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This forum has a radical left problem This forum has a radical left problem

11-15-2016 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
For many of us, the white supremacy is disqualifying regardless of all else. For others, it's his lack of curiosity about the world. For others, it's his thin-skinned nature and vindictiveness. Some of us are concerned about his lack of patience and inability to focus on a goal. Others of us are concerned that he will make major decisions based on his own ego and personal business interests.

But I guess the question for you Trump voters is, why isn't the white supremacy in itself disqualifying? That's the big cultural disconnect.
It would be (For some) if it was clear cut. To many though what Trump exhibits is instead a selfishness and lack of empathy to various groups if it will achieve his goals. Usually these groups happen to be non white but it is very likely that their non whiteness has little to do with his suggested treatment of them. As I wrote before. it is almost silly to think that he cherishes his whiteness since I am sure he feels superior to the vast majority of people who have that trait.
11-15-2016 , 04:39 PM
Just fyi I am definitely butthurt that my country has an orange Mr. Potatohead in charge and a bunch of leftie slappies who were ****ting on him for not accepting the election results running around burning **** down and screaming NOT MY PRESIDENT.
11-15-2016 , 04:44 PM
OP the place used to be overrun by libertarian anarcho-capitalist reactionary eugenicists. You couldn't compliment a fireman without being called a statist.

Survival of the fittest, yo.

Actually, the tone shift is rather interesting. The mean and stupid no longer automatically wins with volume. This site is the only reason I have left for living.

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 11-15-2016 at 04:51 PM.
11-15-2016 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
I am fine with deportation of immigrants, legal or illegal, that are convicted of non immigration related felonies of any sort.
So legal immigrants have a different status to everybody else? That's pretty horrific stuff.

Consider what would happen in practice within the 'justice' system. An immigrant gets arrested and threatened with a felony charge if they dont plead to a misdemeanor - who's going to risk it?
11-15-2016 , 04:51 PM
Damn, 13ball, you hear that, your 2p2 postings will lead to bloodshed.
11-15-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
OP the place used to be overrun by libertarian reactionaries. You couldn't compliment a fireman without being called a statist.

Survival of the fittest, yo.

Actually, the tone shift is rather interesting. The mean and stupid no longer automatically wins with volume. This site is the only reason I have left for living.
It is interesting but also rather strange because liberals generally dont believe in leaving things to the survival of the fittest. It's easy to make the mistake of thinking our side will be on top forever but it's balderdash.

The may become more interested in tone now that we aren't so obviously the fittest. Tone matters hugely in politcs (which is nothing to do with tone policing of course).
11-15-2016 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It is interesting but also rather strange because liberals generally dont believe in leaving things to the survival of the fittest. It's easy to make the mistake of thinking our side will be on top forever but it's balderdash.

The may become more interested in tone now that we aren't so obviously the fittest. Tone matters hugely in politcs (which is nothing to do with tone policing of course).
It's the most important thing of all.
11-15-2016 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
So legal immigrants have a different status to everybody else? That's pretty horrific stuff.

Consider what would happen in practice within the 'justice' system. An immigrant gets arrested and threatened with a felony charge if they dont plead to a misdemeanor - who's going to risk it?
What do you think is written in to the current lawbooks?

I don't think deportation is any worse of a punishment than imprisonment.
11-15-2016 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
It's the most important thing of all.
I wouldn't go that far.

Policies is the most important thing by far. Then practicalities.

Edit: principles may be even more important than those
11-15-2016 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Establishment on both sides did't want to get anything done though, they were happy with the status quo. They need to see this as a wakeup call before **** gets out of hand.

Whatever is required of legal immigrants should be required of them. It sucks they get to jump to the front of the line so to speak, but that's on the leaders of the U.S. government for creating the problem in the first place.
I disagree with that. The intransigence isn't equal. Establishment Democrats have been open to a compromise, their cynical ploy to keep the border open not withstanding. I'd say the base is strongly in favor of amnesty and a stronger border is a worthwhile compromise. The issue is on the Republican side where they initially wanted a immigration compromise but the base went ham on anything involving amnesty
11-15-2016 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Immigrants expand the economy and make the country more efficient. Yes, they depress wages for the poorly educated. So we need targeted help for the lower classes, not fewer immigrants and not deportation of immigrants, which is a terrible, terrible idea.
I no doubt agree with you with regards to expansion of economy. I also agree with shuffle that it leads to more inequality.

Also, while immigrants grow US economy, there is a point of diminishing returns with our current infrastructure and economy. I don't think we can blindly say more immigration is always better.
11-15-2016 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
What do you think is written in to the current lawbooks?
I dont know in this regard. My political view is independent of such contingent trivialities anyway

I don't think deportation is any worse of a punishment than imprisonment.
They may not get either if they can risk standing up to the justice system like non-vulnerable people can.

I disagree it's not far worse for many but in any case the fear of it will be far worse for many. That makes them second class and far more vulnerable when it comes to justice.
11-15-2016 , 05:12 PM
i agree with OP. the far-left radicals are out of control. they are our own red guards. maybe some will have the privilege someday of turning their own parents in for a beating for "reactionary" conservative talk.
11-15-2016 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by piet_evil
Could you explain to me in a short, simple way what this middleway was and how it worked ?
i am really curious about that topic because my home country Germany is failing miserably at Immigration Politics for a long time and we have big problems now because of that.
What kind of problems? AFD and a rampaging Seehofer? How changed your life after allowing 1million refugees into the country.
11-15-2016 , 05:22 PM
This is mostly to lighten the mood but as a 3 time visitor to Germany, I would put up with a lot of problems to have available your doner kebabs.
11-15-2016 , 05:32 PM
All posters are expected to cite material by request if its accuracy is questioned regardless of ideology. If you make a questionable argument, expect to be called out on it.

Don't think you're some special snowflake whose above the rules OP.
11-15-2016 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Yeah I agree with you that is what the base wants, but I don't think that is what the Dem establishment wants. They are way too aligned with business interests. Even the professional class of white collar Democratic voters have benefitted from immigration policy at the expense of blue collar voters who went to Trump.

That didn't happen on merits, either. Certain jobs and skills and industries will always go into decline as technology advances, but there's a natural order to that kind of thing. The social fabric can be strained and torn when that process is artificially accelerated, which is what happened when manufacturing jobs didn't simply disappear--they were just moved overseas.

Governments can and do have the ability to reverse that process.
That narrative is a bit more complex. For instance the places with the highest Trump change in support also had lower numbers of immigrants. It's not very well established that lower wage immigrants do depress lower paid workers completely.

Second the Democratic base and the establishment are aligned. Both want higher legal immigration. The base because they have family or know people who are illegal and the establishment because of business.

The Republican base on the other hand either says they want legal immigration instead of illegal immigration but never really grapple with that meaning higher legal immigration because the base does have a strong contingent of people that want to see no or very little immigration
11-15-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
Are the Democrats who voted for a black male to be president but refused to get out and vote for a white woman racist and sexist?
Black man running to be President of White Country, elections fought on how best to run the economy = "Tell them we're voting for the ******."

White woman running to be President of a Brown Country after eight years of BHO, one candidate makes explicit racial and misogynistic appeals = "Trump that Bitch."
11-15-2016 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
I am fine with deportation of immigrants, legal or illegal, that are convicted of non immigration related felonies of any sort.
Can you think of any specific situations that would make this a really really bad idea?
11-15-2016 , 06:03 PM
11-15-2016 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by crimedopay420
Can you think of any specific situations that would make this a really really bad idea?
Not as of yet but I am open minded and open to listen.

I suppose the rise of MS13 and the ravaging of El Salvadore can be somewhat of a counterexample but that gang was mainly started in the prisons.
11-15-2016 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
You're wrong, you continue to be wrong, and if you wish to persist to be wrong, then you are going to not only lose all power in this country, but you are going to have the blood of many people on your hands.
Sound argument.
11-15-2016 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Habsfan09
What kind of problems? AFD and a rampaging Seehofer? How changed your life after allowing 1million refugees into the country.
Asylum seekers without a chance at asylum staying here for years because of our stupid policies. they are not allowed to work and often become criminals
Our politicians dont find ways to get rid of denied asylum seekers because their homecountry does not take them back. Even hardcore criminals dont get deported

Rise in organized Crime and sexual delicts

Few hundred thousands people here that did not even have legal paperwork, no passport nothing. 30 year old Marocceans posing as 16 years old syrians.

Hundreds if not more terrorists using Germany as their Homebase.

radicalization in political intercourse, rise in left and right- radicals.
General feeling of unsaveness(backed by numbers or not) many people feel unsafer then before.
Having uneducated, party illiterate People coming in this masses will be a big burden to our social system. Most will not be able to do more then the simplest work for a long time.
The fact that Religion is a topic again in Germany. We were on our best Way to become an almost atheist Country. and now we get hundred of thousands of very religious People. so we get more Intolerance and backwardness into our Tolerant and peaceful Country.
Also education will certainly be lacking when one third of the class cant speak german fluently.

Some Problems are bigger than others for sure and especially the part about religion in Germany is my personal opinion.

Last edited by piet_evil; 11-15-2016 at 07:16 PM.
11-15-2016 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by piet_evil
The fact that Religion is a topic again in Germany. We were on our best Way to become an almost atheist Country. and now we get hundred of thousands of very religious People. so we get more Intolerance and backwardness into our Tolerant and peaceful Country.
11-15-2016 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
How many rubles to subscribe to your newsletter, Comrade?
i dont see a relation to russian shilling in my post, but it would be nice to be enlighted by you by pointing it out.
also here in Germany it is more of a thing of the left to defend Russian actions and to defame American policies

Last edited by piet_evil; 11-15-2016 at 07:43 PM. Reason: oh i see you did a ninja edit, your new post is even more thoughtfull
