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The Ebola Containment Thread: Now with Less Ebola The Ebola Containment Thread: Now with Less Ebola

10-14-2014 , 01:15 PM
There have been lots of reports of African immigrants being intimidated in Dallas, turned away from restaurants etc.

So far no reports of nurses or NBC journalists and cameramen being turned away from restaurants afaik despite them actually being the ones spreading Ebola.
10-14-2014 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Everything the Black President does, even if it's nothing, is wrong. It's sad it's political, but TIWRAB.
I know, sickening. OTOH I don't think it's hypocritical at all not to be the least bit offended by the team I root for running adds about the GOP personally trying to butt **** ebola right into my mom. Go team!
10-14-2014 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Everything the Black President does, even if it's nothing, is wrong. It's sad it's political, but TIWRAB.
Oh **** me dids did you seriously not see the democrats ad on this?
10-14-2014 , 02:03 PM
Quoting for the best example of just asking questions in a while

Rep. Steve Stockman yesterday chatted with End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles, telling the “Trunews” host that President Obama may be delaying the government response to the Ebola epidemic because he wants the virus to spread. Once it spreads, Stockman argued, Obama will use the Ebola outbreak as a justification to declare emergency powers.

The Texas Republican lawmaker insisted that was simply just asking the question: “It’s just bizarre there’s not enough action up front and I’m wondering if that’s — I’m not saying this — but I’m wondering if that’s intentional in order to create a greater crisis to use it as a blunt force to say, well in order to solve this crisis we’re going to have to take control of the economy and individuals and so forth.”

“It’s just a strange non-response, a strange way of handling it and I think that if it does go forward and we do not control it, there may be an overreaction where the government starts taking away the rights of those that aren’t that necessarily involved or need that to happen,” he said. “I hope that’s not that case but as you know this current government uses crisis to advance their philosophy and their agenda.”
10-14-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The Washington snipers showed that a shooter with a rifle can cause a lot of terror for pocket change.
Nobody outside of DC was really scared though. A few cases of ISIS transmitted Ebola getting in here would turn our fear mongering media against in the worst way and cause widespread panic. I wonder if the suicide terrorist would be willing to do that though. Blowing yourself up is one thing. Infecting yourself with Ebola is on another level. They might have to up the number of virgins promised if bleeding from the eyes in involved. Suicide bombing while infected with Ebola would suck for the target.
10-14-2014 , 03:15 PM
So these terrorists who aren't skilled enough to be able to fly a plane into a building will develop weaponized exotic viruses?
10-14-2014 , 03:17 PM
Meh, if you're willing to suicide bomb yourself you could weaponize ebola pretty damn quickly.
10-14-2014 , 03:23 PM
From something else
10-14-2014 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So these terrorists who aren't skilled enough to be able to fly a plane into a building will develop weaponized exotic viruses?
Trolly I don't think I claimed that anyone wasn't skilled enough to fly planes into buildings. I only pointed out that your argument for why they were was pure garbage. If you want to rehash that I will be more than happy.

It wouldn't take too much for a terrorist to use Ebola to scare the **** out of the American public right now. The reaction of the hard right to such a development is a legitimate fear/risk.
10-14-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Oh **** me dids did you seriously not see the democrats ad on this?
I have not, but if it's the add I just read about it's not really the same thing.
"We maybe could have prevented this" is a valid starting point for a conversation (but yes, a tasteless time to make that point, and I think it's a ****ty idea). Running around trying politicize the response to Ebola is a different beast.
10-14-2014 , 03:54 PM
The Democrat fear mongering ad is tasteless. As far as fear mongering ads go it's pretty good though. Contagion and World War Z would have been proud
10-14-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I have not, but if it's the add I just read about it's not really the same thing.
"We maybe could have prevented this" is a valid starting point for a conversation (but yes, a tasteless time to make that point, and I think it's a ****ty idea). Running around trying politicize the response to Ebola is a different beast.
lol ****ing hell dids it's in this thread. Watch the ad and characterize that **** as 'we could have prevented this' please.
10-14-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Trolly I don't think I claimed that anyone wasn't skilled enough to fly planes into buildings. I only pointed out that your argument for why they were was pure garbage. If you want to rehash that I will be more than happy.

It wouldn't take too much for a terrorist to use Ebola to scare the **** out of the American public right now. The reaction of the hard right to such a development is a legitimate fear/risk.
Bahahahahaha no it's not. It's like the fear mongering over finding bubonic plague info on a terrorist computer. The chances and capability of pulling off anything at all is remote, much less the miniscule damage it would do. Fear mongering about terrorists shooting power stations is more plausible.
10-14-2014 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Nobody outside of DC was really scared though. A few cases of ISIS transmitted Ebola getting in here would turn our fear mongering media against in the worst way and cause widespread panic. I wonder if the suicide terrorist would be willing to do that though. Blowing yourself up is one thing. Infecting yourself with Ebola is on another level. They might have to up the number of virgins promised if bleeding from the eyes in involved. Suicide bombing while infected with Ebola would suck for the target.
But two guys with a rifle scared the place massively. Ironically crime dropped because even criminals were afraid to go out on the street. For our five trained terrorists in for our five cities doing the same thing would terrorise a huge percent of Americans.

I've always thought the Mumbai terror attack in 2008 is the ultimate model for cheap terror attacks. A half dozen people could completely cripple a massive city with weapons legal to obtain in America with a death toll perhaps in the hundreds rather than the pathetic number in say the Boston bombing.

Similarly the Oslo attack by Breivik was one guy who killed 77 with a couple of legal guns and a fake cop uniform.

If you had the resources to do an Ebola attack, especially if you are sneaking over the border as you suggest, you could do something much more deadly a lot easier.

Ironically though given CNN and the like are already terrorising Americans over the risk of Ebola all ISIS would have to do is suggest they will do it and the fire is already primed to go up. A simple tweet from them could be just as effective as an actual attack.
10-14-2014 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
lol ****ing hell dids it's in this thread. Watch the ad and characterize that **** as 'we could have prevented this' please.
Do you think the video is on par with what the Congressman was doing?
10-14-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Bahahahahaha no it's not. It's like the fear mongering over finding bubonic plague info on a terrorist computer. The chances and capability of pulling off anything at all is remote, much less the miniscule damage it would do. Fear mongering about terrorists shooting power stations is more plausible.
Of course it would do no real damage in and of itself. But the fear it could generate would be tremendous. You couldn't script a better terror plot for the American xenophobic right. We've got ISIS on the march and looking immune to our lol surgical strikes, Ebola already firmly planted in the American psyche as the poster virus of the apocalyptic outbreak, infected black people from Liberia (they're baaaaack), a president who has been caricatured on the right into some African Commie Muslim whose actions are tautologically inept or treasonous, and the only thing holding these forces at bay is the BORDA SECURRRty of Africa and Mexico. Hopefully the groups willing to exploit this powder keg of fear don't have the understanding of our domestic politics to see it.
10-14-2014 , 04:59 PM
Ikes could you tell your state not to be such scaredy cat dumb*sses?

Caldwell, a Republican, called the proposal to dispose of Dallas Ebola victim Eric Duncan's incinerated belongings at a Lake Charles landfill "absurd" and pledged to use the legal process to stop the transfer. WBRZ Baton Rouge reports:

"We certainly share sadness and compassion for those who have lost their lives and loved ones to this terrible virus, but the health and safety of our Louisiana citizens is our top priority. There are too many unknowns at this point," Caldwell said. The Louisiana Attorney General's Office is in the process of finalizing the application for temporary restraining order and expects it to be filed as early as Monday morning.
10-14-2014 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Of course it would do no real damage in and of itself. But the fear it could generate would be tremendous. You couldn't script a better terror plot for the American xenophobic right. We've got ISIS on the march and looking immune to our lol surgical strikes, Ebola already firmly planted in the American psyche as the poster virus of the apocalyptic outbreak, infected black people from Liberia (they're baaaaack), a president who has been caricatured on the right into some African Commie Muslim whose actions are tautologically inept or treasonous, and the only thing holding these forces at bay is the BORDA SECURRRty of Africa and Mexico. Hopefully the groups willing to exploit this powder keg of fear don't have the understanding of our domestic politics to see it.
Well they don't and don't even really have the capability. They'd have to hop a plane to an infected zone, come in contact with an infected person, make sure they became infected which mostly means actually showing symptoms which takes 2 to 21 days. Then hop a plane to Mexico, cross a border, and then purposely infect a lot of people while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It's like some cartoon villain's idea of a plot.
10-14-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

If you had the resources to do an Ebola attack, especially if you are sneaking over the border as you suggest, you could do something much more deadly a lot easier.
Deadly in terms of numbers doesn't ultimately matter. The point of terrorism isn't to kill but to generate fear. Killing is usually involved but it's incidental.

Originally Posted by [Phill]
Ironically though given CNN and the like are already terrorising Americans over the risk of Ebola all ISIS would have to do is suggest they will do it and the fire is already primed to go up. A simple tweet from them could be just as effective as an actual attack.
I was thinking that too. A tweet from Mexico or Canada would be especially effective.
10-14-2014 , 05:11 PM
Can dogs spread it? From what I understand after Duncan got sick before entering the ambulance it sat on the sidewalk for 4 days (here is a pic of them power cleaning it without hazmat suits What happens if a dog or 2 came along and had a nibble?
10-14-2014 , 05:26 PM
Supposedly they found dogs can be exposed to it and perhaps carry it, but no one knows anything for sure.
10-14-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Well they don't and don't even really have the capability. They'd have to hop a plane to an infected zone, come in contact with an infected person,
How hard could this be? Fedex is hiring.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
make sure they became infected which mostly means actually showing symptoms which takes 2 to 21 days.
Just throw a bunch of people at the problem and travel before symptoms show. Some are bound to get infected. Don't need to bat a high percentage here.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Then hop a plane to Mexico, cross a border,
This is probably the only hard part, and I don't know how hard. Maybe there is a less direct route but that would eat up incubation time. It's my layman understanding that most of the foreign terrorists who have successfully attacked us had legitimate visas and were being tracked by multiple governments including ours. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence. Like oh, they let the bad guys in before but not now, not with Ebola on the line. Now they are going to super duper really try hard! But I don't know if terrorists have ever come in through Mexico so maybe there are obstacles in that route I'm not considering.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
and then purposely infect a lot of people while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It's like some cartoon villain's idea of a plot.
If they got an infected person here the rest is easy and, besides that, just getting one here would be enough.
10-14-2014 , 05:33 PM
Interesting stat just on BBC news, apparently the current average is for each Ebola victim to give the infection to 2 people.
10-14-2014 , 05:39 PM
Deuces worrying about an terrorist plot to spread Ebola is perfect, exactly the kind of sound strategic thinking Id expect from someone who watched 9/11 and thinks "they probably planted some charges in the WTC for ****s and giggles as well"
10-14-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Ikes could you tell your state not to be such scaredy cat dumb*sses?
I wish. I gotta hand out Ebola plans to clinic people this week.
