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California Residents (+friends/family of residents), How do you feel about the props? California Residents (+friends/family of residents), How do you feel about the props?

11-04-2008 , 04:05 PM
Say no to discrimination, no on prop 8.
Add another prop to legalize bestiality and pedophilia while at it. No discrimination!
Teach that crap in schools, and have teh kids grow up with two gay fathers.
11-04-2008 , 04:12 PM
I just saw a "No on 8" commercial where two mormon guys show up at the home of a lesbian couple and ransack their house. Lol.
11-04-2008 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by ctyri
Another libertarian who gets pissed off by people working to help others be happy in a way that has no impact on his life. Except, if it makes his friends happy, he's cool with it.

Party of principle.
1) Not a member of the Libertarian Party, reading comprehension fail.

2) Opposing Prop 8 exactly because it makes my friends happy and doesn't affect me or society much at all, reading comprehension fail.

3) Having much higher taxes would probably make my stupid hippie friends happy, but I won't vote for those, dumb analogy fail.

Do you feel like saying anything semi-coherent today, or just being an ******* to people like me? Because if you want to be an *******, I can tell you where to find me.
11-04-2008 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by CIncyHR
I just saw a "No on 8" commercial where two mormon guys show up at the home of a lesbian couple and ransack their house. Lol.
What? Really? Link please!

EDIT: Found it! This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Last edited by LFS; 11-04-2008 at 04:33 PM.
11-04-2008 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by findingneema
Not a good argument. How many white girls marry Asian guys anyway?
More white prejudice.

In 1980, Jackie Chan makes in American debut in The Big Brawl. In the movie he has a white girl friend. Chan disappears from American screens for years.

Still interracial marriage has nothing to do with gay unions. Marriage is a religious term. Domestic partnership is a civil term. Governments should stop performing marriages. They should just recognized marriages as having the same legal protection as domestic partnerships. Two members of the same sex should only be allowed to get married when some recognized religion is willing to marry them.
11-04-2008 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Still interracial marriage has nothing to do with gay unions. Marriage is a religious term. Domestic partnership is a civil term. Governments should stop performing marriages. They should just recognized marriages as having the same legal protection as domestic partnerships. Two members of the same sex should only be allowed to get married when some recognized religion is willing to marry them.
It has everything to do with it. They were both forms of discrimination against minorities. Marriage is also no longer a religious term, it is a legal one. It would be great to live in a perfect world where everybody had civil unions and all 50 states recognized them, but we don't. We have marriage, and taking it away from 2 people because no "recognized religion" would marry them is discrimination, pure and simple.
11-04-2008 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
More white prejudice.

In 1980, Jackie Chan makes in American debut in The Big Brawl. In the movie he has a white girl friend. Chan disappears from American screens for years.

Still interracial marriage has nothing to do with gay unions. Marriage is a religious term. Domestic partnership is a civil term. Governments should stop performing marriages. They should just recognized marriages as having the same legal protection as domestic partnerships. Two members of the same sex should only be allowed to get married when some recognized religion is willing to marry them.
There are many religions that recognize Gay marriage,including but not limited to Conservative and Reformed Judaism. Your argument about religions do not hold weight.
11-04-2008 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dennisa
There are many religions that recognize Gay marriage,including but not limited to Conservative and Reformed Judaism. Your argument about religions do not hold weight.
Those would be recognized.

Governments should not be in the business of performing marriages.
Allow the term to be used exclusively by religions.

They should allow bigamy. Just give bigamy no legal protection or benefits.
11-04-2008 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by allurit
I'm against banning gay marriage, for the sf to la high speed rail, gung ho prop 5 for the drug penalty stuff (making marijuana possession an infraction) and against prop 6 for increasing gang related penalties (this is just institutionalized racism imo).

not too sure about the others.

I haven't read the whole thread, but would be interested to hear why you think this.

Just read over the particulars. Don't think I'd mind minors being charged as adults who have been convicted of prior gang-related felonies, but the other ones sound kinda drastic.
11-04-2008 , 10:02 PM

They have early exit polls of prop 8 passing by three points right now, by what percentage I don't know.
11-04-2008 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
I'm more motivated to be politically active by Prop 8 than any issue in my lifetime. IMO government should stay the hell out of the marriage issue entirely, but as long as we're going to confer special status and benefits on people who are "married" we need to do it for all people. The "Yes on 8" advertisements are hilarious - "You won't be able to to teach your kids that being gay is WRONG unless you vote Yes on 8. If 8 doesn't pass, it's be just like MASSACHUSETTS! Barney Frank will legally have the right to anally rape you and your children."

The Mormon Church's involvement in the issue gets my blood a-boiling as well.

Being Mormon myself, I voted yes on 5,8 and 11.

5 because I think the fact that people are going to jail for drug type stuff is just criminal in itself. People should have the right to make bad decisions.

8 because I think this is a direct nuclear attack on the first amendment. It is a threat to the "tax free" status, the many lawsuits this could bring, against the rights of religions to practice and preach as they may. The founders knew this right was essential and this directly attacks it. I do however support there right to have all things that reg married couples have except it being written into the law as legal because of the precident it sets and the threat against religious freedom.

11 because I believe leaving the polititons in charge of regulating the zoning areas gives them too much power. I feel it should be done by an independent council.

No on all other pork.
11-04-2008 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by GlennBeck
8 because I think this is a direct nuclear attack on the first amendment. It is a threat to the "tax free" status, the many lawsuits this could bring, against the rights of religions to practice and preach as they may. The founders knew this right was essential and this directly attacks it. I do however support there right to have all things that reg married couples have except it being written into the law as legal because of the precident it sets and the threat against religious freedom.

Exactly what part of the California Supreme Court's decision told <insert church here> that they're no longer allowed to preach against gay marriage?

If you voted against it cause you hate ****, just say it, but everything else you mentioned is total bull****.
11-04-2008 , 10:31 PM
From the text of the actual decision:

"Finally, affording same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the designation of marriage will not impinge upon the religious freedom of any religious organization, official, or any other person; no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs."
11-04-2008 , 10:44 PM
voted yes on 15679 10 12 S and D

no on the rest
11-04-2008 , 10:56 PM
Anyone in San Diego vote on Prop D, making the beach alcohol ban permanent? I voted yes.
11-04-2008 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Buzz-cp
Hey! I have an idea. Why don't we argue endlessly, due to different philosophical viewpoints!
Right, let's create jobs out of thin air! I love that philosophy.
11-05-2008 , 12:34 AM
the freaking california sos election results page refreshes super slow. looks like prop 8 is passing.
11-05-2008 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by sethseth
the freaking california sos election results page refreshes super slow. looks like prop 8 is passing.
Not really, the largely conservatives counties has mainly come in but the bay area and the more liberal areas of LA and the rest of the coastal counties still haven't been counted.
11-05-2008 , 01:12 AM
Yeah, on the bright side I think San Francisco was 0% counted last I saw
11-05-2008 , 01:12 AM
looks like prop 8 is gonna pass

congrats to the scumbag, bigot, bible thumpers your dishonesty hath earned u victory

for a few months..

thanks for wasting my tax dollars on the forthcoming court case...
11-05-2008 , 01:17 AM
god forbid they allow the voters to decide what is and is not fair, that would be ridiculous
11-05-2008 , 01:17 AM
god how does bigotry prevail in CA, there are a lot of states it wouldn't suprise me at all, but CA wtf
11-05-2008 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb
god forbid they allow the voters to decide what is and is not fair, that would be ridiculous
Popular opinion was by far against allowing interracial marriage in 1967 when Loving v. Virginia was decided but you're prob right, we should just allow voters to decide what rights people do and don't get instead of listening to, I don't know, the ****ing constitution

After all, those activist SC judges clearly got it wrong in 1967!
11-05-2008 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by bottomset
god how does bigotry prevail in CA, there are a lot of states it wouldn't suprise me at all, but CA wtf
lying, misleading ballot, biblethumping degeneratism ????
11-05-2008 , 01:27 AM
Goofy, you do realize that the guiding principles of our country do mean that the people govern, right? If the people decided that the freedom of speech should be curtailed, then that should happen (of course, a supermajority would be required). I'm not saying I'd like that, or I support Prop 8, but, in reality, the people created the Constitution, must continue to affirm it, and retain the right to interpret and change it as they see fit.
