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08-18-2017 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The similarities to Kim Jung Un are pretty obvious. The fake Time magazine cover and the cheating at golf come to mind. And did you catch the Dilbert guy's joke about how Trump actually golfs less than Obummer did because his games are short, being so good? The cult of personality is strong.

I think some Obama fans would mention how he was good at basketball or something, but Trump actually publicly said, "There's very few people who can beat me at golf." This kind of thing is important for these fascists and their followers. It reminds me of the Hitler thread in OOT where the OP claimed that Hitler was one of, if not the, most well read people in history and that he remembered everything he read. The left just does not think like that and I think it gets to the heart of something.
Ironically, IIRC, the OP (AC Slater) claimed he knew more about Hitler than basically anyone else and then demonstrated he didn't know like dozens of basic facts about Hitler nor had he read several popular books about Hitler.
08-18-2017 , 10:17 AM
The Trump-Powell comparison has been made before:
08-18-2017 , 10:18 AM
Fun Fact: Hitler's middle name was "Jeremy"
08-18-2017 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
The discussion of which statues should stay up and which shouldn't is pretty interesting to me. Should get a thread going on it. like how about this one at NASA?...
The interesting part is chatting about why, in theory some statues should be-installed/remain-installed at these particular places, at this particular time in history. That can be quite interesting.

What's not interesting at all, is some fool JAQing around, while they are fishing for a "Gotcha".

As for starting a thread... I'd expect you to come up with a general thesis regarding which statues should not be installed / remain installed, at these particular places, right now. Use the NASA statue as an example of your general thesis. Then defend your thesis, in general, and not just in regard to the NASA statue, to Politardia as a whole.

Is that what you were thinking of doing ??
08-18-2017 , 10:27 AM
I'm old enough to remember how people talked about the "pendulum" getting ready to swing left after the 2000 election. Like, virtually my entire life the country has lurched rigthward to the point where literal Nazis have White House offices.
08-18-2017 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I'm old enough to remember how people talked about the "pendulum" getting ready to swing left after the 2000 election. Like, virtually my entire life the country has lurched rigthward to the point where literal Nazis have White House offices.
True but maybe a bit too dour. Drug legalization, gay marriage are two examples of improvements. In fact taken more broadly, in popular culture and art for the masses, and other social indicators have to be viewed as mixed to positive for the left and for people who want social justice.

I agree that political culture is especially degraded, and racial grievances have proven surprisingly durable but America hasn't been holistically regressing, just in a lot of areas.
08-18-2017 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
The interesting part is chatting about why, in theory some statues should be-installed/remain-installed at these particular places, at this particular time in history. That can be quite interesting.

What's not interesting at all, is some fool JAQing around, while they are fishing for a "Gotcha".

As for starting a thread... I'd expect you to come up with a general thesis regarding which statues should not be installed / remain installed, at these particular places, right now. Use the NASA statue as an example of your general thesis. Then defend your thesis, in general, and not just in regard to the NASA statue, to Politardia as a whole.

Is that what you were thinking of doing ??
nope. i'll just ask the question. i'm not smart enough to do the rest of that.

but I am interested in the bolded conversation for sure
08-18-2017 , 10:42 AM
ACLU changes policy

08-18-2017 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
nope. i'll just ask the question. i'm not smart enough to do the rest of that.

but I am interested in the bolded conversation for sure
Bull****, dude. You're just passive-aggressively JAQ'ing off. Make a point or go home.
08-18-2017 , 10:47 AM
There's also a lot of propagandic value those left-of-center are missing when they poo-poo the fact that the CSA were a pack of treasonous rebels. They are making the same logical mistake the deplorables make when they misuse the term "moral relativism" in their non-stop whining.

The CSA was a pack of treasonous rebels. They deserve -zero- place in our national pantheon, even if they weren't a buncha slave mongers too. Saying shiz like: those statues need to come down because they are symbols of white supremacy -not- because they glorify treason is getting it all wrong. Those statues need to come down because they are symbols of white supremacy -and- they glorify treason.

However, the real payload comes when you turn it all around...

What, besides enabling white supremacy, could or would make these folks wanna glorify treason in our national pantheon ??


Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
nope. i'll just ask the question. i'm not smart enough to do the rest of that. but I am interested in the bolded conversation for sure
FYI: If you are not smart enough to have a general thesis, you aren't smart enough to dispute anyone else's.
08-18-2017 , 10:48 AM
well ****, i'm honestly not sure about how i feel about statues. but i'm not offended by any of them either so I can't speak for people who are. just wondering if there's an objective criteria for what should be allowed and not. I thought maybe we could get in interesting discussion going on that topic.
08-18-2017 , 10:52 AM
Jamelle Bouie is right as usual. The whole article is good.

That myth-making was the foundation for a new narrative of the United States, one tailored to a white public that could now celebrate the past without guilt or shame, and honor men like Lee without confronting what they actually fought for. In this story, slavery is marginal, black people are incidental, the Confederacy is tragic, and American history is an unbroken line of progress populated by heroes, saints, and demigods. Those massive equestrian statues of Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, and other Confederate leaders were built to immortalize this story and the racial domination it justified.

That narrative, that myth of innocence, was powerful. It still is. And not just in popular culture where it’s largely defined American images of the old South. Donald Trump’s campaign for president was built on that myth. His supporters were victims beset by immigrants, Muslims, and black protesters, forced to apologize for America’s presumed greatness. He would end their victimization and make them great again, let them feel proud without bowing to “political correctness.” And after his election, when observers criticized his voters for supporting a campaign of racial demagoguery, their defenders summoned that myth of innocence in response. As Michael Lerner wrote in the New York Times, “The left needs to stop ignoring people’s inner pain and fear. The racism, sexism and xenophobia used by Mr. Trump to advance his candidacy does not reveal an inherent malice in the majority of Americans.”
08-18-2017 , 10:54 AM
FlyWy -

Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
"Lee himself was conflicted about the core issues of his day. He was a slave owner who some say was cruel (Atlantic article) and a general who fought to preserve the institution. But he personally described slavery as a “moral and political evil” (article I cited) that should end. Before the war, Lee opposed secession, but once his native Virginia voted to leave the Union he declared he was honor-bound to fight for the Confederacy."

Is ScreamingAsian a regular Rootbone contributor?

Or do you only pick and choose to consider aspects of history that appeal to your political sensibilities?
08-18-2017 , 10:54 AM
How can you defend socialism while fighting the KKK guys! Nazi Germany had socialist in the name and it was Hitler's grand vision.
08-18-2017 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
"Will the BPD stand up to white supremacy"

Uh, I wouldn't hold my breath
Boston has already said they will be escorted in by police and allowed to assemble behind barricades. Then escorted out. No weapons allowed including flagpoles. They are subject to search by agreement and terms of the permit.

That doesn't mean Boston Police won't tear gas the good guys but I don't think the Nazis will be terrorizing anyone.
08-18-2017 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
FlyWy -

"Lee himself was conflicted about the core issues of his day. He was a slave owner who some say was cruel (Atlantic article) and a general who fought to preserve the institution. But he personally described slavery as a “moral and political evil” (article I cited) that should end. Before the war, Lee opposed secession, but once his native Virginia voted to leave the Union he declared he was honor-bound to fight for the Confederacy."

Is ScreamingAsian a regular Rootbone contributor?

Or do you only pick and choose to consider aspects of history that appeal to your political sensibilities?
If someone is morally opposed to rape, but goes out and commits rape, that doesn't make them a morally conflicted figure, it makes them a rapist. If Lee was in any way conflicted about slavery, it wasn't enough to make him either get rid of his own slaves, or choose not to wage war to preserve the practice.
08-18-2017 , 11:02 AM
I show one thing in mitigation of a figure, and others jump to the conclusion that I therefor support everything about said figure, regardless of any other negative things I say about said figure.


I say "Lee was more progressive than Jefferson", in the context of cutting down Jefferson's legacy, and I'm taken to have said "Lee was a progressive".
08-18-2017 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
... but i'm not offended by any of them either so I can't speak for people who are...
It's not a matter of "taking offense". So, right there, you are starting with a garbage-in-garbage-out assumption.

... just wondering if there's an objective criteria for what should be...
We are chatting about public art. There are no objective criteria regarding art.
08-18-2017 , 11:04 AM
Being "conflicted" about whether it's okay to own other humans make you a reprehensible taintstain.
08-18-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
There's also a lot of propagandic value those left-of-center are missing when they poo-poo the fact that the CSA were a pack of treasonous rebels. They are making the same logical mistake the deplorables make when they misuse the term "moral relativism" in their non-stop whining.

The CSA was a pack of treasonous rebels. They deserve -zero- place in our national pantheon, even if they weren't a buncha slave mongers too. Saying shiz like: those statues need to come down because they are symbols of white supremacy -not- because they glorify treason is getting it all wrong. Those statues need to come down because they are symbols of white supremacy -and- they glorify treason.

However, the real payload comes when you turn it all around...

What, besides enabling white supremacy, could or would make these folks wanna glorify treason in our national pantheon ??


FYI: If you are not smart enough to have a general thesis, you aren't smart enough to dispute anyone else's.
I think the whole concept of treason, and the idea that rebellion is something bad are inherently super-right wing ideas.
08-18-2017 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem
The discussion of which statues should stay up and which shouldn't is pretty interesting to me. Should get a thread going on it. like how about this one at NASA?
Judge I can assure you with 100% accuracy that nobody buys this **** from yuo
08-18-2017 , 11:09 AM
The preamble and its principles were frequently cited and referenced in every facet of American government, not the least of which was the Supreme Court.
08-18-2017 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by PoBoy321
If someone is morally opposed to rape, but goes out and commits rape, that doesn't make them a morally conflicted figure, it makes them a rapist. If Lee was in any way conflicted about slavery, it wasn't enough to make him either get rid of his own slaves, or choose not to wage war to preserve the practice.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Being "conflicted" about whether it's okay to own other humans make you a reprehensible taintstain.
Jefferson said we have to get all of the blacks (what he thought of as an inferior race) out of America or they'll kill us all, but in the meantime let's make as much money off of them as we can.

Lee said we have to teach the blacks how to be American and believed that slavery was sadly how to do it.

Lee at least saw the potential for integration, and acknowledged the evil of the institution. Jefferson's motives were just plain selfish.

Last edited by iamnotawerewolf; 08-18-2017 at 11:17 AM.
08-18-2017 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by PoBoy321
If someone is morally opposed to rape, but goes out and commits rape, that doesn't make them a morally conflicted figure, it makes them a rapist. If Lee was in any way conflicted about slavery, it wasn't enough to make him either get rid of his own slaves, or choose not to wage war to preserve the practice.
Yeah no ****, this really isn't complicated. Go try to steal something from a bank robber, see what complicated nuanced views he displays
08-18-2017 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Being "conflicted" about whether it's okay to own other humans make you a reprehensible taintstain.
It should be pointed out that the "slavery is a (necessary) evil, it will eventually go away" was a standard position even in the Founding Father's day. The necessary part was often implied and the eventually go away part was always just a bit further in the distance. Slavery went on just fine by those who thought it was an evil as well, so people shouldn't read too much into the "conflicted" part.

Same thing happened with the Civil Rights movement that there was a large contingent that though blacks and whites needed to be integrated....but at their own pace. A pace that always never seemed to be in a hurry to happen.

Lee's army also captured free blacks in Pennsylvania and enslaved them, so his "conflict" wasn't too much of a problem to the Confederate cause nor to his standing in it.
