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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

10-01-2018 , 05:17 PM
One of the things I just realized about Kavanaugh was that he was a practicing attorney in any meaningful sense of the word for only two years.
10-01-2018 , 05:19 PM
10-01-2018 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Cool. What conversation exactly needs to be had? And how is this going to be conducted when one side is continuously acting in bad faith?
Who? The guy that thinks the Republicans are doing this to make Trump dictator?

Last edited by jjjou812; 10-01-2018 at 05:29 PM.
10-01-2018 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by somigosaden
Can someone explain to me why Feinstein sat on the letter from Ford for twenty days or sixty days or whatever it was? I only see it brought up by Republicans that she got this letter and then waited until the hearings were done, and then presented it and demanded it be addressed, which does seem like scumbag move to drag out the nomination process. What is the Democrats' response to this?

The response is. **** the republicans. Merrick garland says hi.
10-01-2018 , 05:23 PM
Man, people are so bad at this. Poker players have to be among the best at assessing information, and even here we see people being like "welp I watched the testimony and my soul read is they were both credible and I don't know what to believe!"
10-01-2018 , 05:28 PM
Chezlaw made up his mind before hearing Ford testify or Kav defend himself.

Sept 18. - you know, when nonsworn letters were good enough of an investigation.

Originally Posted by chezlaw
I think Ford's testimony is very credible. I think he done it, knows he done it (so knows he was there) and that there's most likely more cases.

We got onto more about memories and I also think that in the unlikely scenario that he didn't do it then he is still most likely lying about remembering not being there.
10-01-2018 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
Man, people are so bad at this. Poker players have to be among the best at assessing information, and even here we see people being like "welp I watched the testimony and my soul read is they were both credible and I don't know what to believe!"
That'd be assuming they're good poker players. Even then I'm assuming a good chunk of people saying that kind of stuff are being completely dishonest with themselves about it and/or others and going into the process with extreme bias.
10-01-2018 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Chezlaw made up his mind before hearing Ford testify or Kav defend himself.

Sept 18. - you know, when nonsworn letters were good enough of an investigation.
Are Kav's obvious lies about his drinking habits and yearbook contents what finally convinced you that he was telling the truth about sexual assault?
10-01-2018 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
"I welcome an FBI investigation and look forward to being completely exonerated by it."

(is a thing an innocent Brett Kavanaw would say but has not said despite having been given numerous opportunities to do so)
I disagree. An innocent or guilty Kavanaugh, a week away from being voted to the SC by Reps (who dont want an fbi invest) wants a vote and a push through, not an interview of his high school buddy, Mike Judge.
10-01-2018 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I disagree. An innocent or guilty Kavanaugh, a week away from being voted to the SC by Reps (who dont want an fbi invest) wants a vote and a push through, not an interview of his high school buddy, Mike Judge.
His high school buddy is named Mike Judge?

Damn that is fitting for the state of the country.
10-01-2018 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I disagree. An innocent or guilty Kavanaugh, a week away from being voted to the SC by Reps (who dont want an fbi invest) wants a vote and a push through, not an interview of his high school buddy, Mike Judge.
Why would an "innocent" BK want to be under this cloud? Why would an "innocent" BK lie so much under oath?
10-01-2018 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by heehaww
Edit - did Trolly get banned within the past 10 minutes, wtf?
10-01-2018 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
What if the "random lady" you've never before 'saw' your best friend for a few months in high school, accurately described your social circle and it was likely you had indeed met her a couple of times (your friends who deny remembering you trying to rape her *don't* deny ever having met her)? And what if she described you and your friend Judge as being absolutely wasted and you know you used to get absolutely wasted with Judge (who had dodgy attitudes to women)? And as such it was quite likely you actually had been in her presence *while absolutely wasted*?? In addition she'd been talking about the incident for six years.

This case is very different from that of, say, some random lady claiming Mitt Romney got wasted and tried to rape her in 1982. If that happened and Congressional Dems feigned credulity, I'd understand Romney going loco. But the idea this is all some sort of set up isn't supported by the facts. Republican Senate Judiciary members say Ford is telling "her truth".
I take back the "random lady" part because in that case I'd figure they're mistaking me for someone else, so I wouldn't be angry. Same if it were a not-so-random lady who mixed me up with someone in my group of friends. Rather than be angry, I'd try to find out which former friend did it.

The only way I'd be angry is if I knew they were outright lying as opposed to just mistaken.
10-01-2018 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
His high school buddy is named Mike Judge?

Damn that is fitting for the state of the country.
no, mark judge. mike judge has nothing to do with this and doesn't even have the same name as this guy, i bet he's watching this at home pissed that tons of people now think he was an accessory to rape. i feel bad for mike judge 2nd most of all, in this.
10-01-2018 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
I disagree. An innocent or guilty Kavanaugh, a week away from being voted to the SC by Reps (who dont want an fbi invest) wants a vote and a push through, not an interview of his high school buddy, Mike Judge.

If I were accused tomorrow of sexual assault, I would demand an investigation. Call all my high school buddies.
10-01-2018 , 06:02 PM
lol now The Kav is tampering with witnesses

Edit I can’t ****ing paste **** with my phone google Kerry bercham

Last edited by Namath12; 10-01-2018 at 06:11 PM.
10-01-2018 , 06:05 PM
10-01-2018 , 06:07 PM
If Republicans do anything more than a sham investigation it will be the biggest political mistake since firing Comey.

Maybe I'm more cynical than I should be, but the idea that this--this--one thing is something they'll be seriously taken to task for is ludicrous. I feel like congressional republicans underestimating the extent to which they can do any-****ing-thing they want and get away with it is a recurring theme. It's like McTurtle is the only one who gets it--literally none of this **** matters at all, and if you're going to be discrediting an election outcome in 2020, you're way off track if you can't even sack up and run a sham FBI investigation of a supreme court justice in 2018.
10-01-2018 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Are Kav's obvious lies about his drinking habits and yearbook contents what finally convinced you that he was telling the truth about sexual assault?
Whataboutism at its best.
10-01-2018 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
no, mark judge. mike judge has nothing to do with this and doesn't even have the same name as this guy, i bet he's watching this at home pissed that tons of people now think he was an accessory to rape. i feel bad for mike judge 2nd most of all, in this.
You are right. Sorry Mike, too late to edit.
10-01-2018 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Whataboutism at its best.
You are going to have to walk me through how talking about Kav in a discussion about Kav is whataboutism.
10-01-2018 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger

If I were accused tomorrow of sexual assault, I would demand an investigation. Call all my high school buddies.
Are you on the short list for the Supreme Court?
10-01-2018 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
lol now The Kav is tampering with witnesses

Edit I can’t ****ing paste **** with my phone google Kerry bercham

there, so it turns out kav was texting some of his old pals related to the ramirez story before ramirez's story broke. I'm sure he regularly texts them and it was not, in fact, out of the blue and did not in fact remind them of things that did not in fact happen because in fact he is innocent.

Republicans have already responded and said they were irrelevant.
10-01-2018 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by heehaww
I take back the "random lady" part because in that case I'd figure they're mistaking me for someone else, so I wouldn't be angry. Same if it were a not-so-random lady who mixed me up with someone in my group of friends. Rather than be angry, I'd try to find out which former friend did it.

The only way I'd be angry is if I knew they were outright lying as opposed to just mistaken.
Thanks. None of know how we'd react in K*******h's shoes (assuming he genuinely believes he's innocent which imo *way* too many people, even those opposed to his nomination, take for granted). I've always been a much lighter drinker than K*******h. Different friend groups have commented that they've never seen me drunk. But I have been.

If the exact same thing happened to me (girl I hung out with a few times has been telling people for six years I drunkenly groped her) and I genuinely didn't remember it but she knew exactly who I was hanging out and her story was otherwise credible - I think I would just cop to it? It's a little complicated given how little I drink - but I'd probably figure that however unlikely is it I'd behave in such a way and forget it, it was even more unlikely for her story to be untrue. So I'd say I don't remember doing it but I'm not accusing her of lying and I'm truly sorry for how it affected her.

If I was drinking 100 kegs a year all the more so. It's just a Bayesian thing.

FWIW my best guess - I'm not saying this is >50% what happened, but it's imo the modal outcome is the following:

Judge & K*******h are wasted, hanging around upstairs while the rest of their friends are sober and downstairs. Their boy Squi's gf is taking a leak. Judge thinks it would hilarious to scare her when she comes out of the loo. Make the sweet 15 yr old maiden think she's getting attacked. LOL. Like saying BOO, but on steroids. Whispers to K*******h "do it! don't be a chicken! cluck! cluck!". Ford comes out of the loo and from behind K*******h pushes her into the bedroom. Just a joke. Maura would get scared but she'd laugh it off. Pranks!! 15 yr old girl freaks out. Starts screaming. She has no sense of humour!! K*******h tries to quiet her, turn up the music. She's trying to draw attention to them and make them look like *rapists* for playing a prank. Geez. 15 yr old eventually escapes and runs to the loo. Amazing. Hilarious prank! Got her!! Laughs ensue!!!

Guys think they have played a hilarious prank. But it's just a throwaway joke and mightn't stick with them. 15 yr old (understandably) thinks they actually tried to rape her. Moment sticks with her for years.
10-01-2018 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You are going to have to walk me through how talking about Kav in a discussion about Kav is whataboutism.
I stated chezlaw made up his mind based on Fords letter. Nothing about Kav and nothing about my opinion on Kav.

You asked me if Kavs lies about drinking convinced me Kav was guilty.

Nice whataboutism, Mr President.
