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Canada puts US on 'torture list' Canada puts US on 'torture list'

01-18-2008 , 01:12 AM
The United States has been listed as a country where prisoners are at risk of torture in a training document produced by the Canadian foreign ministry.
It also classifies some US interrogation techniques as torture.

The manual - part of a training course on torture awareness for diplomats - also includes Israel, China, Iran and Afghanistan on its watch list.

This is a very interesting development....
01-18-2008 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Hersey

This is a very interesting development....
No, it's not.

It's like saying "Joe Blow of Podunk, WI doesn't like pie." Nobody really gives a **** about Joe Blow.
01-18-2008 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by esad
No, it's not.

It's like saying "Joe Blow of Podunk, WI doesn't like pie." Nobody really gives a **** about Joe Blow.
I think it is. I think it is just another thing that shows how different the US and Canada are, despite the similarities we have with them. I loo at Canada as a country with no nothing, a country without an identity. They seem to be a bunch of wannabe Europeans to me, and have the extremly low birth rates like the Euros to support my opinion.
01-18-2008 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Hersey
I think it is. I think it is just another thing that shows how different the US and Canada are, despite the similarities we have with them. I loo at Canada as a country with no nothing, a country without an identity. They seem to be a bunch of wannabe Europeans to me, and have the extremly low birth rates like the Euros to support my opinion.
I apologize if you take this the wrong way but holy **** are you stupid ... do you really know anything at all about Canada let alone Europe ? Wow we're not invading countries around the world killing millions of people like Nazi Germany did. Do you realize whose your #1 oil supply ?
01-18-2008 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tornado69
I apologize if you take this the wrong way but holy **** are you stupid ... do you really know anything at all about Canada let alone Europe ? Wow we're not invading countries around the world killing millions of people like Nazi Germany did. Do you realize whose your #1 oil supply ?
I think Canada has an outlook similar to Europe when it comes to punishment to things such as crimes. Canada has lax laws when it comes to prosecuting crimes such as terrorism, murder, rape, and drug offenses. Your response came off as a foaming out the mouth lemming spouting off the same old tired lines like "do you know this or that?" What the **** does Nazi Germany have to do with this? Do you think non Native Canadians conquered present day Canada with pints of beer and invatations to hockey games on the frozen pond? **** no! They dealt with the natives their to serve their own self interest, like just about everyone else did.
01-18-2008 , 03:44 AM
Obviously the US tortures people. It is clear that we have waterboarded prisoners, kept prisoners isolated, kept prisoners naked -- soaking wet -- in 60 F rooms, etc. No serious person can assert that the US does not engage in torture.
01-18-2008 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Hersey
I think Canada has an outlook similar to Europe when it comes to punishment to things such as crimes. Canada has lax laws when it comes to prosecuting crimes such as terrorism, murder, rape, and drug offenses.
Wow. Okay first, terrorism laws ? Sorry if we don't invade foreign countries or overthrow elected officials of countries in which causes people to incite hatred against us and want to kill us. You see any terrorist bombings in Canada ? No because we mind our own business for the most part. Why should we be afraid of individuals with no political influence, army, navy or airforce ? Your truly brainwashed if you think this small group of individuals somehow danger the world or pose any significant threat whatsoever.

Murder laws are not lax. First/2nd degree murder gets life in prison with possibility of parole after 10/25 yrs. Rapists get decent sentences of course the only ones you hear about are a small percentage who get a minimum sentence every once in awhile and it becomes big news but for the most part they do get time. Everyone deserves more than one chance in life in my opinion and don't need to be nailed to the cross.

As for drug offenses, it's a personal choice what one does to their own body as long as it doesn`t harm or infringe the personal choice of another human being. I saw a commercial earlier today about the negativety of pot and the just say no pitch. Then the next commercial was a Budweiser commercial. Hey everyone it`s okay to drink your mind altering drug right! Oh we the gov`t meant those other drugs, those untaxed drugs. Those are the ones that are bad for ya right ... RIP Bill Hicks.

Torturing another human being is beyond sick and any leader of a `free` country condoning such acts is ****ing evil IMO. You obviously have no view on how the rest of the world views the US. We look at the US in words I can`t even describe. Certainly nothing like a free country should be considered.

EDIT: Also, we don`t have private prisons profiting off having as many people in jail as possible. Where I come from when you take an individual and put him in a situation where he can`t leave then make $$ off him by making him work for you for pennies, where I come from that`s called slavory am I right.

Last edited by Tornado69; 01-18-2008 at 04:19 AM.
01-18-2008 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Tornado69
where I come from that`s called slavory am I right.

Seriously...O and E are nowhere near each other on the keyboard. Unless you meant to say "savory", as in a delicious, golden brown, aromatic, bucket of KFC Chicken. Mmmmm....savory

01-18-2008 , 06:17 AM
Forgive me for mistyping 1 word out of 300+ ...
01-18-2008 , 06:23 AM
Sorry if we don't invade foreign countries or overthrow elected officials of countries in which causes people to incite hatred against us and want to kill us. You see any terrorist bombings in Canada ? No because we mind our own business for the most part. Why should we be afraid of individuals with no political influence, army, navy or airforce ? Your truly brainwashed if you think this small group of individuals somehow danger the world or pose any significant threat whatsoever.
Well the U.S. does spend about 40x more on military, and is the the cultural dominance of the world. You can see why terrorists would want to attack U.S. over Canada. There is a lot of blowback because of the foreign policy, but these small groups of radicals do want to destroy Western civilization. They want to change our civilization with a violent Islamic revolution.
01-18-2008 , 07:58 AM
Erm.. I think most of the members of Al Qaeda who want to be part of a violent Islamic revolution are only doing so because they've been promised tail in the afterlife. Send a brigade of prostitutes to infiltrate Al Qaeda - problem solved. End of terrorism as we know it.
01-18-2008 , 09:13 AM
This shouldn't come as a surprise.

US, China, Iran, Afghanistan....four terrible countries.
01-18-2008 , 09:17 AM
lol canadaments

Who the hell cares about what Canada thinks?
01-18-2008 , 09:28 AM
apart from the fact that in op's own link it states:

A government spokesman said the manual did not reflect the views of Canada, which is an ally of the US and Israel.

"The training manual is not a policy document and does not reflect the views or policies of this government," said a spokesman for Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier.

Do any Americans here actually think that their goverment doesnt participate in torture? I mean even your congress thinks they do:

Members of Congress have apologised to a Canadian who was seized in New York in 2002 by US officials and sent to Syria, where he says he was tortured.
01-18-2008 , 11:44 AM
Wow...gotta love americans...they have no clue what the hell is going on around the world, they only know whats on cnn...and what their hero president bush tells them. I dont think more then 5% of Americans are able to think critically, they are just brainwashed sheep who think their country is the best. reading the posts in this thread im just shaking my head...terrorism laws? are you guys you even consider the possibility that 9/11 was staged to be able to pass any law they want with terrorism as an excuse? im not saying it was for sure, cause i really dont know, but think about who benefited from 9/11 the most? Due to your "freedom of speech" many documentaries have been made regarding all sorts of issues in your country, maybe you should take a look see at some of them and find out whats really going on...and as for terrorists, the u.s are the biggest terrorists out there...both economically and physically...
01-18-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by gyaawax
Wow...gotta love americans...they have no clue what the hell is going on around the world, they only know whats on cnn...and what their hero president bush tells them. I dont think more then 5% of Americans are able to think critically, they are just brainwashed sheep who think their country is the best. reading the posts in this thread im just shaking my head...terrorism laws? are you guys you even consider the possibility that 9/11 was staged to be able to pass any law they want with terrorism as an excuse? im not saying it was for sure, cause i really dont know, but think about who benefited from 9/11 the most? Due to your "freedom of speech" many documentaries have been made regarding all sorts of issues in your country, maybe you should take a look see at some of them and find out whats really going on...and as for terrorists, the u.s are the biggest terrorists out there...both economically and physically...
As an American, I wish I could argue with you, but the responses in this thread (by presumably US posters) have been so lol that I can't. A Canadian writes a well thought-out post outlining why US policies may be perpetuating the type of aggression we're trying to prevent, and all he gets is "ha ha you spelled one word wrong" and "who cares about Canada, lol at hockey."

No wonder everyone hates us.
01-18-2008 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by gyaawax
Wow...gotta love americans...they have no clue what the hell is going on around the world, they only know whats on cnn...and what their hero president bush tells them. I dont think more then 5% of Americans are able to think critically, they are just brainwashed sheep who think their country is the best. reading the posts in this thread im just shaking my head...terrorism laws? are you guys you even consider the possibility that 9/11 was staged to be able to pass any law they want with terrorism as an excuse? im not saying it was for sure, cause i really dont know, but think about who benefited from 9/11 the most? Due to your "freedom of speech" many documentaries have been made regarding all sorts of issues in your country, maybe you should take a look see at some of them and find out whats really going on...and as for terrorists, the u.s are the biggest terrorists out there...both economically and physically...
01-18-2008 , 12:12 PM
I'm Canadian and I find Canadians inferiority complex to be really ****ing annoying. The US isn't some flawless beacon of democracy, but it isn't a fascist country who enslaves it's sheeple. Canada has a lot of problems as well, but as Canadians we are constantly reminded everything we do is the best and we are better than America, who are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks.
01-18-2008 , 12:40 PM
Not only does the current administration torture people, they're proud of it.
01-18-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
lol canadaments

Who the hell cares about what Canada thinks?
This guy does not represent what "Canada" thinks.
01-18-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
lol canadaments

Who the hell cares about what Canada thinks?
I can never figure out why so much of the world thinks that many Americans are arrogant, self absorbed blowhards?
01-18-2008 , 12:52 PM
Canada? Wtf? who gives a ****... lol at Canada.
01-18-2008 , 12:53 PM
it's not about what canada thinks, it's about what one of our closest allies teaches its own diplomats

the hypocrisy of the foreign policy is laughable
01-18-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by HorridSludgyBits
As an American, I wish I could argue with you, but the responses in this thread (by presumably US posters) have been so lol that I can't. A Canadian writes a well thought-out post outlining why US policies may be perpetuating the type of aggression we're trying to prevent, and all he gets is "ha ha you spelled one word wrong" and "who cares about Canada, lol at hockey."

No wonder everyone hates us.
QFT. The human capacity for self delusion and other idiocy is in full display in American politics.
01-18-2008 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I'm Canadian and I find Canadians inferiority complex to be really ****ing annoying. The US isn't some flawless beacon of democracy, but it isn't a fascist country who enslaves it's sheeple. Canada has a lot of problems as well, but as Canadians we are constantly reminded everything we do is the best and we are better than America, who are just a bunch of ignorant rednecks.
Bolded sections don't add up. How can there be a "Canadian inferiority complex" and a cultural sense of being "the best and better than America"?

There is no Canadian inferiority complex. This is a myth perpetuated by America lovers who want to dismiss and criticism as jealousy.

We are also not "the best and better than America". This is foolish nationalism, although I concede that it exists.
