Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I don't see what the problem is with an eventual United states of Europe.
I think that translates as 'And I just don't see what could possibly go wrong!' And you know how that ends.
America is so vast and its states are so diverse, but (until recently, and with good reason) they always managed to unite under a common leader, and I don't know why people are so scared of a similar plan for Europe.
The US was established as an oligarchy of white Christian gentlemen, many of them slavers, and not a democracy. It is not the model that Churchill naively took it for when he proposed a United States of Europe (which he didn't think Britain should belong to anyway).
Americans have always had a common legal, political and cultural structure and a common language. Even so, they have not always united under a common leader and the bloodiest of all wars that the US has been involved in was the Civil War of the 1860s. The issues that provoked that war remain unresolved, hence the police shootings that have replaced lynchings and hence 'voter suppression', the paranoid reaction to Obama and the subsequent election of a demagogue who thinks neo-Nazis are 'very fine people.'
Europe is a cockpit of dangerous petty nationalisms and, while the EU could moderate that kind of thing as an economic bloc with obvious benefits, it actively incites that kind of thing when the curial class try and force through an artificial and premature dissolution of nationhood for their own career purposes.