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The Globalist Party(D) and The Nationalist Party (R) The Globalist Party(D) and The Nationalist Party (R)

02-15-2017 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
I'm glad DValut is at least making arguments. I also expect him to hold leftists to these same standards in other threads.
I thought you said you were leaving this forum?
02-15-2017 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I thought you said you were leaving this forum?
This post is a derailment and off-topic. I said I was done discussing the issue of the KCL chap, not that I was leaving the forum. Please stick to the topic at hand.
02-15-2017 , 09:15 AM
Pretty sure you said you were done with all of us.
02-15-2017 , 09:18 AM
Stick to the topic at hand.
02-15-2017 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
No, I read some of my posts after linking that thread and had forgotten pretty much all of it, having not read another biography on him since a time before that thread. I have lots of WW2 history books, I've read a couple biographies on Stalin and Lenin as well. I'm currently reading a book about the Battle of the Bulge whenever I'm stuck on a plane. If something about Hitler comes on NatGeo I'll stop to watch or record for later.
You should check out Timothy Snyder's new book Black Earth. (Not sure if he's your kind of author, but I really enjoy his work.) I actually haven't read it, but he discusses Hitler's philosophy and in particular how he saw himself being forced to defend a New Nationalist Order as a result of ecological crises that were going to pit German citizens against a Globalist Order to ensure that the German people had sufficient resources to survive. The title refers to important arable farm regions in the Ukraine and elsewhere that he thought Germany needed to monopolize for the survival of its citizens.

Again, not sure if you have any interest in those types of things, but I've heard a lot of good things about the book.
02-15-2017 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
AC Slater correct in most of his points here. Response to him was childish, hostile and immature in the extreme.

Did not see a SINGLE cogent and intelligent counterpoint to what he said, just labelling, name calling, mockery, endless derailment, and attempts to make him go away.
This is a strikingly deceptive characterization of what happened in this thread. I have actually been quite civil, whereas Slater in his first reply to me and totally without provocation called me "pathetic" and a "screeching outraged leftist parody." That seems like name calling, mockery, or an attempt to go away much more than a cogent and intelligent argument. I'm concerned that you're not holding Slater to the same standards that you purport to hold leftists to (and are even dragooning DVaut into enforcing among the leftist camp!).
02-15-2017 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Stick to the topic at hand.
Like, you not have to announce when you leave a thread. You can just walk away.
02-15-2017 , 09:55 AM
People talk about refugees like they're a brand new creation, like refugees from Vietnam, the USSR, Cuba, Burma, Congo etc etc haven't been coming to the US since the 60s - and in similar or greater numbers than current refugee admissions.

The reason people aren't taking this thread seriously is because it's stating a stupid premise as a fact and saying DEAL WITH IT, to which the response can only be 'lol no'
02-15-2017 , 10:18 AM
weird how the black, asian, latino, arab, etc. working classes didn't vote for mr brexit
02-15-2017 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
The Old Republican Order said "more for the rich and less for everybody else." The New Nationalist Order says "more for American citizens and less for everybody else."

The Old Democratic Order said "more for the poor and less for the rich." The New Globalist Order says "more for the refugee and less for the American citizen."
Only first sentence is accurate.
02-15-2017 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
virtue shame
02-15-2017 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
At some point, when things get bad enough, a Nation must practice Lifeboat ethics.
What does "bad enough" look like? Guys making 75k/year w a new truck who are afraid of pigmentation means we should close our doors to war-torn societies?

Reminder: USA, right now. Wealthiest. Society. In. History. Of. Earth.
02-15-2017 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
AC Slater correct in most of his points here. Response to him was childish, hostile and immature in the extreme.

Did not see a SINGLE cogent and intelligent counterpoint to what he said, just labelling, name calling, mockery, endless derailment, and attempts to make him go away.
Slater, here, has made a bunch of naked, unsupported assertions that, by his own admission, are sourced from reddit and Yahoo comments. Why would anyone who disagrees show this tripe the least bit of respect? You agree with him, ok, then maybe you could actually make a decent argument rather than relying on uncited anonymous Yahoo commentary?

And there have been multiple refutations of his point that refugees make the country worse, complete with citations. It appears that you don't consider anything that disagrees with you to be intelligent.
02-15-2017 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Slater, here, has made a bunch of naked, unsupported assertions that, by his own admission, are sourced from reddit and Yahoo comments. Why would anyone who disagrees show this tripe the least bit of respect? You agree with him, ok, then maybe you could actually make a decent argument rather than relying on uncited Yahoo commentary?

And there have been multiple refutations of his point that refugees make the country worse, complete with citations. It appears that you don't consider anything that disagrees with you to be intelligent.
I do not see the posting of "lol" and gifs and "get back to Breitbart" as being any of those things. Go back and read the thread again. I commend people who argue properly, I condemn people who respond with mockery, labels and insults.

Read the thread and tell me that the posts I quoted in my breakdown aren't doing these things.

I'd rather not be discussing this here since it is a derailment of what A.C. Slater wanted to discuss. Would prefer this to be broken off into another thread.
02-15-2017 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
I do not see the posting of "lol" and gifs and "get back to Breitbart" as being any of those things. Go back and read the thread again. I commend people who argue properly, I condemn people who respond with mockery, labels and insults.

Read the thread and tell me that the posts I quoted in my breakdown aren't doing these things.

I'd rather not be discussing this here since it is a derailment of what A.C. Slater wanted to discuss. Would prefer this to be broken off into another thread.
I agree that those posts exist. I made a couple. You appear to be willfully skimming over the posts that are serious arguments.
02-15-2017 , 11:30 AM
I mean, it's true that there is a shifting theme in international and national politics and it is probably fairly accurate to describe it as "globalism vs nationalism" or open vs closed.

But OP took that solid premise and used it as a springboard to post a bunch of nonsensical politically charged rhetoric about refugees and ****.

Lol @ "civility." This is 2017. Make better points and the civility will follow.
02-15-2017 , 11:32 AM
Nationalist vs. Humanist is what's being described.

Globalists want money to cross borders, not refugees. And the Nationalists described aren't pro-American, they're pro-Reactionary American. That's why they love Trump even when he says their wages are too high. What they want is hate. What they are motivated by is selfishness and spite.
02-15-2017 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Nationalist vs. Humanist is what's being described.

Globalists want money to cross borders, not refugees. And the Nationalists described aren't pro-American, they're pro-Reactionary American. That's why they love Trump even when he says their wages are too high. What they want is hate. What they are motivated by is selfishness and spite.
Will this rather strong assertion which is not backed up by any data also be followed by a string of lols and gifs and "get back to X"?

Just wondering.
02-15-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
Will this rather strong assertion which is not backed up by any data also be followed by a string of lols and gtifs and "get back to X"?

Just wondering.
Lol. Where's the data in the OP? And that's a stupid request. Do the definitions of humanist, nationalist, globalist, and reactionary count as data points?

I'll take a survey to collect some data for you.

Who thinks LordJvK is a spiteful reactionary?
02-15-2017 , 11:46 AM
But it is clear that your post is not going to be subject to the same treatment as the OP's post. Which is all I'm saying.

Your post is as baseless as his posts have been. Both just provocative assertions without evidence. Yet yours will invariably not be given the outrageously rough ride that his were.
02-15-2017 , 11:47 AM

It hasn't been received well so far. I'm catching a lot of flak.
02-15-2017 , 11:48 AM
Who thinks LordJvK is a spiteful reactionary?
I do and I also think it's hilarious that he took the views of the OP seriously and actually agrees with them. The guy is not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.
02-15-2017 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
I do and I also think it's hilarious that he took the views of the OP seriously and actually agrees with them. The guy is not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.
This is an obvious derailment and just a personal attack. No actual counter arguments to what I posted.
02-15-2017 , 11:54 AM
There's nothing to argue, this thread is a joke man. It was so from the beginning.
02-15-2017 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Lord, I find A_C_Slater an interesting character and am not looking to ban or silence him or lock this thread but holy ****, this thread is hot garbage. A_C_Slater is to blame. His posts are almost all bad. Literally all of them in this thread have some or many of the following failures:

1. starts off with a bunch of binary quips ("You are now free to choose a new side","The New Globalist Order says "more for the refugee and less for the American citizen."). How can you refute this? Can I not choose a side; does anyone have agency to work for other outcomes, or a mix of both? I'm quite confident we do. And which New Globalist Order member is saying precisely "more for the refugee, less for the American citizen"? Twitter's a big place, maybe people are saying that? I have no clue. I know A_C_Slater says it but that's uninteresting. It seems like a trivial strawman, but to entertain the alternatives that it might not be, YOU NEED AN ALTERNATIVE. A_C_Slater is not providing anyone actual content to work with and respond to here. Of course it devolved into some nonsense from there.

2. he sort of walked into a predictable rat's nest by claiming he gets news from Reddit and Yahoo comments, which I suppose as a heuristic to determine popular opinion is one thing but to gauge and learn observable facts about the world an entirely different thing.

3. Throughout are the hallmarks of the paranoid mindset: strange tones of apocalyptic warnings and various claims about his past musings on the gold standard and Hillary Clinton's election chances and other things which all ostensibly build into dire warnings about refugees and a coming climate-change borne global crisis along with a moderate amount of whining about how's being victimized by people recognizing his history of posting (e.g., the Hitler stuff). In the end, we're informed of his past mixed historical record of predicting stuff and how he was sometimes correct and sometimes wrong but led him the global order is in a state of upheaval and he has been predicting some of its movements and he is ultimately on the precipice and standing guard on watch for collapse, but also, his past historical postings expressing wonderment and admiration for Hitler's command of populations absolutely cannot be discussed or yet again he has been victimized. In the end: please listen to him babble on about his personal history and how it informs his worldview and the threats he faces and wants to share with you, but please do not consider this other stuff he has posted which suggests he's serially unorthodox and has views far outside the norm.

As I said, I find A_C_Slater interesting! He should keep posting. But have some self-awareness! If you post hundreds of times about how you're a world-renowned expert on Hitler AND you come bringing exasperated warnings about the coming refugee crisis about to inflict America, recognize your exasperation and the lack of credibility with which the world treats your anxiety might have been bred in all of that outside-the-box thinking you're PROUD OF. It can't be both ways.

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY. He makes a set of non-sequitur but ultimately empirically testable claims:

- he lost a bet, so he set out to discover where the American public was at and discovered: 1) these working class people are the same ones that voted in Obama twice and 2) he came to the conclusion that the current political atmosphere is about Nationalism versus Globalism. Yet again we get an empirically dubious, entirely questionable claim (Obama's voters became Trump ones, they are working class, they represent the entirety of the American public) and then from there a conclusion about the global order.
- he declares that we should be aware that the parties are going to be perceived in a Globalist/Nationalist way from now on as opposed to the old Rich/Poor dynamic. Again, I sort of appreciate the point but it seems overly binary and empirically testable. Pollsters often survey the public and gather their views on the two dominant political parties; is EITHER formulation about the past and present-and-coming-future true? Maybe? I'm skeptical that either the formulation is precisely true. Why are we zooming past this?
- he claims global warming is going to make the entire Middle East unlivable in the coming decades. Yet again, empirically dubious. Also the implication, obvious later, is that climate change is going to result in Middle Eastern refugees seeking to settle in the United States. Or maybe Europe? Yet again, not clear, but here we are asked to believe something rather drastic in scope and entirely unproven.
- Apple has realized the 'CIA dream' of 'having psychological profiles on everyone.'
- 'We would still have Google efficient level search engines if Sergey Brin were never born.' -- unknowable counter-factual history but ultimately tangential.
- claims that Middle Easterns uprooted by climate change are going put more resource pressure on the dwindling arable farm regions in America as the temperature continues to rise here as well -- again, bundled in here are least like explicit and potentially many more claims worthy of examination: climate change is going to uproot Middle Easterners, we havea dwindling arable farm regions, climate change inexorably means rising temperatures everywhere, our national carrying capacity is exceeded, humans can't or won't adapt.

All throughout a bunch of empirically dubious claims are various binary choices or just exhortations to embrace his worldview ("lifeboat ethics.")

This thread is garbage but it was totally A_C_Slater's fault for posting drivel. He should try harder next time.

It's unfortunate but I can tell my post here is wasted effort because I'm sure you, A_C_Slater and a cadre of others are basically clueless as to why it's garbage and why this style of posting is tedious and bad.

If you take anything away from this, and I suspect you will take less than nothing, and in fact further retrench into self-pity, but if you take only one thing: you can have some premises and assumptions, you prove them, then you make some conclusions. The proving them is the most important part! Your conclusions are empty and meaningless without them.

I know that is hard, I get it bro. No one particularly likes it. But when you don't, the arguments are garbagey and bad and uncompelling.
That was a nice tell. Great post, you surgically tore him apart for shtzengiggle. Respect.

Originally Posted by Paul McSwizzle
I mean, it's true that there is a shifting theme in international and national politics and it is probably fairly accurate to describe it as "globalism vs nationalism" or open vs closed.

But OP took that solid premise and used it as a springboard to post a bunch of nonsensical politically charged retoric about refugees and ****.

Lol @ "civility." This is 2017. Make better points and the civility will follow.
This. Dude thought it might sound impolite and flame worthy to come at refugees head on. I'm beginning to think that AC Slater was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was ("whoop!! whoop whooop! whoooop whoop whooop!!!)
