careful in your reading. Let me try to make it more simple for you..."
09-08-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
Because most people are very naive when it comes to our justice system and the reliability of eyewitness accounts, they don't realize there is essentially no doubt an innocent man has been executed in modern times.

Since 1976 there have been 1266 executions, and 133 people exonerated while on death row. There is a very, very small chance that only 133, of those 1399 originally convicted, were innocent, especially considering they are being overturned at a higher rate every decade. From 1930-1976 there were 3728 people executed, imagine how many of those were innocent.

I would guess that most people have no idea that the number of people exonerated is that big.
I'm pretty sure most of the people applauding last night are view that as unpreventable but necessary collateral damage. I don't have a problem with the death penalty philosophically for someone who has committed a heinous murder. But it's the innocence factor and the general impracticality of it (more expensive than life etc.) that makes me oppose the death penalty.
09-08-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I don't have a problem with the death penalty philosophically for someone who has committed a heinous murder. But it's the innocence factor and the general impracticality of it (more expensive than life etc.) that makes me oppose the death penalty.
Same minus the cost factor because I haven't really researched the differences.
09-08-2011 , 01:19 PM
Perry's opponent to the governor gig did a focus group to test the idea of attacking him for possible executing an innocent person and a genuine response given in that was "it takes real balls to execute an innocent man".


Perry has flaws, huge flaws. Not the least of which is that he presided over the execution of one of his constituents, Cameron Todd Willingham, who was probably innocent. But I’m not sure that's a liability in today's Tea Party–obsessed GOP. There’s a legend in Lone Star politics that one of Perry’s Republican rivals in Texas tested the Willingham issue in a focus group. One Republican man, the story goes, squinted and said, “Well, I like that. Takes a lot of balls to execute an innocent man.” At that moment, folks say, Perry’s rival knew opposing him was fruitless.
09-08-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
Because most people are very naive when it comes to our justice system and the reliability of eyewitness accounts, they don't realize there is essentially no doubt an innocent man has been executed in modern times.

Since 1976 there have been 1266 executions, and 133 people exonerated while on death row. There is a very, very small chance that only 133, of those 1399 originally convicted, were innocent, especially considering they are being overturned at a higher rate every decade. From 1930-1976 there were 3728 people executed, imagine how many of those were innocent.

I would guess that most people have no idea that the number of people exonerated is that big.
Not just eyewitness accounts, but false confessions, prosecutorial misconduct, inadequate defense, crap science, racial bias and unreliability of snitch testimony are other factors.

273 exonerations.

more on exonerations:

09-08-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by bernie
Nope, just checked again. The crowd was cheering before the question was even asked. Around 7:27:

They cheered at his execution record, something a mod pointed out later after the initial question.

The mod sucked overall. The question obviously went towards his handling of the Willingham case-which most definitely should be noted in how he handled it.

Whatever but Perry didn't hurt himself with the answer he gave in my view.
