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DNC 2016:  Rock you like a Hillar-Kaine DNC 2016:  Rock you like a Hillar-Kaine

07-25-2016 , 05:55 PM
More substance but this is really boring compared to the RNC.
07-25-2016 , 05:58 PM
i liked that they had a video showing the committees working on the party platform. the RNC was a cult of personality for The Donald
07-25-2016 , 05:59 PM
no way. Dems appear fired-up, enthusiastic to me
07-25-2016 , 06:01 PM
democrats dance better than republicans
07-25-2016 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
no way. Dems appear fired-up, enthusiastic to me
Agree, plus there are a lot more delegates at the DNC.
07-25-2016 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
between the bernie clowns and trump guys it hasnt really been an impressive year for white people
07-25-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
Nice. When was that?
October 30th 2006. We watched Patriot vs Vikings in the hotel bar.
07-25-2016 , 06:20 PM
this dude is getting deported day 1 should donnie get elected
07-25-2016 , 06:23 PM
This got boring quick.
07-25-2016 , 06:24 PM
Giving most of the speeches in Spanish seems like the optimal way to quiet the Bernie Bros.
07-25-2016 , 06:25 PM
07-25-2016 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by plzd0nate
This got boring quick.
This is exactly how Donald has been so successful -- he is entertaining and everyone else isn't. You wouldn't think entertainment correlates to winning elections but it clearly does.

Any press (attention/interest/excitement) -- whether positive or negative -- is good for his chances of getting elected.
07-25-2016 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by dogshipdude
Is there alcohol served at these?

Usually, at the RNC there was an outdoor bar outside the arena, and it's not uncommon for alcohol to be brought in in hip flasks

If you need a drink I have a nice big picture of sangria to go with tonights BBQ, come on over.
07-25-2016 , 06:30 PM
Kevin DeLeon is a corrupt POS. I'd bet money that within 10 years he ends up getting nailed by the FBI.
07-25-2016 , 06:36 PM
Found a full list of speakers for today, highlights for the rest of the day in terms of name recognition:

- Dannel Malloy, governor of CT
- Jeanne Shaheen, senator from NH
- performance by Demi Lovato
- Jeff Merkley, senator from OR
- Jason & Jarron Collins (former NBA players, Jason is openly gay)
- Bob Casey, senator from PA
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Al Franken
- Sarah Silverman (not sure if performing or speaking?)
- performance by Paul Simon
- Eva Longoria
- Cory Booker
- Michelle Obama
- Elizabeth Warren
- Bernie Sanders
07-25-2016 , 06:37 PM
Half of the speakers have been fat. Anyone else notice this?
07-25-2016 , 06:38 PM
Paul Simon? he's no scott baio but i'll tune in i guess
07-25-2016 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
This statement is not true. Trump would not win an election in a previous generation. He is a product of the times and the current makeup of the American people. It's not a coincidence that a nation of fat, bloated, narcissistic, celebrity-obsessed, unintelligent people would be enthralled by a loud-mouthed, pandering, boastful, and crude dramatist.
It's always weird to hear about how terrible the ever present day politics is. Back in the day violence and rumors that would make Drudge report blush were the common currency. We talk about the Lincoln Douglas debates as a paragon of high spirited debate but about half of the time of Lincoln's speeches are trying to dispel conspiracy theories about how the Republican Party started and assuring people about what exactly he thought about the Negros.
07-25-2016 , 06:42 PM
lmao playing that very good brain quote
07-25-2016 , 06:43 PM
I can't listen to these people anymore. They can't stop themselves from telling their bull**** made up stories
07-25-2016 , 06:45 PM
Why did they pick a Windows 95 screen saver background for them to talk in front of?
07-25-2016 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Found a full list of speakers for today, highlights for the rest of the day in terms of name recognition:

- Dannel Malloy, governor of CT
- Jeanne Shaheen, senator from NH
- performance by Demi Lovato
- Jeff Merkley, senator from OR
- Jason & Jarron Collins (former NBA players, Jason is openly gay)
- Bob Casey, senator from PA
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Al Franken
- Sarah Silverman (not sure if performing or speaking?)
- performance by Paul Simon
- Eva Longoria
- Cory Booker
- Michelle Obama
- Elizabeth Warren
- Bernie Sanders
great slate
07-25-2016 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by plzd0nate
I can't listen to these people anymore. They can't stop themselves from telling their bull**** made up stories
i watched those 2 dopes tell the bengazi story from the michael bay movie don't bail on me monday before primetime!
07-25-2016 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Hammerin Hank
Having Michael Brown's mother speak is a disgrace. I will revel in the spectacle if the crowd breaks in to a chant of "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT"

The title of this thread is champion imho
Hey I wonder how Trump happened conservatives are just so nice and totally not racist
07-25-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
This statement is not true. Trump would not win an election in a previous generation. He is a product of the times and the current makeup of the American people. It's not a coincidence that a nation of fat, bloated, narcissistic, celebrity-obsessed, unintelligent people would be enthralled by a loud-mouthed, pandering, boastful, and crude dramatist.
Where in my post did I say this would have worked in previous elections. I agree with the rest of your post.
