My hopes and dreams for the debt ceiling showdown are pretty simple. Amid much bitterness and acrimony, talks break down as House Republicans descend into open warfare within their own ranks. (Republicans can't stand being owned by Obama - it's driving them nuts.) The more radical and strident House Republicans decide they have had enough of Obama being declared "the winner" every time while they are perceived as dropping their pants and bending over, so now it's Custer's last stand.
House Republicans, fired up by Eric Cantor, break out in open revolt against Speaker Boehner. The more strident GOP House members declare "If we don't draw a line in the sand right here and right now, we'll never get spending cuts. The time for pussyfooting around is over! This is war!"
This will play right into President Obama's hands. He'll let the Republicans force a Government shutdown confident in the belief that they'll get all the blame. Chaos will ensue as government workers are sent home (on paid leave) while government contract workers are sent home on unpaid leave. The stock market will crash amid much hand wringing and predictions of financial armageddon by commentatots and "experts" on CNBC. Laid off defense workers (and Social Security recipients) will rush Capitol Hill mad as hell over losing their jobs or not receiving their monthly checks. President Obama will be on TV every day shaking his head and declaring that this is all the fault of Republicans. He'll make another cute remark about how the Republicans need to "eat their peas" and get to work - which will make Tea Party zealots even crazier.
The heat in the kitchen will get really hot as we're treated to the spectacle of Republicans - especially House Republicans - in full melt down mode. Republicans will be forced into another humiliating defeat as they cave to Obama one more time. Rush Limbaugh will have a field day grousing about the capitulation. In the aftermath, there's a "night of the long knives" as Eric Cantor leads an open revolt to depose Boehner as House Speaker. (Nancy Pelosi naturally encourages all of her members to vote with the rebellious Republicans to ditch Boehner.)
This is my "dream" scenario. Of course, this is the kind of spectacle you enjoy if you're an anarchist.
Last edited by Alan C. Lawhon; 01-05-2013 at 10:00 PM.
Reason: Minor edit.