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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

07-20-2016 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by daca
i dont really care about about a political union and it's not happening anyway, but europe lost something very real here. the uk is european, london is a great european city and home to millions from around the continent, most countries have sizeable british minorities. all that is not lost and they're not getting thrown out, but the future of it is at least in danger now.

and trade deals are whatev, but losing the ties of the single market is depressing too. it's not just economics. it's friends, co-workers and people you went to school with etc.
Ok, that at least explains some of the anger. I guess my counterpoint would be that a lot of Brits do not see the EU as Europe. We feel in some ways the EU has subverted Europe into its own agenda.

I'm from London, born and bred. I always thought London was bigger than just a European city. I felt it was a world city. I grew up with other kids from Africa, Australia, India and the Caribbean, so you may see my point.
07-20-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Ok, that at least explains some of the anger. I guess my counterpoint would be that a lot of Brits do not see the EU as Europe. We feel in some ways the EU has subverted Europe into its own agenda.

I'm from London, born and bred. I always thought London was bigger than just a European city. I felt it was a world city. I grew up with other kids from Africa, Australia, India and the Caribbean, so you may see my point.
i dont really see your point here at all.

sure, the eu is not the same as europe, but it is very real ties to europe that's being severed. and london is not just an european city, and nobody wants to prevent it from being a global city too, but it is also an european city.

and yeah obviously people who (rightfully) see the single market as far more economically useful than any trade deal are sad to see a big part of it get replaced by some dumb deal.

Last edited by daca; 07-20-2016 at 06:52 PM. Reason: nobody would care if all this was just between eu or eea, but we're not even going to get that.
07-20-2016 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
How can the EU insist that member states drop their borders and take a quota of refugees or direct their armies/taxes to handling the exodus?
We thought it couldn't but it decided on the hoof that QMV could suddenly be applied to these issues.

That's why the far right is in ascendancy all over the EU.
07-21-2016 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
Its still all of those things, we just don't want a centralised, federal government in a United States of Europe. That really is all.
Are you saying you want to oppose France and Germany forming a federal government (if that's their ambition)?
07-21-2016 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
Amid all the criticisms of the EU, one of the most ridiculous was that of its handling of the refugee crisis. Don't get me wrong, Merkel is a crackpot madwoman, but in terms of criticising the EU in its response? What more could it have done? What armies does Junker control that could have ensured safe passage? How can the EU insist that member states drop their borders and take a quota of refugees or direct their armies/taxes to handling the exodus?
Well dont start wars on lies then. What has the UK done to improve the Situation in Syria to reduce the numbers of refugees?
07-21-2016 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
we just don't want a centralised, federal government in a United States of Europe. That really is all.

Stop the "we" nonsense. You don't speak for me and anyone with an optimistic view of the future and not a bigoted isolationist one.
07-21-2016 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by davmcg
Stop the "we" nonsense. You don't speak for me and anyone with an optimistic view of the future and not a bigoted isolationist one.
Stop the 'anyone with a blahblahblah' nonsense then.

i guess to some intolerance to different viewpoints is okay if you call those you disagree with 'bigots' and demonise them with a little label. Pot. Kettle. Black.

I have an optimistic view of the future too. It's on the outside of a protectionist, undemocratic EU.
07-21-2016 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
Why is not wanting a centralised and unaccountable committee to make your laws 'bigoted'? What is prejudiced about having an opinion on a certain system of government?
I don't object to you having an opinion, I object to you assuming that you speak for anyone else than yourself.

edit for diebitter It is my opinion that brexiters are bigoted and isolationist, to suck it up.
07-21-2016 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
Why is not wanting a centralised and unaccountable committee to make your laws 'bigoted'? What is prejudiced about having an opinion on a certain system of government?
Was not aware that the United "States" of America was run by a commitee.

No reason to assume any federalised Europe would be that undemocratic.

Anyway, a federalised Europe will never evaaar happen and you can bet your Ikes on that.

The might be a small number of political elites who want this, but also plenty who dont and those that dont can easily mobilise popular support to their cause as we have just seen. The EU is even more unpopular in France than the UK.

That said to be a priori against a federalised Europe with no idea how that would be configured administratively is simple bigotism.

Are there any political configurations in which you would not be opposed to a federalised Europe, configurations that you perceived to be more democratic?
07-21-2016 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by davmcg
Stop the "we" nonsense. You don't speak for me and anyone with an optimistic view of the future and not a bigoted isolationist one.
Originally Posted by davmcg
I don't object to you having an opinion, I object to you assuming that you speak for anyone else than yourself.
I hope you do realise when you claim you speak for 'anyone with a blahblah' which you imply here, you are doing exactly what you are complaining about here, right?

I'm sure when you talk your viewpoint, you think a certain number of people share it, right? We'll, that goes both ways.

Last edited by diebitter; 07-21-2016 at 04:36 AM.
07-21-2016 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I'm sorry? How exactly did we cause the Syrian refugee crisis? Why are we obliges to take in anyone when they'd have passed through a dozen or so safeel countries before reaching the UK?
Well an instable post-war Iraq was the perfect breeding ground for ISIS. They conquered parts of Syria as well and commited horrible crimes everywhere.

Yeah the excuse of the "safe countries" is very popular and I know that's how the rules are. But countries like Libanon and Greece aren't the richest countries around but the rich countries want them to help all immigrants without assistance. If the UK or Germany would have given money or helped building refugee camps which aren't hell holes then you can complain but since everyone is just talking about "closing borders" and doesnt want to give help we shouldn't be surprised that the refugees try to get to a safe haven with acceptable living conditions and maybe even a future.
07-21-2016 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I don't think you and I want the same things. I see EU going down two possible paths in the next 10-15 years. Breakup or political integration. I don't want to live in a country that's part of either version of that, or one that has to break off at much greater pain in the middle future.

Are these unlikely or unrealistic endpoints for the EU project? If you think that's not a realistic possible pair of paths, what do you see being the format of the EU in 10-15 years time?
In fifteen years it will look essentially identical.
07-21-2016 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I'm sorry? How exactly did we cause the Syrian refugee crisis? Why are we obliges to take in anyone when they'd have passed through a dozen or so safeel countries before reaching the UK?
Lol Britain has specific responsibility for the Syrian refugees. We literally made isis what it is today.

I'd happily trade people like you away in return for some Syrians.

You don't share British values of helping those in need and fixing the mistakes you made. I don't know what you are but you're not British. Are you American? Maybe you were born here but you don't understand here.
07-21-2016 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I'm sorry? How exactly did we cause the Syrian refugee crisis? Why are we obliges to take in anyone when they'd have passed through a dozen or so safeel countries before reaching the UK?
What are you talking about? Refugees cannot freely enter the UK. Many of those who want to are stucked in camps in the north of France, because French authorities have agreed to control your border for you.

Are you talking about the quota system that Merkel proposed in 2015? It doesnt concern the UK.
On 22 September 2015, European Union interior ministers meeting in the Justice and Home Affairs Council approved a plan to relocate 120,000 asylum seekers over two years from the frontline states Italy, Greece and Hungary to all other EU countries (except Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom which have opt-outs).
07-21-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I believe in nation state democracy.

If that makes me a bigot, I'm quite comfortable with that accusation. Most people (even remainers) will treat it with a sigh and a roll of the eyes.
So you are for administrative zones dictated by completely arbitrary lines?

I assume you support the break up of the Union?
07-21-2016 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I believe in nation state democracy.

If that makes me a bigot, I'm quite comfortable with that accusation. Most people (even remainers) will treat it with a sigh and a roll of the eyes.
If you have a valid viewpoint which they can't counter argue against you will be called a bigot/racist or old & dumb Sara.

Of course if you ask them why the EU sees fit to discriminate between EU and Non-EU citizens they are ok with that......they obviously like some discrimination.

Or maybe ask them why they feel the decision to vote Brexit by the majority of voters in the country should be ignored. You know, why democracy should not prevail.
07-21-2016 , 09:34 AM
Whose gimmick account are you, out of interest? The fact that you're agreeing with richdog narrows the field considerably.
07-21-2016 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
I believe in nation state democracy.
You have democracy. You only had to make minor concessions to aid the functioning of the Single Market.

btw our democracy has brought us a leader who wants to record every page you click on the internet, every word you write and wants to ban encryption.

This entire "Brussels rule" argument is utterly bogus and and absurd reason to damage our economy for decades.
07-21-2016 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
In fifteen years it will look essentially identical.
god knows what will happen to the eurozone, but non-euro eu will most likely be essentially the same. the fear of the united states of europe is mostly paranoid nonsense.
07-21-2016 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by daca
god knows what will happen to the eurozone, but non-euro eu will most likely be essentially the same. the fear of the united states of europe is mostly paranoid nonsense.
Check wiki on the EPP. Point 1 of the EPP priorities for the EU:


Seems the EPP don't share your views.
07-21-2016 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by SaraNovember
But immigrants bring huge benefits to economies. The refugees are sure to benefit Greece and Lebanon immensely. It would be hugely selfish of Britain to steal them away.

Not arbitrary zones, but lines around shared culture, history and values.

Curiously enough, the Sykes-Picot agreement, which is often credited with playing a large part in causing that part of the Middle-East to have descended into the chaos that it has done, was indeed built on arbitrary lines rather than shared culture, history and values.

Look how that turned out. Woopsy.

I'd be more than happy for Scotland to have a second referendum and act in accordance with the will of their people. They won't be allowed to re-join the EU and the Spanish have already said they'd veto their entry. Lol.
So if the whole of Europe, or just say Germany and France, spoke English and ate fish and chips you would have no problem with a federated system loosely equivalent to the USA model?
07-21-2016 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by richdog
If you have a valid viewpoint which they can't counter argue against you will be called a bigot/racist or old & dumb Sara.

Of course if you ask them why the EU sees fit to discriminate between EU and Non-EU citizens they are ok with that......they obviously like some discrimination.

Or maybe ask them why they feel the decision to vote Brexit by the majority of voters in the country should be ignored. You know, why democracy should not prevail.
Yeah ofc you bring up your straw man again. Every bilateral deal discriminates others who didn't get the same deal. And there are reasons for that. If you really suggest a free trade deal with China is a good thing then you have no fkn idea how it will destroy the UK and the few remaining industries you have.
You dont want immigrants at all but you have no balls to say so because you dont want to be called a racist instead you are looking for stupid arguments which are largely simplified. v
07-21-2016 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Habsfan09
You dont want immigrants at all but you have no balls to say so because you dont want to be called a racist instead you are looking for stupid arguments which are largely simplified. v
This. Also applies to MaryDecember or w/e the gimmick account is called.
07-21-2016 , 10:35 AM

Problem: UK working class is struggling because of growing inequality
Solution: Distance yourself from the countries that are most successful in combating inequality
07-21-2016 , 10:39 AM
It is funny that even after adjusting for the brexit hit, UK growth is still predicted to be better than Germany and France.
