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Egyptian Protests Egyptian Protests

01-31-2011 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by smittymatt
What needs to happen with the egyptian protetests tonight to get me out of having to go to work tomorrow?
Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate ACORN, and under the direction of George Soros invade the towns of Real Americans to behead any women who goes to work and any man who doesn't grow his beard.

That oughtta do it.
01-31-2011 , 09:31 PM
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lol @ any sort of democracy or a freer society coming from this. Christian and Israel haters love the protests. The neo-cons were right
01-31-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
What should the administration do to sway the populous?
01-31-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
What can Obama do short of deplying the 82nd Airborne to the streets of Cairo?

Does he have the magic power to put down a massive popular uprising against a corrupt dictator?

Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Lol @ any sort of democracy or a freer society coming from this.
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East - and we're going to make sure to keep it that way! Arab countries are all dictatorships - and if any look like they might democratize, then we should crush any chances of it.

Seriously, if you keep up this attitude towards the Arab world, there really is only ever going to be a choice between friendly military dictatorships and vicious islamists.

Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Christian and Israel haters love the protests.
Try and portray me as an Israel hater. I dare you.

Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
The neo-cons were right
Read the Wolfowitz interview on this I posted earlier.
01-31-2011 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lol @ any sort of democracy or a freer society coming from this. Christian and Israel haters love the protests. The neo-cons were right
Because supporting 2-bit dictators has been a winning cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy.

01-31-2011 , 09:48 PM
Just keep in mind that if we are caught supporting either side, the publicity will wind up helping the other side. Remember that the Tunisia riots were touched off by Wikileaks documents about US support of that regime.
01-31-2011 , 09:50 PM
Yes! Instead of the king makers, we are now the king spoilers?
01-31-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Just keep in mind that if we are caught supporting either side, the publicity will wind up helping the other side. Remember that the Tunisia riots were touched off by Wikileaks documents about US support of that regime.
Not necessarily. Decisive US support to the protestors and pressure on the Mubarak regime would really help the protestors and suck for Mubarak. You might get some elements saying that the protestors are "compromised" by it, but

The wikileaks involvment in Tunisia was overblown also, and iirc, it was more about the wikileaks cable saying the Tunisian regime was corrupt, rather than US support of the regime. There wasn't a massively significant anti-US element to the protests iirc. These are essentially internal Arab affairs, from internal Arab issues, and directed at Arab regimes. Anti-Americanism and US-backing for the regimes doesn't seem to be a huge issues so far, although it could be for very good or bad reasons if the US decides on it.
01-31-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lol @ any sort of democracy or a freer society coming from this. Christian and Israel haters love the protests. The neo-cons were right
NVE gonna NVE
01-31-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Because supporting 2-bit dictators has been a winning cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy.

I will support this guy every day of the week. What is next is a repressive Islamist regime. All the idiots on the internet who think they are supporting some freedom movement make me sick.

Say goodbye to the Pyramids because you won't be able to see them for the next 20 years. Say goodbye to the Christian minority they will be killed and driven out
01-31-2011 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
I will support this guy every day of the week. What is next is a repressive Islamist regime. All the idiots on the internet who think they are supporting some freedom movement make me sick.

Say goodbye to the Pyramids because you won't be able to see them for the next 20 years. Say goodbye to the Christian minority they will be killed and driven out
And you know better than all the scholars of the country who say this is a very, very unlikely possibility because....?

Do those idiot lefties include Paul Wolfowitz? There are plenty of other right-wingers and neo-cons who are scaremongering and supporting the pharoah quite like you are, but who am I kidding, you'll just ignore them the same way you'll ignore this post.
01-31-2011 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
I will support freedom and justice for all every day of the week. What is next is a democratic and free society. All the idiots on the internet who think that this revolution will lead to the rise of the next Osama Bin Laden make me sick.
01-31-2011 , 10:18 PM
It's not often I buy into the whole "it's always America's fault" BS, but honestly if Egypt turns against America after this is over we asked for it this time. It seems like everytime we get in bed with some crackpot dictator it blows up in our face in the end. It's a pretty compelling argument extremist have when trying to convince the Egyptian population that we are evil
01-31-2011 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Yeah those heathen Muslim Brotherhood types might start using torture liberally, silencing political dissent, and maintaining autocratic rule for a couple of decades. Save Mubarak and save Egypt from that misfortune imo.
01-31-2011 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lol @ any sort of democracy or a freer society coming from this. Christian and Israel haters love the protests. The neo-cons were right
Just cause I'm curious, how would you propose Obama help Mubarek at this point? We've already given him all the equipment to do so. Muslim Brotherhood might not come out in charge of a government and El Baradei is not a charismatic leader.
01-31-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Yeah those heathen Muslim Brotherhood types might start using torture liberally, silencing political dissent, and maintaining autocratic rule for a couple of decades. Save Mubarak and save Egypt from that misfortune imo.
lol wp... The only that really worries me is that this will open up another hostile border with Israel. Egypt is pretty damn moderate regarding Israel, and it won't be good for the region as a whole if there's a second Lebanon.
01-31-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Yeah those heathen Muslim Brotherhood types might start using torture liberally, silencing political dissent, and maintaining autocratic rule for a couple of decades. Save Mubarak and save Egypt from that misfortune imo.
Watching this unfold is sort of like watching your mother in law drive off the cliff in your new Mercedes. Mubarak is an unsavory guy, but the recent history of Islamic societies doesn't exactly overwhelm me with confidence that a subsequent government won't be much worse and more repressive to the human spirit.

It is their society and it is for them to decide what to do, but I have this gnawing feeling they are more likely to end up with Ayman Zawahiri than Kemal Ataturk.
01-31-2011 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
I will support this guy every day of the week. What is next is a repressive Islamist regime. All the idiots on the internet who think they are supporting some freedom movement make me sick.

Say goodbye to the Pyramids because you won't be able to see them for the next 20 years. Say goodbye to the Christian minority they will be killed and driven out
So, I guess we should have stayed out of Iraq, then? At least Saddam was a secular dictator, and there were Christians in the country who are now fleeing.
01-31-2011 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick.
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
All the idiots on the internet who think they are supporting some freedom movement make me sick.
Maybe you need to take a pill and go lie down for a while.
01-31-2011 , 11:20 PM
wow nice thread, at least for an egyptian..
01-31-2011 , 11:42 PM
He sure knows enough about pushing myths: ElBaradei misled the world about Iran's nuclear program
01-31-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This administration is making me sick. Obama needs to support Mubarak. After everything Egypt has done for us we turn our back to them in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
lol, the anti-mubarak protesters are 100% muslim brotherhood?

And where you meant to write "Mubarak & friends" you wrote "Egypt" btw.
01-31-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Ahigh
He sure knows enough about pushing myths: ElBaradei misled the world about Iran's nuclear program
That is a pretty terrible polemic. The author substantiates none of his claims. Not even a single reference to a concrete document or event.
01-31-2011 , 11:58 PM
no actually the muslim brotherhood r riding along, but people are smarter than that and they know that most of their GNP comes from tourism and from having a non-traditional muslim country
01-31-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by BadAtMeth
That is a pretty terrible polemic. The author substantiates none of his claims. Not even a single reference to a concrete document or event.
yeah who reads haaretz
