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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

07-05-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
So no leave until next year? The UK is just going to crash on our couch until they find the guts to start the move out next year?

Last time I checked we were still paying rent
07-05-2016 , 05:42 PM
The sooner the EU collapses the better. I waited and waited for Cameron to come back and say they'd seen sense and loosened the leash about some elements of sovreignty, and the toothless **** didn't get a bean.

Let's get back to a functioning Europe based on trade, national sovreignty, shared interests on human rights, the environment and security, not a non-directly elected gravytraining elite that love their ideologies and the idea of some gigantic superstate than sense. Juncker is a major ****, and the sooner history ditches him, the better.

I'm very happy with Europe, but I loathe the antidemocracy that is the EU. If it cannot adapt, then it deserves to fall.
07-05-2016 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Who did you hope would lead the country when you voted Leave?

As time goes by leaving the EU just for getting rid of Cameron will be questioned.
Only the public Remain campaign focused on the next few years. I don't think internal Tory politics was the reason many people cast their votes, including people who hardly ever vote in elections.

It's the highest turnout since 1992, but 1992 was a beautifully warm day whereas there were rainstorms for this referendum. Weather adjusted its probably the highest turnout since the 70s.

Regrexit is a fiction. There are also people who regret voting Remain now they have seen no punishment budget, no outbreak of fighting in NI and no need to send Polish NHS workers home.
07-05-2016 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
If it cannot adapt, then it deserves to fall.
The EU is the adaptation; people who can't adapt to it are those who deserve to fail.
07-05-2016 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The EU is the adaptation; people who can't adapt to it are those who deserve to fail.
See it's statements like this, when they come from the EU 'elected' (lol) and their ilk, that makes me glad we're on a road to separate from the EU.

Certainty in untested ideology and uncritical acceptance of it never ends well, especially in the hands of those not subject to clear democracy. See if you can think of any examples of that in the last 100 years of world history to help you out.
07-05-2016 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Let's get back to a functioning Europe based on trade, national sovreignty, shared interests on human rights, the environment and security, not a non-directly elected gravytraining elite that love their ideologies and the idea of some gigantic superstate than sense. Juncker is a major ****, and the sooner history ditches him, the better.
the eu is a safeguard on human rights, trade, the environment, security and so on, but that requires some common rules. people voted against it mainly because they wanted to take rights away from 400m fellow europeans (and themselves).

and yeah it's not collapsing. the common identity is growing stronger with every new generation.
07-05-2016 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Your posts are ignorant and idiotic.

With tens of millions voting there was a wide spread of behaviours but plenty of people voted Out and now regret it - for heaven's sake it even has its own epithet, 'Regrexit'
Plenty of people according to whom? How many, more than the 1M+ majority?
How many Remainers who voted to avoid WW3 have been lied to?

You say the people voted like it was a by election and I correct you that you're talking out of your ass, as by elections have low vote counts and no interest whereas the referendum had a huge vote and mass public interest. And I'm ignorant lol.

You're out of touch with reality and you're living in denial. Thankfully the majority of voters in this country do not agree with the nonsense you spout and have some common sense.

Hopefully the Tories appoint a new PM soon and Brexit gets pushed through ASAP. Also hope the prominent Remain campaigner, and likely war criminal, Tony Blair gets some comeuppance tomorrow.
07-05-2016 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by daca
the eu is a safeguard on human rights, trade, the environment, security and so on, but that requires some common rules. people voted against it mainly because they wanted to take rights away from 400m fellow europeans (and themselves).

and yeah it's not collapsing. the common identity is growing stronger with every new generation.
Collapsing economically. Well at least in the Southern nations.

And if the common identity is so strong why are member states terrified to give a membership vote to their citizens?

It's a strange political union which is supposed to be for the benefit of its members citizens but fears giving them a say in case they say no.
07-05-2016 , 06:28 PM
Exactly. It's turning into a bigger and bigger oligarchy and framing its purpose as being 'for the good of the people' while suppressing dissent. Good intentions are all very well, but when you use the excuse of good intentions as the reason you deny the doing of good works and the questioning of your choices... that's a road to hell.
07-05-2016 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
And if the common identity is so strong why are member states terrified to give a membership vote to their citizens?
there's no upside to it. the eu is something like 17-4 on membership votes but there's nothing to gain by redoing the ones that go right.

Last edited by daca; 07-05-2016 at 06:54 PM. Reason: if you want a negative freeroll then go bet fanerio
07-05-2016 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
The sooner the EU collapses the better. I waited and waited for Cameron to come back and say they'd seen sense and loosened the leash about some elements of sovreignty, and the toothless **** didn't get a bean.

Let's get back to a functioning Europe based on trade, national sovreignty, shared interests on human rights, the environment and security, not a non-directly elected gravytraining elite that love their ideologies and the idea of some gigantic superstate than sense. Juncker is a major ****, and the sooner history ditches him, the better.

I'm very happy with Europe, but I loathe the antidemocracy that is the EU. If it cannot adapt, then it deserves to fall.
this is pretty much my exact standpoint fwiw
07-05-2016 , 08:01 PM
So far, everything but EU (and its predecessors), including "sovereign states" of "shared interests" have resulted in an European/World War, often with nearly perpetual conflict between major wars.
07-05-2016 , 08:06 PM
I predict it will be the Bitch vs the Witch in the EU death match; in other words, Theresa May Vs. Angel Merkel. Being an unabashed and unapologetic misogynist, I am going to really enjoy this match up.
07-05-2016 , 08:12 PM
liam fox has backed theresa may

crabb has dropped out and has backed may as well
07-05-2016 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
So far, everything but EU (and its predecessors), including "sovereign states" of "shared interests" have resulted in an European/World War, often with nearly perpetual conflict between major wars.
Any chance of war between first-world Western democracies, particularly in Europe, was comprehensively ended in 1960, when France successfully tested a nuclear weapon in the Algerian Sahara.
07-05-2016 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by daca
the eu is a safeguard on human rights, trade, the environment, security and so on, but that requires some common rules
Does it? Why do 28 countries need to have an unelected and unelectable committee decreeing laws to them in order to maintain human rights, free trade and cooperation on issues such as security? Are you seriously suggesting that without that, the relatively wealthy, well-developed and technologically advanced nations of Europe wouldn't be able to orchestrate that between themselves?

This is why people decided to leave. An enormous proportion of those voting to remain did so out of an ideological motive which had its roots in the desire to create a European superstate which could overrule democracy at a local level in order to maintain the progress of this project.
07-05-2016 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by daca
the eu is a safeguard on human rights, trade, the environment, security and so on, but that requires some common rules. people voted against it mainly because they wanted to take rights away from 400m fellow europeans (and themselves).

and yeah it's not collapsing. the common identity is growing stronger with every new generation.
the eu is failing deal with it, and good ridence
07-05-2016 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Let's get back to a functioning Europe based on trade, national sovreignty, shared interests on human rights, the environment and security, not a non-directly elected gravytraining elite that love their ideologies and the idea of some gigantic superstate than sense. Juncker is a major ****, and the sooner history ditches him, the better.

I'm very happy with Europe, but I loathe the antidemocracy that is the EU. If it cannot adapt, then it deserves to fall.

Originally Posted by diebitter
See it's statements like this, when they come from the EU 'elected' (lol) and their ilk, that makes me glad we're on a road to separate from the EU.

Certainty in untested ideology and uncritical acceptance of it never ends well, especially in the hands of those not subject to clear democracy. See if you can think of any examples of that in the last 100 years of world history to help you out.
funny, i was about to ask if you can think of any times in history where a fractured Europe driven by national ideologies went poorly.
07-05-2016 , 09:13 PM
well if ww3 is on the table now then i think we ought to get a headstart on our opponents

i say we demand the return of gascony immediately
07-05-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
funny, i was about to ask if you can think of any times in history where a fractured Europe driven by national ideologies went poorly.
can you remember a time in history when we had a European superstate, it happened about 25 years ago

the whole concept of a repeat of 1914 is ridiculous. As long as the US exists and is willing to project power in order to preserve the peace in Europe there will be no European war. Plus now is the era of free trade, its easier to gain resources with living people than dead conquered ones.
07-05-2016 , 09:49 PM
just like bitchi to compare the Warsaw Pact to the EUBrexit Referendum
07-06-2016 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
See it's statements like this, when they come from the EU 'elected' (lol) and their ilk, that makes me glad we're on a road to separate from the EU.

Certainty in untested ideology and uncritical acceptance of it never ends well, especially in the hands of those not subject to clear democracy. See if you can think of any examples of that in the last 100 years of world history to help you out.
'Untested ideology'? wtf are you talking about? Let's see if you can find any examples of successful economic and political unions in the last 150 years.
07-06-2016 , 02:59 AM
soviet union, yuogoslavia, iraq

political union of different cultures under authoritarian rule works great
07-06-2016 , 03:00 AM
lol pound at 1.29
07-06-2016 , 03:00 AM
United Kingdom.
