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The Coronation of Hillary Clinton: sexyhilldog69@aol.comghazi The Coronation of Hillary Clinton: sexyhilldog69@aol.comghazi

03-16-2016 , 12:04 PM
Can I have a job? Don't care about the computer as long as it's not a Mac
03-16-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
All of the assumptions in the past couple of posts are exactly what I'd expect from the local 2+2 population. You guys are great.

Small businesses employ most of the people in this country. The "clown show" that we're running over here is actually a fantastic place to work. A dozen people and less than $10M in annual revenue may not impress Dvaut, but it's how a lot of people make their living in the US.

I sat in on the interview with the owner and lead project manager. The fact that he made that phone call after our conversation in the office is precisely why it's so dumbfounding to me. There was every indication that he'd be treated well. It was a huge red flag when coupled with the fact that he was laid off from a high end firm in such a busy market.

This is a small office and there's nowhere to hide. We're in a highly competitive market. Why risk time and money on someone that would show such poor judgment before they've even had their first day on the job?

So you're right, Dvaut, we don't have an HR department, or even a hiring manager to shield the owner from the idiocy of new hires. In fact, I am the HR department when the need arises.

Maybe this is why millennials are having such a hard time. They lack the skills necessary to succeed in a small business or entrepreneurial environment. Sorry kids, there aren't enough cog positions at giant firms to go around. You've gotta be a little more versatile.
Maybe he had another offer and it was a really close call and he was trying to decide. I did that one time when I was deciding between 3 programming jobs. I called back and asked them what I'd be working on off the bat. They had no problem telling me, and I picked the job because it was an interesting project. On the plus side it may have even saved me from getting put on a boring project.

Was I entitled to do that?
03-16-2016 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
All of the assumptions in the past couple of posts are exactly what I'd expect from the local 2+2 population. You guys are great.

Small businesses employ most of the people in this country. The "clown show" that we're running over here is actually a fantastic place to work. A dozen people and less than $10M in annual revenue may not impress Dvaut, but it's how a lot of people make their living in the US.

I sat in on the interview with the owner and lead project manager. The fact that he made that phone call after our conversation in the office is precisely why it's so dumbfounding to me. There was every indication that he'd be treated well. It was a huge red flag when coupled with the fact that he was laid off from a high end firm in such a busy market.

This is a small office and there's nowhere to hide. We're in a highly competitive market. Why risk time and money on someone that would show such poor judgment before they've even had their first day on the job?

So you're right, Dvaut, we don't have an HR department, or even a hiring manager to shield the owner from the idiocy of new hires. In fact, I am the HR department when the need arises.

Maybe this is why millennials are having such a hard time. They lack the skills necessary to succeed in a small business or entrepreneurial environment. Sorry kids, there aren't enough cog positions at giant firms to go around. You've gotta be a little more versatile.
So you had no problem with him getting laid off in a busy market until he apparently became entitled by asking what car/computer he would have? How is him asking about a car computer make you believe he thought he wouldn't be treated well? I guess if he asked for insurance clarification or whatever else he would have come across the same to you so in the end it seems like a case of get off my lawn young kid.
03-16-2016 , 12:18 PM
One of my minor pet peeves is how "entitlement" is always used as a pejorative. Like, I know it's a big and vaguely French-sounding word, but employees are legitimately entitled to their compensation.
03-16-2016 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
All of the assumptions in the past couple of posts are exactly what I'd expect from the local 2+2 population. You guys are great.

Small businesses employ most of the people in this country. The "clown show" that we're running over here is actually a fantastic place to work. A dozen people and less than $10M in annual revenue may not impress Dvaut, but it's how a lot of people make their living in the US.

I sat in on the interview with the owner and lead project manager. The fact that he made that phone call after our conversation in the office is precisely why it's so dumbfounding to me. There was every indication that he'd be treated well. It was a huge red flag when coupled with the fact that he was laid off from a high end firm in such a busy market.

This is a small office and there's nowhere to hide. We're in a highly competitive market. Why risk time and money on someone that would show such poor judgment before they've even had their first day on the job?

So you're right, Dvaut, we don't have an HR department, or even a hiring manager to shield the owner from the idiocy of new hires. In fact, I am the HR department when the need arises.

Maybe this is why millennials are having such a hard time. They lack the skills necessary to succeed in a small business or entrepreneurial environment. Sorry kids, there aren't enough cog positions at giant firms to go around. You've gotta be a little more versatile.
You are bad at your job and your owner seems like a ****ty person.
03-16-2016 , 12:20 PM

I have a millennial happily driving around in a 1996 Chevy S10.

It's a stick and I had to teach him how to drive it.
03-16-2016 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

I have a millennial happily driving around in a 1996 Chevy S10.
This anecdote now proves all millenials are not entitled.
03-16-2016 , 12:21 PM
There was every indication that he'd be treated well.
You want to talk about the entitled generation? Asking about the specifics of your compensation is COMPLETELY NORMAL. He's trading you labor for stuff. What that stuff is matters.

Supplicating to your benefactor on the assumption that you'd be treated well is ****ing peasant thinking. You want to talk entitled? Your owner is such a git that he demands unquestioned loyalty from JOB CANDIDATES as if employment is a favor he's doing for the guy, and you're such a toady you enforce that demand!
03-16-2016 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by eurodp
This anecdote now proves all millenials are not entitled.
Maybe that not all of them are anyway.
03-16-2016 , 12:23 PM
How dare you ask about the conditions of your employment?

Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency?
03-16-2016 , 12:23 PM
Entitlement generation needs to be happy with stagnant wages and widening inequality! Be happy you have that they say because pretty soon you won't even have that!

Trillion dollar wars and consistent voting for trickle down "economics". Well played non entitled generation.
03-16-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Maybe he had another offer and it was a really close call and he was trying to decide. I did that one time when I was deciding between 3 programming jobs. I called back and asked them what I'd be working on off the bat. They had no problem telling me, and I picked the job because it was an interesting project. On the plus side it may have even saved me from getting put on a boring project.

Was I entitled to do that?
You may be right, Suzzer. In hindsight, I suppose that's possible.

However, I'd equate it more with you having called to ask whether or not they supply you with Herman Miller Aeron chairs and if you'd be given 3 or 4 monitors at your station.

You don't need a $1400 chair, and I'm sure a standard dual-monitor setup is sufficient for programming. If you had already given your acceptance of the offer to that company, wouldn't you feel like an ass for calling at the last minute to jump ship over a chair?

Coincidentally, I am sitting in an Aeron at the moment. I highly recommend it if any of you are in a position to decide on office furniture.
03-16-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The fact that he made that phone call after our conversation in the office is precisely why it's so dumbfounding to me. There was every indication that he'd be treated well.
Uh, I think you probably overestimate how much you gave off 'every indication he'd be treated well' given that you rescinded his offer for asking a question about benefits.
03-16-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by plzd0nate
You don't prefer Sanders. Me and many other Bernie supporters hate her. It's not the same thing. I actually never hated her until this campaign. All her negative things towards Bernie made me hate her. It will be hard to vote for her
pldonate you know this makes you seem like a child with no real political principles but instead a weird emotional attachment to a specific candidate, right? Just checking.
03-16-2016 , 12:25 PM
So how nice is the truck? I'd like to upgrade my 1993 Subaru Legacy

Last edited by well named; 03-16-2016 at 12:26 PM. Reason: I have people skills if that helps
03-16-2016 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Maybe that not all of them are anyway.
I was being sarcastic as Ins0 sounds like he is using a few anecdotal instances where he then extrapolates to our whole generation. We could do the same with your instance and extrapolate that no millenials are entitled!
03-16-2016 , 12:28 PM
Just LOL at "Entitlement Generation" referring to anything other than the aging Boomers cashing in on Great Society programs and Bush tax cuts while racking up the debt. Kids today are working their asses off for scraps and no guarantee of SS benefits.
03-16-2016 , 12:29 PM
My 25yo niece is the GM of multiple fast food franchises and works crazy long hours. Therefore, all millenials are hardworking and trustworthy.
03-16-2016 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by eurodp
I guess if he asked for insurance clarification or whatever else he would have come across the same to you so in the end it seems like a case of get off my lawn young kid.
If your employer paid for 100% of your healthcare costs, including copays and deductibles, why the hell would you care about the details of the plan?

We give PMs a company vehicle and a Fleet card to fill it with. Company pays for insurance. This was already explained beforehand.
03-16-2016 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Just LOL at "Entitlement Generation" referring to anything other than the aging Boomers cashing in on Great Society programs and Bush tax cuts while racking up the debt.
Remember this whole ****ing conversation is in the midst of Ins0 crowing about how great his company is and how well everyone is treated, IN THE MIDST OF AN ANECDOTE about they took away a job offer out of spite because the guy asked a follow up question.

We don't have to make this generational. In any generation, at any point, in any industry, Ins0's company sounds like a total dysfunctional circus.
03-16-2016 , 12:32 PM
Sympathetic to Ins0, though I see it as an anecdote about a young guy who did something dumb, not about millenials.
03-16-2016 , 12:33 PM
Csn you imagine the guy trying to explain to his gf why they pulled the job offer?

"No, that can't be it. Why won't you tell me what you really did?"
03-16-2016 , 12:34 PM
English not being my first language might be confusing me here, but when Ins0 says they are "hurting for labor" doesn't hat mean it is difficult for them to find people to hire?

Seems to make his attitude extra strange.
03-16-2016 , 12:34 PM
Like we talked about in the other thread, it seems that depending on the definition there are millenials that are pushing 40, but seriously, every single "millenial bashing" article is dumb old people yelling about their lawns.

Like, let's shift this and actually make the guy entitled. Which, hell, maybe he was. Inso only told us part of the story. Maybe the owner is a good guy and the new hire literally did come off like a dip****, calling about his company truck, being told it was a 2012 F150 or whatever, and asking "you don't have something with leather? Wow." or the phone call was made at 9pm on the owner's cellphone or some other legit reason to take offense.


That's not something unique to kids these days! Some people have been *******s forever.

The subtext of every single one of this milquetoast anti-millennial worker articles is ALWAYS that employees should supplicate themselves to their Galtian overlords. They are written by stooges for a stooge audience. **** everyone with anti-millennial opinions they picked up from a Time or Business Insider or some other middlebrow corporate bull**** publication article about a pregnant woman asking if she could work from home.

Seriously. It was bad enough olds ruined unionization for us, now they want to shift the Overton window so that NEGOTIATING COMPENSATION is some sort of sin against the Ownership Caste?
03-16-2016 , 12:37 PM
Bosses definitely resent having to negotiate compensation. They like it when unemployment is high and they can make Take It Or Leave It offers.
