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Charlottesville Cosplay Party Charlottesville Cosplay Party

08-14-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by MediocrePlayer2.0
Thanks but for me trying to dig through a twitter account is even worse than digging through a thread.

I need a simple website where these people are all listed in a simple well organized manner.
08-14-2017 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Thanks but for me trying to dig through a twitter account is even worse than digging through a thread.

I need a simple website where these people are all listed in a simple well organized manner.
He'll get right on that for you sir. Good day.
08-14-2017 , 10:17 PM
Are they only outing people with signs/flags?
08-14-2017 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
He'll get right on that for you sir. Good day.
08-14-2017 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Lol, awesome. I wonder if the city will repair it.
08-14-2017 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
If only we would stop toppling statues maybe they would have voted for Clinton?
08-14-2017 , 10:28 PM
In the interests of fairness, let it be noted that the National Review top story right now describes the car incident as "terrorism" in its headline.

Naturally, that prompted this comment:

Andy: Let me quibble with you on one point. You've noted that one of the elements of the federal definition of "domestic terrorism" is that the activities "appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population." I have attempted to make the point here and elsewhere that it is not "terrorism" every time an individual drives a car into a crowd, even when there are political issues involved; sometimes, that activity is simply run-of-the-mill murder or attempted murder. Do we yet know if Mr. Field was trying to make a broad statement of intimidation or coercion to others about his political position? Or was he simply teed off and wanted to kill some counter-protesters? If we don't know that yet, then isn't it premature to say that his act easily meets the definition of "domestic terrorism?"
All the facts, it is critical that we wait for them.
08-14-2017 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
As opposed to what? Embracing their racist monuments in an attempt to win them over to the democrats side?
08-14-2017 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Lol, awesome. I wonder if the city will repair it.
Bree Newsome, the lady who cut down the South Carolina flag after Roof, made an incredible political realization that I hope everyone now understands.

It's very difficult for the government to take affirmative action. Removing the statue is an action, so it takes overwhelming majority consensus to do so.

But if you take the flag down extrajudicially, that switches the status quo. Now putting the flag back UP is an action.

They absolutely won't. Not anywhere that has <30% black population, not anywhere that has a college or some sort of liberal presence.
08-14-2017 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
I don't ****ing care. They are the enemy. I didn't make them my enemy. They volunteered for the position.
08-14-2017 , 10:55 PM
"drive out the terrorists and extremists. Drive. Them. Out. DRIVE THEM OUT of your places of worship. DRIVE THEM OUT of your communities. DRIVE THEM OUT of your holy land, and DRIVE THEM OUT OF THIS EARTH."*

*the capitalization and punctuation is direct from the white house website
08-14-2017 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
... But if you take the flag down extrajudicially, that switches the status quo. Now putting the flag back UP is an action...
This is a real important point. It's going to take an appropriation to put that humpty back on his dumpty, and no pol is gonna wanna be on record with a "yay".

Another consideration is that public art is pretty much undefendable... unless you wanna have a cop watch it 24/365. The days of having CSA statues (that aren't in museums) are drawing to a close.

Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help...
I simply cannot emphasis too much how wrong this is.

Experiencing the joy of victory is vitally important. Fighting neo-fascism is long, hard, dirty, and as we've all been reminded this week, dangerous work. It can't be all death & destruction, all the time. We need a taste. We need a reminder to ourselves that we're building a better world. We need that... and we deserve that too.

... The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
Originally Posted by zikzak
I don't ****ing care. They are the enemy. I didn't make them my enemy. They volunteered for the position.
This. Those peeps are destroying the earth on which we stand. F*** them !!!1!

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 08-14-2017 at 11:15 PM.
08-14-2017 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
This idea that liberals just need to acquiesce on some things and then we could all hold hands in happy unity against evil Trump and the Russians needs to die.
08-14-2017 , 11:16 PM
Anyone who is invested enough in the ****ing Confederacy to get mad at that image was not going for to vote for Gillibrand or whoever in 2020, come on
08-14-2017 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Lol, awesome. I wonder if the city will repair it.

Gonna take this as a no. Pretty elite response too.
08-14-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
Everything makes the hardcore conservative angrier, that's the problem. Our existence pisses them off. They don't have a right not to be offended anymore than anyone else does. **** them right in the ear.
08-14-2017 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
**** that. They get angrier and angrier no matter what the left does. If the left does nothing right-wing media will just make something up out of whole cloth. These people need to get hit in the mouth, hard and often. It's the only thing they understand.

Last edited by Paramecium; 08-14-2017 at 11:54 PM.
08-14-2017 , 11:36 PM
Statues getting toppled is not for us to feel good, its to right the wrong of having a traitorous bastard being a symbol of a state government for 100 years.

I am all about getting the moderate/borderline republican vote. The ones that will switch over wont be offended by having Gen Lee taken down.
08-14-2017 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Statues getting toppled is not for us to feel good, its to right the wrong of having a traitorous bastard being a symbol of our government for 100 years.
It has to do with slavery, not treason.
08-14-2017 , 11:41 PM
You have a better case with treason even though I agree with you on slavery.
08-14-2017 , 11:50 PM
08-14-2017 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
The statue being toppled, while making the crowd feel good for a few minutes and liberals like myself watching at home cheer from our couches, does not help. The visual just makes the hardcore conservative get angrier and angrier at the country they stupidly feel is being taken away from them, and drives them further towards the Republican Party.
Stupid conservatives are gonna get angrier...but

08-14-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Paramecium
Pretty sure that's Rami Malek in the newest Mr. Robot trailer.
08-14-2017 , 11:59 PM
Hypothetically, if one wanted to speed up his or her city's process of tearing one of these down, what would the process be? Any hints from Durham? I'd imagine you'd need to weaken the base in order to topple it? Could three or four people do it in the middle of the night or would you need more than that?

Just asking...
08-15-2017 , 12:01 AM

But let's not anger the alt-right by tearing down statues.
