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Clinton Urged To Challenge Election Results Due To Possible Hacking Clinton Urged To Challenge Election Results Due To Possible Hacking

11-28-2016 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by hornbug
oh, and I fixed your "democracy is broken" to "republic is broken"
"we have a republic not a democracy" is the greatest phrase ever since it lets you know INSTANTANEOUSLY that the person saying it is a total moron and can be completely ignored. it is 100% accurate.
11-28-2016 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Are Trump Tweets admissible in these state election board things? Can Clinton and Stein just walk in and be like, YO guys, EVEN the President Elect admits we have a serious national problem, RECOUNT?
I don't know, I haven't been arguing against a recount. I explicitly said the results should be audited.
11-28-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
"we have a republic not a democracy" is the greatest phrase ever since it lets you know INSTANTANEOUSLY that the person saying it is a total moron and can be completely ignored. it is 100% accurate.
I haven't seen anyone in this thread use the phrase you have in quotes, it should be obvious that the USA is both a democracy and a republic (they are not exclusive)

Some parts of the constitution feature the republic elements, others feature the democracy elements. The EC system tends to feature more of the first. And it's the EC that we have been discussing here. I hope this helps to resolve your confusion.
11-28-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Anyone who can't work out how to multiply 15 times 62 in a half a minute is far too stupid to put their smartphone answer to "good use".
... he said airily.

I don't know how long I'd expect the average person to take doing that, but I don't think it's particularly significant. Again, lexical memory is good, but widespread literacy is better.
11-28-2016 , 02:45 PM
Math prof here. Confirmed students are terrible at arithmetic. Doesn't mean they're stupid, but the main ideas of early math education have strayed too far away from numerical computation, to the point where numeracy has suffered.

Not knowing how to compute slows them down tremendously also. If we do a calculation involving the quantity


and I write in the next step 20*tan(x)/x, it is met with confused looks, and even bright students will ask, "Wait where did that 20 come from?"

And they just have no sense of how numbers work. Like it should be intuitively obvious why lim (x->infinity) (1/x) = 0. But most need a calculator or a graph to convince themselves of this.

EDIT: Here I'm talking about the calculus level. At the lower levels, it is worse still.
11-28-2016 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Math prof here. Confirmed students are terrible at arithmetic. Doesn't mean they're stupid, but the main ideas of early math education have strayed too far away from numerical computation, to the point where numeracy has suffered.

Not knowing how to compute slows them down tremendously also. If we do a calculation involving the quantity


and I write in the next step 20*tan(x)/x, it is met with confused looks, and even bright students will ask, "Wait where did that 20 come from?"

And they just have no sense of how numbers work. Like it should be intuitively obvious why lim (x->infinity) (1/x) = 0. But most need a calculator or a graph to convince themselves of this.

EDIT: Here I'm talking about the calculus level. At the lower levels, it is worse still.
why kind of an idiot doesn't know where the 20 came from????

(quietly walks off as I have no clue what you are talking about and I haven't been in a calculus class for 25 years.)
11-28-2016 , 03:10 PM
The educational methods used for math and the sciences in America is a complete disaster.

Thankfully the internet may save the sorry state of affairs, though it will likely be too late, as the American public is so far behind in education compared to many countries at this point, with no real direction towards institutional improvement.
11-28-2016 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
The educational methods used for math and the sciences in America is a complete disaster.
English usage education not getting the job done either. Also, you're internalizing Trump's diction.
11-28-2016 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Anyone who can't work out how to multiply 15 times 62 in a half a minute is far too stupid to put their smartphone answer to "good use".
Are you...

Like freels?

"good use"... like maybe a competency test before voting?
11-28-2016 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by jimbojumpback
why kind of an idiot doesn't know where the 20 came from????

(quietly walks off as I have no clue what you are talking about and I haven't been in a calculus class for 25 years.)
But that's the point. It's not calculus. It's 60*11/33 = 20. That should be easy to someone who has had ~13 years of math leading up to a calculus class.
11-28-2016 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
The educational methods used for math and the sciences in America is a complete disaster.

Thankfully the internet may save the sorry state of affairs, though it will likely be too late, as the American public is so far behind in education compared to many countries at this point, with no real direction towards institutional improvement.
Sorry to break it to you, but the internet is part of the disaster.
11-28-2016 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
But that's the point. It's not calculus. It's 60*11/33 = 20. That should be easy to someone who has had ~13 years of math leading up to a calculus class.
Are you expecting those kids who couldn't figure out where the 20 came from to understand why Jill Stein is wasting everyone's time here with the recount?
11-28-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Sorry to break it to you, but the internet is part of the disaster.
Eh, I dunno, I mean I am sure there are some arguments that can be made to justify that in whichever manner, but my main point is that the internet has provided for unlimited, free, high quality education for math and science.

I have witnessed the effectiveness first hand with nieces and nephews and children of my friends ranging in ages from 2nd grade to undergrad.

The internet is an educational savior for the underprivileged, the dedicated, and those with learning disabilities.
11-28-2016 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
English usage education not getting the job done either. Also, you're internalizing Trump's diction.
Cool story man
11-28-2016 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
Are you expecting those kids who couldn't figure out where the 20 came from to understand why Jill Stein is wasting everyone's time here with the recount?
no no no, our feelings are greater than math or science or Inglush. and we feel Trump lost, hear us roar
11-28-2016 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Gotta appreciate Trump's 3 sigma strategy of questioning the integrity of the election HE WON.
You realize it IS possible there were many illegal votes cast and he still won?

Of course, some proof would be nice :-)

He isn't asking for a recount so he can prove he won by larger margins. The Steinways are asking for a recount with zero basis in fact or evidence.

winning isn't what it is about.... it is about trying to delegitimatize the result that Trump won.

If the recounts can be extended til past December 19th (the Constitutional day the EC meets to vote) without certified results from PA, WI and MI, Trump doesn't have enough EC votes to be declared President.

He will certainly be elected President via the congress, but the left will have succeeded in taking a nice big dump on him.
11-28-2016 , 03:47 PM
IMO, Jill's purpose is raising money for her own political future.

Full stop.
11-28-2016 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I don't know, I haven't been arguing against a recount. I explicitly said the results should be audited.
I think the recount is perhaps valuable as some sort of statutory affirmation, or builds confidence, or maybe it serves some other purpose I haven't thought of.

Practically, it won't change the outcome, Trump is President.

I only used your post and the other guys about evidence as a jumping off point. Not because I thought you guys were refuted (you weren't, there remains no evidence of chicanery) but because Trump is literally losing the thread of whatever his point is. That is, I remain amused Trump is basically adding fuel to the fire that the election might be rigged because his fragile ego is still bruised by liberals or whatever he's reading are like POPULAR VOTE SCOREBOARD and he's trying to delegitimize Clinton's Pyrrhic victory. What a world.

But, maybe this is just some genuinely 3 sigma play where Trump says whatever he wants and the take-away message by hornburg and the rest of the Trumpkins is some sort of magically threaded needle where Michigan, Wisconin, and Pennsylvania were the best outcomes of a perfect election in a REPUBLIC just as the framers intended whereas all states Trump lost especially California are the rank, rigged results of DEMOCRACY run amok because illegals, and what we need now is a national voter ID law to protect our precious 51 state Republic elections meow chow whatever.

So shame on me. I should have predicted that Trump can decry the results of the election as fraudulent and his supporters would jump up to say he's exactly correct, all votes that weren't for Trump were fraudulent. That was predictable.
11-28-2016 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
IMO, Jill's purpose is raising money for her own political future.

Full stop.
right. if she cared about trump being president she would have endorsed and campaigned for hillary clinton lol
11-28-2016 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by hornbug
no no no, our feelings are greater than math or science or Inglush. and we feel Trump lost, hear us roar
Are you five years old?
11-28-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
IMO, Jill's purpose is raising money for her own political future.

Full stop.
And what "political future" is that , pray tell?

Run for County executive of Dane County, WI or Marin County , CA?

Grift, maybe? A way of apologizing to the left for helping Hil lose?
11-28-2016 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
You realize it IS possible there were many illegal votes cast and he still won?

Of course, some proof would be nice :-)

He isn't asking for a recount so he can prove he won by larger margins. The Steinways are asking for a recount with zero basis in fact or evidence.

winning isn't what it is about.... it is about trying to delegitimatize the result that Trump won.

If the recounts can be extended til past December 19th (the Constitutional day the EC meets to vote) without certified results from PA, WI and MI, Trump doesn't have enough EC votes to be declared President.

He will certainly be elected President via the congress, but the left will have succeeded in taking a nice big dump on him.
Right. So the point is that his twitter nonsense about rigged elections is plausibly fuel to the recount fire that the election results are questionable. You'd expect with normal politicians and normal cases that the President Elect would defend the results as fair, not call them into question.
11-28-2016 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Not really. Anyone that uses a private email server to conduct government business and also deletes those emails is opening themselves up to prosecution even without looking at the intricate details of it.
Please explain what statutes she violated and how. I'll wait.
11-28-2016 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I think the recount is perhaps valuable as some sort of statutory affirmation, or builds confidence, or maybe it serves some other purpose I haven't thought of.
No one disputes the authorities know how to tabulate votes quite accurately. If there is some evidence of hacking or someone adding 10,000 votes to a total somehow then it would be a rewarding exercise. If they would actually look at the bona fides of every vote cast, that would be a rewarding exercise, but anything else is sour grapes/ subterfuge/whatever of zero value to the republic.

Originally Posted by DVaut1
I only used your post and the other guys about evidence as a jumping off point. Not because I thought you guys were refuted (you weren't, there remains no evidence of chicanery) but because Trump is literally losing the thread of whatever his point is.
Yup.... Trump won the election but lost the 2+2 thread. I don't think he'll sleep well tonight :-)
11-28-2016 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Yup.... Trump won the election but lost the 2+2 thread. I don't think he'll sleep well tonight :-)
I didn't say he lost the "2p2 thread." I mean that his meta strategy tilting on twitter about the results being fraudulent here makes no sense unless he's just counting on his supporters to not care about internal consistency and be full-throated morons anyway which, well...maybe? Maybe that?
