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03-07-2014 , 07:28 PM
Kaili Joy Gray ‏@KailiJoy 4m
Hope all the ladies at CPAC attended the rape prevention panel, so they know not to drink at any of those CPAC parties.
03-07-2014 , 09:46 PM

Five muscular men, marked with labels like "Federal Reserve" and "Cronyism," dressed in military garb and challenged passersby to tug-of-war and strength contests.
03-08-2014 , 12:25 PM
Awesome 2014 lineup

Guns and Roses and More Guns
Sexist Pistols
Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.O.I.L.
Electric breitbart orchestra
Death From Above Baghdad, Kabul, Yemen
The self-righteous brother
Enjoy Division
Eric Clapton's Semi-Obscure Racist Rant
50 Cent per Hour
Dick Cheney and The Mothers of Intervention
Sonny and Don't Share

03-08-2014 , 02:57 PM
50 Cent/Hour and Notorious BIGOIL are pretty good.
03-08-2014 , 03:22 PM
#Scoldplay and suprise Takei appearance making the lols!

As a Zappa fan, I'm actually a bit offended by Cheney and The Mothers of Invention.
03-08-2014 , 08:10 PM
Palin going off on The Tragic Firing Of Phil Robertson.

03-09-2014 , 01:37 AM
This thread seems very arrogant. I mean, I know some conservatives say plenty of dumb **** (Step 1: don't talk about rape) but that doesn't mean they're all idiots/morons/evil.
03-09-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
Christie is obviously comes off as honest and forthright. But bridge gate.

Also he seems like a dick.
Way to make random assertions about which you probably know very little.
03-09-2014 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by hoponpop
This thread seems very arrogant. I mean, I know some conservatives say plenty of dumb **** (Step 1: don't talk about rape) but that doesn't mean they're all idiots/morons/evil.
They've done enough over the last 14 years to no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt. Many times, they shatter all semblence of that benefit of the doubt. They're not all idiots. Just the vast majority of them.
03-09-2014 , 04:45 AM
Just with some quick math, there's approximately 9187 national and state legislators, governors, and mayors of towns with more than a population of 30,000.

Assume half of those are Rublicans, so 4600 politicians, right now, who could put their foots in their mouths.

If only 1% of these politicians did so, that's still around 50 people doing so. Add in the usual talking heads and other unelected bimbos like Ted Nugent, and there's a lot of fodder for daily consumption of moronic right wingery.

Still, this could be a vocal minority that makes the rest look awful, even at 2-5% of politicians, so in a sense hop does have a point.

But the main point of the thread that, while not all republicans are racist and such, if you're a racist in America, you're not voting team black panthe... Errr, team black president.
03-09-2014 , 09:40 AM
It's not so much the idiotic stuff that the more frothy of the Republicans say that is concerning. It's that the crowds largely nod in agreement at the idiotic statements, and the other Republican mouthpieces don't publicly come out against what the idiots are saying.
03-09-2014 , 12:08 PM
Does every 200+ representative have to denounce what every 500+ mayor says each time a dumb statement is made?

I think crowd mentality may be a big culprit for crowds of republicans. Granted, they don't have to actively cheer awful things, but it becomes easier to do so when the idiot next to you does.
03-09-2014 , 12:23 PM
I mean, Bill O'Reilly still has a job and an audience after going full racist on election night. No apologies.
03-09-2014 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Does every 200+ representative have to denounce what every 500+ mayor says each time a dumb statement is made?
Dude, this isn't some lone Republican mayor saying something stupid. These are the keynote speakers at a national meeting of Republicans delivering a consistent stream of laughable derp to cheering crowds. "Let's not give lunch to schoolchildren" isn't a fringe view that drew applause because the crowds were too polite to boo; it's the party's VP pick articulating the party's core Ayn Rand-inspired principles.

Someone needs to say "We need to stop being the party of morons." Jindal was kind of on that track before he gave up and decided "Obama is the new George Wallace!" was a message that would be easier to sell.
03-09-2014 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Just with some quick math, there's approximately 9187 national and state legislators, governors, and mayors of towns with more than a population of 30,000.

Assume half of those are Rublicans, so 4600 politicians, right now, who could put their foots in their mouths.

If only 1% of these politicians did so, that's still around 50 people doing so. Add in the usual talking heads and other unelected bimbos like Ted Nugent, and there's a lot of fodder for daily consumption of moronic right wingery.

Still, this could be a vocal minority that makes the rest look awful, even at 2-5% of politicians, so in a sense hop does have a point.

But the main point of the thread that, while not all republicans are racist and such, if you're a racist in America, you're not voting team black panthe... Errr, team black president.
Given the Republican Party publishes the party ideals and those ideals includes LITERAL prejudice and bigotry...these are not the ones going off the reservation. Those 50 Republicans providing the derp arent a side effect, they are a symptom.

The "Legitimate rape" stuff Akin said is basically a tangential justification for stuff like the "forcible rape" bill Paul Ryan VP pick for Romney co-authored with Akin. Seriously when vetting Paul Ryan the Romney team didnt think a bill that talks about forcible rape (instead of...?) was something they needed to worry about.

Conservatives like to hear from frauds that "legitimate rape cant result in a pregnancy because the body has ways to shut that all down" because it is the perfect excuse for not letting women who were raped have abortions if they fall pregnant with the rapist's foetus. The Republican Party actually talks about how if they 'let' women have abortions because they were raped it created a loophole. TIWRAB! ****ING LOOPHOLE!
03-09-2014 , 02:22 PM
Loopholes in abortion: not allowed. Pandora's box, moral fabric shredding apart, christian values blah blah greatest nation something something murder.

Loopholes in tax codes and business regulations: shhhhhhhhhh, we don't talk about the 1% systematically undermining the middle and lower class
03-09-2014 , 02:27 PM
It's really the .01%. The threshold for 1% is 370k in income. In NYC/SF/LA, that's far from an opulent lifestyle, and generally these folks are paying ordinary income tax rates (roughly 50% all in marginal rate in these areas).

The people making out like bandits are hedge fund/private equity managers and heirs, who generally pay only long term capital gains (with huge deferral).
03-09-2014 , 04:26 PM
Yeah the degree to which they even lie about that is incredible. Somebody making $370k saw their taxes go up a big ole zilch under the fiscal cliff deal. It would've been $3,600 under Obama's original Clinton-era proposal.

So just straight up rational-style, you can't possibly go to them as a Romney fundraiser and ask for $5k to stop that. Even those people are getting snowed.

It is impossible to overstate the degree to which intentionally misleading Americans about:

1) The degree of income inequality
2) The tax code's actual operation

Are central to modern day fiscal conservatism. Republicans knowing how tax brackets work, thinking a small business pays taxes on revenues(instead of profits), that **** isn't a bug, that's a feature.
03-09-2014 , 05:30 PM
What's the deal with the R's boner for Regan? Regan Dinners, Regan Retreats, Regan Fishing trips Regan Regan Regan. He's like 13th in my all time prezzies list. War on Drugs didn't work and failed at immigration. The country was so jacked up on dividends, hookers n blow Bobcat Holdthwait could have done the job and would have been called great.
03-09-2014 , 05:36 PM
03-09-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
What's the deal with the R's boner for Regan? Regan Dinners, Regan Retreats, Regan Fishing trips Regan Regan Regan. He's like 13th in my all time prezzies list. War on Drugs didn't work and failed at immigration. The country was so jacked up on dividends, hookers n blow Bobcat Holdthwait could have done the job and would have been called great.
In a recent poll young conservatives were asked to name the most important person in world history (without qualifiers), and the number 1 response for most important person in WORLD HISTORY was Ronald ****ing Reagan. I wish that was a joke
03-09-2014 , 05:39 PM
03-09-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by longmissedblind
In a recent poll young conservatives were asked to name the most important person in world history (without qualifiers), and the number 1 response for most important person in WORLD HISTORY was Ronald ****ing Reagan. I wish that was a joke
Lol Reagan won the war on Christmas I guess.
03-09-2014 , 06:03 PM
Proper conservative bookshelf @ cpac '14
