Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
George Mason University has a pretty free market Economics Department as does mine Florida State University. The only leftist teachers I had were political science Professors.
GMU is Austrian(though I'd note that the Rothbardians don't get along with GMU because GMU sometimes tries to do actual economics), but I strongly suspect FSU(like the vast majority of accredited universities) is mainstream economics. You just think it's "a free market" Economics department because of your exposure to this forum.
Because so few of the ACists/Austrians have actually taken a class in economics they really and honestly buy into the demonization of Marxists and Keynesians running the statist student indoctrination system(through the Federal Reserve, natch). For all they know that's what goes on. You see that, you take a regular normal econ class at a pretty standard and representative state university, and you're like "WOW MY PROFESSOR DIDN'T ADVOCATE GULAGS FOR THE KULAKS HE MUST BE BESTEST BUDDIES WITH LEW ROCKWELL".
Actual mainstream economics is incredibly pro-free market. It is willing to explore the concept of a market not producing perfect outcomes as a consequence of not being blinded by some absurd(yet easy to understand and digest) niche philosophy, but insofar as mainstream economics makes normative statements they tend to be libertarian(yet, note, they still voted for Obama. LOL educated people).
I, for example, would be way on the "classical liberal" side of any reasonable free market sympathy test. In before various ******s "LOL OMG" at that, but it's true. This ties in pretty nicely to the conversation where everyone who isn't Murray Rothbard is a socialist. The lack of perspective is nearly overwhelming.