Originally Posted by suzzer99
Except lots of people don't accept that idea. I don't accept that Mitt Romney should pay 50% less than me %-wise any more than a poor person should accept it if I paid less than them %-wise. It's too easy to structure income one way or another to avoid taxes. Just lump it all together and tax it like we've done in the past.
Taxes on capital and taxes on income are not the same thing. Mitt Romney pays 15% CG, 35% corporate, and the inflation tax twice the rising stock prices due to inflation and the cash replenishment corporations must do. For every dollar the government taxes off earned income, about 50% of that will come higher prices and 50% from lower wages.
If you end earned income taxes on capital, wages will rise.
If you end the income tax on labor, earned income will rise.
To make you happy we should just end the corporate tax. Then you can tax Romney at 45% and he would be happy because he would be paying less tax. The problem is foreigners and ex-pats would own the U.S. stock market because they would pay zero cg tax.
The solution is to end the cg tax and the dividend tax and give poor residents a break on their cg/div. Thus, if you make less than 50K, you might get a 25% rebate on your cg/dividends and cg would be inflation adjusted. There are already treaties to tax dividends worldwide.