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GOP Debate, Thursday Jan 26 - CNN 8-10pm ET GOP Debate, Thursday Jan 26 - CNN 8-10pm ET

01-26-2012 , 09:59 PM
Romney going for the kill shot
01-26-2012 , 09:59 PM
Romney just made Newt into a psycho crazy space nutter.
01-26-2012 , 10:00 PM
RP just piling on Newt. This is a bloodbath.
01-26-2012 , 10:00 PM
oh snapp ron trucking newt
01-26-2012 , 10:00 PM
End the debate now please. My man has won the nom let's all just go home.
01-26-2012 , 10:01 PM
So fun to watch Newt get destroyed.
01-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
Was Lynn Frazier hoping to get applause for saying her name?
01-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
It's cute that Santorum still talks like he has a chance.
01-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
01-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
Can Ron Paul just say he would do nothing for this woman.
01-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
Why does Ron Paul bring up random anecdotes about his childhood? "it's unfortunate because the government has been involved in medicine, when I was a kid we didn't have much but my dad had a little insurance, and umm, the government is your problem". He can cut out the stuff about his dad, it seems irrelevant.
01-26-2012 , 10:03 PM
Wtf Ron
01-26-2012 , 10:03 PM
Shorter Ron Paul: Can we go back to before Jonas Salk had to go **** everything up and make people survive longer.
01-26-2012 , 10:03 PM
terrible answer for ron paul. omg it's the fault of the government since 1965.
01-26-2012 , 10:03 PM
just go to ur death bed and die ahahahaha mmm that used to be funny
01-26-2012 , 10:04 PM
god they're just boningi this answer.

Newt's answer: you don't have health care? I can fix that by repealing dodd-frank
01-26-2012 , 10:04 PM
Damn just turned this on ..thought it started at 9...can someone summarize how newt was punked?
01-26-2012 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Why does Ron Paul bring up random anecdotes about his childhood? "it's unfortunate because the government has been involved in medicine, when I was a kid we didn't have much but my dad had a little insurance, and umm, the government is your problem". He can cut out the stuff about his dad, it seems irrelevant.
Old person syndrome. Old guys love to talk about the good ole days.
01-26-2012 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Why does Ron Paul bring up random anecdotes about his childhood? "it's unfortunate because the government has been involved in medicine, when I was a kid we didn't have much but my dad had a little insurance, and umm, the government is your problem". He can cut out the stuff about his dad, it seems irrelevant.
That's old people's go to move.
01-26-2012 , 10:05 PM
The last time a person named Barack Obama was responsible for taking care of a white woman, look what happened. We don't want that again.
01-26-2012 , 10:05 PM
I just got in from the gym, and it was weird there. Normally when there is a football game is on 5 or 6 guys are chilling out in front of the TV. The debate was on tonight and about 25 people were crowded around the TV.
01-26-2012 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
i did not really understand ron pauls answer, nor do i really have much understanding about the health care industry
01-26-2012 , 10:06 PM
I have noticed how Obamacare comes up a lot less now that Michele Bachmann isn't out being a **** and is back at home baking cookies for her 14 ******ed Bengalese children.
01-26-2012 , 10:06 PM
Romney's wink and a smile to that women saying he'll get that women back to work creeped me out a bit.
01-26-2012 , 10:06 PM
Mitt's answer: my plan is for you to have bought your own insurance.

Seriously for a moment - how does his 'tax deductions for private insurance purchases' plan lower premiums?
