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The Coronation of Hillary Clinton: sexyhilldog69@aol.comghazi The Coronation of Hillary Clinton: sexyhilldog69@aol.comghazi

03-29-2016 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So Hillary decreased the number of voting places and the parking for said voting places?

I assume you are vehemently against voter ID laws and in favor of eliminating these kinds of voting issues nationwide once the general election comes, right? Like six hour waits in poor, minority districts in Ohio, that's rigging an election right?

Arizona was a disgrace, I can believe Bernie supporters were disproportionately affected. But Hillary didn't run the election or rig the vote.

But maybe THIS is the scandal that finally resonates! One of them surely has to, right?
accusing the democratic party of voter suppression is patently silly. one doesn't even have to delve into the facts of how the primary was run (shockingly, by gop people) to know this.

if a large percentage of bernie's younger supporters didn't tune into politics like literally yesterday, they'd know that us so-called progressives (including hrc) have been trying to fight **** like this from happening for a long time. and this election we FINALLY have a chance to get the scotus we need to put some constitutional teeth behind voting laws, vs. handing the scotus over to conservatives who will only make it worse. not only that, the gop seems intent on handing us the golden opportunity to take enough legislative seats to pass even stronger laws preventing voter suppression to be upheld by that friendly scotus.

not only that, but we could have told them basically exactly where the long lines were going to be in every state well in advance of bernie even thinking of running for potus. and can tell them right now where there will be long lines in november. we could also tell them if they'd just get out there and vote ****ing blue every year rather than simply investing themselves in one or two issues and one candidate, those lines would start to go away.

i mean, ffs, now instead of working to get blue congresscritters elected (y'know, the kind that we need in order to get what we want), some of them now are talking about primarying their rep if he/she doesn't support bernie with their superdelegate vote. great. maybe some of those seats are safe blue and it doesn't matter. but not all of them are. some of them are purple, and if you primary a sitting dem rep from the left in a purple district, you are all but guaranteeing you will turn it red. that ain't gonna help things any, unless you are going on the susan sarandon logic of the revolution will have it so much easier in 4 years after TRUMP burns the country to the ground.

there's a lot more than being mad at wall street and banks in the "progressive camp" known as the democratic party. i sincerely want bernie's supporters to join the coalition, as it would make implementing their desires a lot easier, and many of us want a lot of what they want too. but they have to learn they aren't "first among equals" if they want to join.

for me as a Democrat, this is not a "what will the democratic party give us to join?" question. it is "you are asking for us to do something for you. ok, we are willing to listen. now, what support are you going to give us for the rest of the stuff we stand for? and are you going to be there in 2 years when a ****load of D seats are up in the senate, and you didn't get everything you wanted in those first 2 years?".

so far, the answers to those questions from many seem to be "not much, hrc is the antichrist" and "from prior history, no".

rant, sorry.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think the last time pfunk was accused of misogyny his defense was something like "but the 3 women I use as *** rags don't seem to think so", so this is a minor improvement
incremental steps.
03-29-2016 , 06:45 PM
So Hillary has about 140+ FBI agents working on her case?

lol, If Republicans had a strong candidate this year they would destroy her in the general.
03-29-2016 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think the last time pfunk was accused of misogyny his defense was something like "but the 3 women I use as *** rags don't seem to think so", so this is a minor improvement
In PFunk's defense those women don't exist
03-29-2016 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Don't do this to yourself.

You have to just ignore these types of comments on 2p2. You will not win. You will not change their minds. Especially if the back-and-forth is with someone like Dids.

If you don't put an end to it early, you'll easily spend 3 hours and 40 posts on some ****ty tangent about how sexist/racist you are. You won't know how you got there. The won't know how they got there. Either way, it never ends well.
No, bro, not only do we know how we got there(reading your posts), we also know how you got there. It's pretty straightforward.
03-29-2016 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
So Hillary has about 140+ FBI agents working on her case?

lol, If Republicans had a strong candidate this year they would destroy her in the general.

She has a UNC like draw to the national championship.
03-29-2016 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
She has a UNC like draw to the national championship.
very true.

but she had one helluva brutal regular season schedule over the last 30 years to get to the tournament. there is literally no politician alive who has been scrutinized and picked apart to the extent that she has, let alone the victim of so many dead-end witchhunts. i've advanced this theory before, part of the reason hrc is viewed as untrustworthy is that for 30 years there have been loud voices hammering into the american people's heads crap that is based on innuendo and outright lies, not to mention admitted political "investigations" from the right wing that never seem to end.

in a way, she's a bit deserving of the easy draw now that she is finally the undisputed #1 seed.
03-29-2016 , 07:47 PM
The most likable thing about the Clintons is the idiots they have as enemies.
03-29-2016 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by ccotenj
very true.

but she had one helluva brutal regular season schedule over the last 30 years to get to the tournament. there is literally no politician alive who has been scrutinized and picked apart to the extent that she has, let alone the victim of so many dead-end witchhunts. i've advanced this theory before, part of the reason hrc is viewed as untrustworthy is that for 30 years there have been loud voices hammering into the american people's heads crap that is based on innuendo and outright lies, not to mention admitted political "investigations" from the right wing that never seem to end.

in a way, she's a bit deserving of the easy draw now that she is finally the undisputed #1 seed.
Or maybe she's just an untrustworthy lying scumbag
03-29-2016 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
So Hillary has about 140+ FBI agents working on her case?

lol, If Republicans had a strong candidate this year they would destroy her in the general.

There are dozens of FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation

Update March 29 8:10 pm: The article cited in this piece said that 147 FBI agents had been detailed to the investigation, citing a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey. Two U.S. law enforcement officials have since told The Washington Post that that figure is too high. The FBI will not provide an exact figure, but the officials say the number of FBI personnel involved is fewer than 50. The headline has been corrected accordingly. I apologize for the error.
03-29-2016 , 08:38 PM
So only 50.

Still don't see how that is a "good" thing. If Obama had 50 FBI agents investigating him in 2012 he loses to Romney.

I fail to see how those 50 agents investigating her is "right wing" political investigations.
03-29-2016 , 08:44 PM
lol the whole story was about the 147 agents.
03-29-2016 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by ccotenj
there's a lot more than being mad at wall street and banks in the "progressive camp" known as the democratic party. i sincerely want bernie's supporters to join the coalition, as it would make implementing their desires a lot easier, and many of us want a lot of what they want too. but they have to learn they aren't "first among equals" if they want to join.

for me as a Democrat, this is not a "what will the democratic party give us to join?" question. it is "you are asking for us to do something for you. ok, we are willing to listen. now, what support are you going to give us for the rest of the stuff we stand for? and are you going to be there in 2 years when a ****load of D seats are up in the senate, and you didn't get everything you wanted in those first 2 years?".
Both parties are dying. They've been hemorrhaging voters for years. The party vs. populism asymmetry used to be hugely in favor of the parties, but that's changing very fast. The GOPe is getting wrecked by its base, and the DNCe is fighting for its life in what was supposed to be a cakewalk for Hillary. I think your position to dictate terms is much weaker than you may realize.
03-29-2016 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
So only 50.
03-29-2016 , 09:17 PM
When you can't actually talk about ideas, positions, facts, policies, or anything substantive, start talking about "tone"
03-29-2016 , 09:31 PM
I think she just doesn't want Bernie to have any media exposure in NY thats why she wanted to dodge Bernie.

But this isn't new. She was similar with Obama.
03-29-2016 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by ccotenj
accusing the democratic party of voter suppression is patently silly. one doesn't even have to delve into the facts of how the primary was run (shockingly, by gop people) to know this.

if a large percentage of bernie's younger supporters didn't tune into politics like literally yesterday, they'd know that us so-called progressives (including hrc) have been trying to fight **** like this from happening for a long time. and this election we FINALLY have a chance to get the scotus we need to put some constitutional teeth behind voting laws, vs. handing the scotus over to conservatives who will only make it worse. not only that, the gop seems intent on handing us the golden opportunity to take enough legislative seats to pass even stronger laws preventing voter suppression to be upheld by that friendly scotus.

not only that, but we could have told them basically exactly where the long lines were going to be in every state well in advance of bernie even thinking of running for potus. and can tell them right now where there will be long lines in november. we could also tell them if they'd just get out there and vote ****ing blue every year rather than simply investing themselves in one or two issues and one candidate, those lines would start to go away.

i mean, ffs, now instead of working to get blue congresscritters elected (y'know, the kind that we need in order to get what we want), some of them now are talking about primarying their rep if he/she doesn't support bernie with their superdelegate vote. great. maybe some of those seats are safe blue and it doesn't matter. but not all of them are. some of them are purple, and if you primary a sitting dem rep from the left in a purple district, you are all but guaranteeing you will turn it red. that ain't gonna help things any, unless you are going on the susan sarandon logic of the revolution will have it so much easier in 4 years after TRUMP burns the country to the ground.

there's a lot more than being mad at wall street and banks in the "progressive camp" known as the democratic party. i sincerely want bernie's supporters to join the coalition, as it would make implementing their desires a lot easier, and many of us want a lot of what they want too. but they have to learn they aren't "first among equals" if they want to join.

for me as a Democrat, this is not a "what will the democratic party give us to join?" question. it is "you are asking for us to do something for you. ok, we are willing to listen. now, what support are you going to give us for the rest of the stuff we stand for? and are you going to be there in 2 years when a ****load of D seats are up in the senate, and you didn't get everything you wanted in those first 2 years?".

so far, the answers to those questions from many seem to be "not much, hrc is the antichrist" and "from prior history, no".

rant, sorry.

incremental steps.
Great Wall of Text.
03-29-2016 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I think she just doesn't want Bernie to have any media exposure in NY thats why she wanted to dodge Bernie.

But this isn't new. She was similar with Obama.
But Hillary is ahead, so she gets to make the rules.
03-30-2016 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How many poling places were left after they reduced them by 300 percent?
03-30-2016 , 12:39 AM
Something I've never understood on the email thing:

Hillary turned over emails over to State.

State said they couldn't release some of them to the public because they contain top secret information.

Hill says, Oh it's just "over classification run amok." But who's making that call?

If it were a Republican-admin State Dept, I could see her point. It would be politics. "Oh the jerks in the Republican-run State Dept want to overclassify these, and say they can't release them, in an effort to make me look bad."

But that's not the case.

Why on earth would Obama's State Dept try to jam her up by not releasing EVERYTHING?
03-30-2016 , 12:49 AM
If Romney had won in 2012 (hilarious hypothetical, granted) and HIS state dept/FBI was doing this, I'd totally understand the argument of : "Oh this is just a bull**** partisan witchhunt."

But that doesn't apply.

So why is State withholding anything? And why is the FBI investigating anything to begin with?

I'm not saying that an FBI investigation = criminal wrongdoing occurred.

But on the flip side, how can HRC flacks say, "What the hell are we even talking about here?" when an Obama-admin FBI is conducting a criminal investigation?
03-30-2016 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by chymechowder
Something I've never understood on the email thing:

Hillary turned over emails over to State.

State said they couldn't release some of them to the public because they contain top secret information.

Hill says, Oh it's just "over classification run amok." But who's making that call?

If it were a Republican-admin State Dept, I could see her point. It would be politics. "Oh the jerks in the Republican-run State Dept want to overclassify these, and say they can't release them, in an effort to make me look bad."

But that's not the case.

Why on earth would Obama's State Dept try to jam her up by not releasing EVERYTHING?
You must be brand new to this faux scandal. You see, some of the info was classified after the fact, so they can't release it. Hope that clears things up a bit.
03-30-2016 , 01:03 AM
I suspect the FBI is running the emails they recover past several departments including State and the CIA, any of them could declare a particular e-mail classified.
03-30-2016 , 01:07 AM
No clue why there are people and articles saying "this could be a major deal" or along the lines of that, yeah it SHOULD be somewhat of a big deal, but even if she gets indicted im sure Obama Pardons her 99/100 times

I don't think this is a big issue. Should be and will be, its two different arguments
03-30-2016 , 01:09 AM
Obama is a huge dog to pardon Clinton before the GE even assuming she gets indicted.
03-30-2016 , 01:10 AM
yeah I don't think anything comes of thsi. Im sure the nast stuff will be swept under the rug
