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Drunk Sex and Rape Drunk Sex and Rape

06-28-2014 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Because the argument is not that she consented. Everybody agrees that she did. The argument is that she was too incapacitated to know what she was consenting to. That's a stretch considering what she did to go through with her plan.
I've already shown proof that incapacitated people can throw up. Can you show evidence that incapacitated people can't walk?
06-28-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I've already shown proof that incapacitated people can throw up. Can you show evidence that incapacitated people can't walk?
No, you've shown proof you don't know what incapacitated means in the context of this case. If you personally want to call somebody who is throwing up "incapacitated", that's whatever. It's not the definition we're dealing with in this case. The definition in this case is somebody who doesn't understand the H/W/W/W/W of the situation. I know we've gone over this a million times. Sooner or later you'll have to understand that stumbling around drunk, or even throwing up, does not fit the definition of incapacitation supposedly used by the university.
06-28-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Can you show evidence that incapacitated people can't walk?
So that's a no?
06-28-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
So that's a no?
Great take-away, LK. Fantastic stuff as always. Ignore the definition of incapacitated used in the case to continue making up your own.
06-28-2014 , 02:57 PM
Phill was talking generally, hence his use of "a girl" and not "this girl" in the post you were responding to. Try to keep up with your own conversations.
06-28-2014 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
A girl can plan to have sex and then say no later. We all agree with this point I assume?

So how does her planning to have sex in this case matter? It doesn't matter in either case, planning to do something is not a factor in determining if it's rape or not. Ever.
Oh. Well I'm sure that's still my fault somehow.
06-28-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Has he filed any charges? Why should I give two ****s if he doesn't give a single one?
Let's apply this standard to, say, equal pay for women. If they aren't complaining, nothing to worry about, right? Definitely not any cultural and historical context to apply.
06-28-2014 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
A girl can plan to have sex and then say no later. We all agree with this point I assume?

So how does her planning to have sex in this case matter? It doesn't matter in either case, planning to do something is not a factor in determining if it's rape or not. Ever.
It's almost like planning is just one data point in the broader argument.
06-28-2014 , 03:08 PM
Happy_Fish- Have you ever, just once, for like fun, tried to take devil's advocate on the RIGHT side?

Like there are clearly people who would argue with you the other way, it can't just be raw contrarianism. But every ****ing time, there you are, waving the flag for Douche and Racist and whatever the **** other scum you can find that people are *gasp* being mean to on the internet
06-28-2014 , 03:09 PM
The point of that story is that if you think you're coming off as an objective LogicLord, descended from on high to issue your ironclad and irrefutable proclamation that the Occidental college review board here GOT IT WRONG, uh, that's not how it's actually playing to the audience.
06-28-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Again, like I said, this **** is transparently social conservatives raging at a world that is more differenter than they want it to be. We see the same "responsibility" language in abortion debates, sluts need to get punished for their poor decisions.
Personal responsibility is a tough concept I guess.

The drunk driving analogy is so perfect. Get drunk, make a decision that you know potentially has consequences, ???
06-28-2014 , 03:16 PM
What decision potentially has consequences, and who is avoiding those consequences?

Guys who get drunk and rape a chick, who you want to avoid punishment(somehow, actual policy specifics take a back seat to whining about losing the culture war ITT every single time)? LOL you really didn't think this analogy through, kid.
06-28-2014 , 03:17 PM
lol transparently social conservatives. When all else fails just start calling people names. Or start calling them names first. Whatever.
06-28-2014 , 03:18 PM
See they're ALREADY rapists! Fly knows!
06-28-2014 , 03:19 PM
Media coverage of the first day of that Men's Rights conference, including the
“The vast majority of female students allegedly raped on campus are actually voicing buyer’s remorse from alcohol-fueled promiscuous behavior involving murky lines of consent on both sides,” she said, drawing chuckles from the audience. “It’s true. It’s their get-out-of-guilt-free card, you know like Monopoly.” The chuckles turned to guffaws.
quote you can clearly see reflected in the posts of YB, ikes, etc.
06-28-2014 , 03:25 PM
So LOL Canadian National Post reporters? Or people who laughed? Or was ikes there? I'm pretty confused by the relevance.

Oh wait, I found it:

Attempted guilt by association
06-28-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What decision potentially has consequences, and who is avoiding those consequences?
Decision: Choosing to have sex.
Consequence: 1) Not liking your decision afterwards. 2) Pregnancy

Think you can figure the rest out?
06-28-2014 , 03:41 PM
LOL Your Boss, uh, you realize that I already figured that out?

When I said that was the obvious undertone of your posts, Happy_Fish threw his typical temper tantrum...

lol turns out YB is like "Yep, that's what's going on here, women expressing sexual autonomy irks the **** out of me"
06-28-2014 , 03:43 PM
LOL H_F how you like that guilt by association now? You're not complicated!

(P.S. if you were the sort of person who instantly grasped the difference between a reporter and columnist, you probably wouldn't be so confused, but just as a pro-tip:
don't lie about her job to give that statement more credibility!)

Edit: H_F I can kinda tell you don't really get out a lot, or consume a wide variety of news media, but that MSNBC article was just to clue you(and the rest of #teamfedora) in to the way the mainstream views this ****.

You think, because you always think this, that there's just two equal sides and your fee-fees get the hurted because internet people are being mean to one. But make no mistake: MRAs are ****ing scum and deserve that treatment. It says something about you that your innate sympathies lie with them.

But that's how MSNBC frames that story. It's like, gawking at the weirdos, a reporter infiltrates a conference of human garbage with self-evidently terrible views and reports back to the horrified normals.

H_F: "But I don't find their views self-evidently terrible at all! It's wrong of you to say that! I will complain to the mods, for your language has given me a frown on my insides!"

No ****, brah, but that's your cross to bear. You need to find Jesus or whatever to tackle the "difficult" moral question regarding sticking your dick in a girl who can't walk straight, that's your problem.

Last edited by FlyWf; 06-28-2014 at 03:53 PM.
06-28-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL Your Boss, uh, you realize that I already figured that out?

When I said that was the obvious undertone of your posts, Happy_Fish threw his typical temper tantrum...

lol turns out YB is like "Yep, that's what's going on here, women expressing sexual autonomy irks the **** out of me"
Your ability to read tends to be lacking, thought I'd spell it out all simple like for you since you asked.

And sure, if the undertone of my posts is "actions have consequences", um, cool?

But I'm not sure what's so hard for you to grasp here. You are the one whose side is anti autonomy. You. Your side. Not me. If women want to get drunk and have sex, that's their decision. You want to say they can't. You want to control their actions. Not me.
06-28-2014 , 03:55 PM
LOL Your Boss. It doesn't get better, dude. Your side is never going to win another cultural battle. It'll only get worse for you from here on out.
06-28-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Because the argument is not that she consented. Everybody agrees that she did. The argument is that she was too incapacitated to know what she was consenting to. That's a stretch considering what she did to go through with her plan.
Going through with a plan is terrible evidence of not being too drunk. I have been told about doing lots of stuff completely black out drunk that it makes no sense.
06-28-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL Your Boss. It doesn't get better, dude. Your side is never going to win another cultural battle. It'll only get worse for you from here on out.
Concession accepted.
06-28-2014 , 04:11 PM
Yes women are definitely clamoring against the oppression of having guys who rape them get punished, that is just amazing messaging you've cooked up. You should've been presenting this weekend!
06-28-2014 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
If you're unable to consent whatsoever while drunk, i've been raped at LEAST 500 times.
No dude, you didn't feel raped afterwards, hence you weren't raped.

See, we've learned ITT that feeling raped the night after drunk sex indicates you were almost certainly raped. Conversely, the only reason you wouldn't feel raped afterwards is you not having been raped.

This is #dudeliterally what it comes down to with Fly, Goofy, and the other all star regs ITT. Gender differences in social conditioning re: the "appropriateness" of one night stands, drunken sex, acquaintance/stranger sex, etc.? Nah, all bull****.

Feel raped after some drunken sex? You were almost certainly raped. Don't feel raped? You weren't raped. Answer: Duh don't rape women FTW. Super simple issue with no ethical dilemmas involved. GG.
