Originally Posted by maxtower
All he has to do is add a $4/gal tax to gasoline and people will buy more fuel efficient vehicles and shorten their commutes. No prize necessary. Of course income taxes should be lowered by this amount too.
That would totally screw many low-income people, and many retirees.
The higher gasoline and oil prices go (whether extra tax or no extra tax) the worse the American economy will get. It's a bad trade-off even if it does spur more R&D. Few if any people on this board lived through the Great Depression, but based on what my parents told me, YOU DON'T WANT TO have a Great Depression, not by a long sight. It sucked out loud. And if fuel prices get high enough, that will happen. Don't think the poker economy won't be devastated if fuel prices keep rising. The recreational gambler/soft poker money will mostly just dry up.
At current gas prices, many people are already looking to trade in their bigger cars for smaller cars. There is no need for further massive gas taxes.
Europe is different because the cities were built before the automobile, and so commutes and travel in Europe are less dependent on the auto. America also has much longer distances since it is just much larger than, say, France.
This $300M prize just sounds like a handout for when GM releases the commercial failure, "Volt", in a couple years. Its expected to cost $40k, so that pretty much rules out the masses from buying one.
The $300M plan is a gimmick tactic. It's pretty safe to expect gimmick-quality results from any gimmick plan (if it ever goes through).