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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

06-23-2016 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe

Please be true!
06-23-2016 , 05:23 PM
From a friend of a friend. Lol_Boris.

I'm not sure if it means he's lost the vote, or just lost in general. Either seem likely.
06-23-2016 , 05:23 PM
Wonder what fraction of those likes are of the "hahahaha good riddance *******" persuasion
06-23-2016 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by daca
where do i go to read angry ukippers get increasingly sad as they see their lifework slip away?
The mail online
06-23-2016 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Gove thinks that “people in this country have had enough of experts”. I've had enough of politicians ignoring the opinions of experts whether they be drugs advisers, education experts or anyone else that knows what (s)he is talking about.
Very reasonable point, the government is quite fond on trumped-up, clueless "experts" itself though.

Experts on education? Teachers. Experts on drugs? Health workers, police, addicts etc.

Too often a clueless academic think-tank with no real-world experience is used as an intermediary between the reality of the situation and an even more clueless set of politicians who then formulate bulls**t policy. I particularly enjoyed the recent heckling of nicky morgan and subsequent government backdown over their ill-advised academy policy.
06-23-2016 , 05:29 PM
My Facebook profile to rustle the few Ukippers I'm friends with.

('God willing' in Arabic)
06-23-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe

Please be true!
Oh yes please. This has all the makings of another 1997 Portillo moment.
06-23-2016 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
My understanding is the polls just closed and they will announce the results at 7 am which is 9 hours from now? I may or may not be confused
News sites claimed that there would be live updates.

Led me to believe that unofficial estimates will be provided
06-23-2016 , 05:39 PM
Al Campbell tells us he is "passionately for remain". Says it all...
06-23-2016 , 05:40 PM
fwiw I heard on Radio 4 their advice was to set your alarm to 3am when the key marginals come in.

That will pretty much tell us who has won (ok, we know Remain has won, but if we want to keep the pretence up), and you can then get the confirmation at breakfast tomorrow.
06-23-2016 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Lawless45
Al Campbell tells us he is "passionately for remain". Says it all...
No fan of Campbell but if you wanted to list odious individuals and who they support OUT list is way way way bigger.
06-23-2016 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by daca
also isnt all the big cities where immigrants actually live voting remain? the people wanting to stop immigration is not actually the people living with a lot of immigrants.

Another possible interpretation of that map is that places who've had their economy wrecked by giving away most of our fish are both not attractive to migrants and not attracted to the EU.

Re: your post about the fascists. You could make a similar photo in any country, but I can tell you that 8% of my neighbours don't go round dressed like that. The question is why this guy got 8 percent in the election. It's more than anything a reaction or protest against the emergence of a joint EU policy on non-EU migration, with the refugee quotas and fines for non-compliant countries, coupled with mistrust of standard politicians to do anything about it. They perceive their way of life as under threat. You also mention Fico, as well as the anti-Islam stuff it's come out in the last few weeks that he's protecting and living in a luxury flat owned by a man who got unjustified VAT refunds of 6 million, i.e. stole money direct from taxpayers. From 1 July 2016 Fico will be one of your presidents of the EU. If you don't like it then tough, you don't get a vote for EU president.

I'm not saying Slovakia is perfect, just it changed my idea of what's important. It's not a couple of percent on GDP. For example they are too small to fight wars to support their "interests" in the Middle East. They just buy the petrol and its still cheaper than in England, so that whole section of the UK debate passed me by as it has nothing to do with quality of life.

Originally Posted by diebitter
Haven't got time to watch. Can anyone fill me in in what he says about how little control the EU has in allowing nations to control and manage mass immigration from other parts of the EU? ta.
He actually takes the opposite tack to the mainstream Remain campaign - he says that we have so many EU laws intertwined with our own that it's going to be difficult to unpick the mess and effectively its too late to leave now. He mostly talks about the short and medium term though and generally how difficult it will be. He also says UK, Germany, France call the shots in the EU but in the TV debate we were told that the UK has lost 70 out of 70 votes when we went against what they had decided.

If I was there I would point out that his utilitarian line of argument could be equally used for a united Ireland, which he would of course reject because "Identity". Well England has identity too ....

He talks about the definition of sovereignty and power. The word he misses is freedom. Power means the right to decide for others. When we decide for ourselves its called freedom. Even if Britain does have a third of the power in the EU, giving up 2/3 of one's right to decide for oneself in order to have the right to decide for a Frenchman is not a good tradeoff absent other factors (which granted exist in many cases).

BTW He is also a paid EU representative.

The blog is of course right. In Slovakia we still use some CSSR and CSFR federal laws which have never been replaced and pre-1948 there was Austro-Hungarian common law in force here. Austria-Hungary was attempt at a multinational centralised superstate that was undemocratic and completely dysfunctional by the end. Not sure what that sounds like

Originally Posted by Habsfan09
Well since the Syrian refugee crisis is linked to IS which is linked to the 2nd Iraq war where the UK played along you should be quiet because so far you have done very little to help there. You can judge Merkel all you want but we and a lot of other european Nations have to clean up this mess which the UK was part of creating it.
Merkel said Syrian refugees could stay in Germany if they were willing to break the laws and fund the gangsters of every country between Turkey and there. Then she got cold feet. But originally, if she thought they should have the right to stay in Germany she should have just issued them visas in Turkey and let them book flights.

Merkel has also prolonged the euro crisis by continually attempting to bail out the Greeks - who BTW are far from the poorest euro country, they are just the most irresponsible with benefits higher than the average wage in some of the countries paying the bailouts - instead we should reduce them to the status Montenegro currently has - i.e. user not member.

@SuperUberBob - London is a remain hotbed. Basically the areas that are "White English" majority are more pro Leave and London plus Scotland, Wales, NI are more pro Remain. I don't think the weather will make a difference though.
06-23-2016 , 05:48 PM
Just found this quote from another talking head obviously from middle england with no regard for the working man:

06-23-2016 , 05:49 PM
Genuinely thought Lektor would be to embarrassed to come back here, most I have ever seen anyone get rekt in the history of the internet.
06-23-2016 , 05:53 PM
Anyone want to buy a lance, a horse, some armour and 2l of union Jack paint?
06-23-2016 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Lawless45
Ye gods

Immigration made it more or less impossible for any principled voices to be heard for the out campaign but they would have got trounced without immigration anyway.

This is a generational project and what happens over the next few years is so so irrelevant. The good ship EU sailed years ago, we're voting on whether we want to leap overboard and swim back to shore or not.
06-23-2016 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
No fan of Campbell but if you wanted to list odious individuals and who they support OUT list is way way way bigger.
Hot-headed, less calculating, "chequered" and perhaps simple individuals tend to support out. The weasely, slimy, "i'm alright jack" type individuals tend to support remain.

But in all honesty you would do well to trump campbell. The guy's a grade A bellend.
06-23-2016 , 05:57 PM
just turned bbc on, dimbleby said farage withdrew his concession

06-23-2016 , 06:02 PM
ftse just jumped 100 pts on spread betting markt
06-23-2016 , 06:02 PM
Yeh he raided a couple of polling stations with an eraser
06-23-2016 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Lawless45
Hot-headed, less calculating, "chequered" and perhaps simple individuals tend to support out. The weasely, slimy, "i'm alright jack" type individuals tend to support remain.

But in all honesty you would do well to trump campbell. The guy's a grade A bellend.
Yea but he is no Farage.
06-23-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
just turned bbc on, dimbleby said farage withdrew his concession

06-23-2016 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
What's the % of leaves who also fall into the camp which believes Scotland staying was the right thing?
That's a good question and I think no one knows.

English politicians basically all publicly say it's up to Scotland but they want them to stay. For many voters it's a lot about identity not arguments. We can crudely stereotype the voters' identity into

St George's flag: F off Scotland, F off EU
Union Jack: Please stay Scotland, F off EU
St Andrew's flag: CU England (i.e. pro Scottish independence), like EU (as a counterweight to England, makes Scottish independence more practical)
and the final group, to borrow Obama's slogan, are the
No we can't: Too hard outside UK for Scotland, too hard outside EU for UK.

So I think the reasons for people voting in both referenda (or watching and hoping in the case of English voters with the Scottish referendum) are connected to the same sense of types of identity but as there are many types of identity the Yes/No support won't neatly correlate to Leave/Remain.

That's just my guess. I bumped your question because its interesting and want to know what others think.
06-23-2016 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Yea but he is no Farage.
Far worse and not even close. You'll have to do better than nigel me old mucker.

How did sir cliff vote?
06-23-2016 , 06:12 PM
Nearly everyone that I know who has used the micro brow arguments of freedom and democracy on this issue where strangely not so keen on the Scots having more of either of those things.
