Originally Posted by suzzer99
I love the "boldly assert the opposite of what 99% of the public accepts as general wisdom" game. The Jungle had a huge impact on unsafe working and meat-packing conditions. It spurred the creation of what would become the FDA. Most of us are happy someone is trying to keep toxins and pathogens (not to mention clumsy workers) out of our food. I'm sure free market pixie dust would do it much better. But we're just fuddy duddies like that. Bird in the hand.
I forgot, the government commissioned the writing of the jungle.
Upton Sinclair came to Chicago with the intent of writing The Jungle; he had been given a stipend by the socialist newspaper The Appeal to Reason.
(+1 for freedom to be socialist under AC)
And yay, most of us are excited the the FDA is there with a big press conference every time our food is screwed up to announce they will punish and make more better regulations! Reverse chronological causation FTW!!!
Do you even know the history of seatbelts? Ralph Nader had to campaign for like 10 years to get automakers to put them in. They resisted at every turn. They didn't want the responsibility for keeping people safe. Requiring seat-belts has to be regarded as one of the greater triumphs of regulation over selfish corporate interests in recent history.
You can't be serious.
The big bad private auto industry? Or maybe Nader was fighting a captured Government that insulated the auto agencies from market realities?
Who knows? Obviously not you. But its clear which narrative is more suitable to the ostrich defense of "I have stupids about the economy but I'll yell and scream conflated absurdities about "evil corporate interests" and laissez-faire because that what all the other braindead sheeples think."
OMG the other ostriches think the same thing is the bestest logical fallacy ever (next to OMG I appeal to the experts and see here Krugtard said so).