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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-28-2018 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
of course he can (and will, when mitch ignores this sideshow and runs the vote as soon as he can possibly run it)
I don't think Mitch has the stones to bring it to the floor without knowing he has the votes locked in. He doesn't like being embarrassed. He used his wife as a human shield at that restaurant. He was FURIOUS when McCain shoved a downward-pointed thumb in his turtle face last year. Flake, FOR WHATEVER IT'S WORTH, holds all the cards here.
09-28-2018 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
so wait you laid 4k to domer's 500 that kav would be confirmed by oct 1?

hahahahahahhahaha that makes it even better if so
no that's backwards.

take your haunting laughter back.
09-28-2018 , 03:21 PM
If I was ruler of the world everyone who said “when/but he was a teenager/in High school” would be instantly put to death.
09-28-2018 , 03:23 PM
And I think McConnell is done as maj leader if this goes down in flames. He already ****ed up killing ACA despite having Trump in the WH and hasn't really accomplished a single thing legislatively with GOP majorities all over the place except for a tax cut (and they even managed to make a TAX CUT unpopular, somehow).

Not willing to bet on it, just my personal feeling.
09-28-2018 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I actually agree with this. I've been saying for many pages by now that the GOP is trying to figure out a way to climb down.

That's my hope anyway.

They sure are making this exceedingly painful.
If the GOP had wanted to climb down, all it would have taken was a call from Trump surrogate asking Kavanaugh to withdraw "for the sake of his family".

This would be FPS in the extreme if the GOP was trying to back away from Kav, unless you are implying that GOP senators are actively working at cross purposes to Trump.
09-28-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by renodoc
no that's backwards.

take your haunting laughter back.
i hope the thought of it traumatizes you for the next 35 yrs

as long as one of you loses, i'm good
09-28-2018 , 03:25 PM
Also the fact that Kavanaw has to spend the next week sweating whatever the FBI will find beneath the garden gnomes at his house is much sweeter than the prospect of domah losing a house payment or two.

I don't think it will happen but the odds of Kavanaw withdrawing are definitely slightly up.
09-28-2018 , 03:26 PM
~7 years after Kavanaugh's time there, but, relevant to anyone who thinks prep school kids are focused on their studies: In 1990, seven DC-area private schools sent letters to families warning about party culture involving heavy drinking

According to a 1990 article in the Washington Post, the headmasters from seven prestigious Washington, D.C.-area private schools sent a joint letter that year to parents, warning them that their children had developed a party culture that included heavy drinking leading to “sexual or violent behavior.”

One of the schools was Georgetown Prep, from which Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh graduated in 1983. Christine Blasey Ford, who during congressional testimony on Thursday described being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh in 1982, attended one of the other schools, Holton-Arms.
The Post also quoted Charles P. Lord, then-headmaster at Holton-Arms, saying that “a number of parents and kids have expressed dismay over some of the situations at weekend parties. … We’re concerned about the potential for tragedy.”
One of the reporters on the story was a recent grad of one of the schools:

Andrew C. Lottmann, then a news aide at the Post who contributed to the report, graduated in 1988 from St. Albans, another school in the letter. “[Excessive drinking] happened at all the schools,” Lottmann remembers. “Yes, absolutely.”

“I think that at these schools, there are children of wealthy and politically important people, and there are some who certainly acted as though there [were] little consequences for their actions,” recalls Lottmann. While “there were people who ran with the party crowd who were good people. … The core of it is there were certainly some people who acted as though there were no ramifications for their actions.” However, he says, he has “no direct knowledge” of sex or sexual violence at parties during his high school years.
09-28-2018 , 03:26 PM
"I'll talk, but don't quote me."
09-28-2018 , 03:27 PM
She has indicated a willingness to speak to the FBI

09-28-2018 , 03:28 PM
09-28-2018 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
"I'll talk, but don't quote me."
Worst case scenario for Judge is he gets to sleep in an actual bed for a while
09-28-2018 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If the GOP had wanted to climb down, all it would have taken was a call from Trump surrogate asking Kavanaugh to withdraw "for the sake of his family".

This would be FPS in the extreme if the GOP was trying to back away from Kav, unless you are implying that GOP senators are actively working at cross purposes to Trump.
Trump won't do it. He wants someone else to take the fall and attack that person.

Trump doesn't care if Kavanaugh gets confirmed or not. He's not up for re-election and he doesn't care about his own re-election, yet.

I am sure there are Republicans trying to climb down. Just nobody wants to be the one to do it.
09-28-2018 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
And I think McConnell is done as maj leader if this goes down in flames. He already ****ed up killing ACA despite having Trump in the WH and hasn't really accomplished a single thing legislatively with GOP majorities all over the place except for a tax cut (and they even managed to make a TAX CUT unpopular, somehow).

Not willing to bet on it, just my personal feeling.
Slow down cowboy, babysteps man!
09-28-2018 , 03:30 PM
Yesterday's news but "I'm dear friends with a female sexual assault victim (therefore I could never be a perpetrator)" is an interesting take in the tradition of "I have a black friend (so I can't be a racist.)"
09-28-2018 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Not so much pro rape as just hesitant to destroy a man's life over unverifiable and rather inconsistent allegations from 35 years ago when he was a teenager. Particularly when there's more "evidence" that he didn't do anything than there is linking him to whatever Ford remembers.

Walker is indeed down, but HRC was 99% to win the election an hour before polls started closing. Projections don't matter anymore, apparently. No king reigns forever, though. My business could use a downturn, honestly. Real estate prices are too high right now and the labor market is completely empty of qualified people. Bring on the democrats.

- It does not ruin his life.
- Her allegation have been solidly consistent.
- There is no "evidence" that he didn't do anything.
- Clinton was never 99% to win.
09-28-2018 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Worst case scenario for Judge is he gets to sleep in an actual bed for a while
lol wow nice
09-28-2018 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I don't think Mitch has the stones to bring it to the floor without knowing he has the votes locked in. He doesn't like being embarrassed. He used his wife as a human shield at that restaurant. He was FURIOUS when McCain shoved a downward-pointed thumb in his turtle face last year. Flake, FOR WHATEVER IT'S WORTH, holds all the cards here.
I agree. How does that pre-vote phone call go?

"MM: Hello LM/SC. It's Mitch. If I bring Kavanaugh to the floor on Monday, can you assure me that you will vote YEA?

LM/SC: I can't make that promise Mitch.

MM: That's fine. This is really just a courtesy call to let you know I'm bringing it to the floor no matter what."
09-28-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Do you think a man accused by a highly credible witness of sexual assault should be eligible for the Supreme Court?
Yes, because credible people can be wrong, and setting such a precedent is a terrible idea. You know this, but are ignoring it because your team is the one doing the accusing here.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
This stuff has been beaten to death and we've already been over it 20 times, we have to do it again now because you're a special snowflake who thinks he has great new taeks to drop on the thread he finally popped in to? Jesus you're tired.
You don't have to do anything. If you find me irritating, the best response is silence.

Originally Posted by MrWookie
Not getting promoted


Dealing with lifelong trauma after having been a victim of sexual assault

Which is the real life ruiner?
You're capable of more empathy than this. There are many highly destructive genies you can't put back in the bottle, and falsely accusing someone of rape is one of them.
09-28-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm hesitant to put a potential rapist and known liar in one of the post powerful positions in the country for life.
But I bet you loved both Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

Let's be don't like his political leanings and view that he would move the Court more to the conservative side. I get that and agree that would be likely.

The rest of this disgraceful sideshow that we have seen (for both Dr. Ford and BK) is pure Washington grandstanding for the cameras without any regard to how it may affect either of their lives. NO ONE besides Dr. Ford and BK know the truth and never will. But what is 1000% true is that every politician in Congress is a self promoting, narcissistic, unethical a-hole whose ONLY objective EVER is to make themselves look good and get re-elected. Every. Single. One.

I say the only way to solve it is to NEVER vote for ANY incumbent. WE control term limits if we all adopt this simple rule.
09-28-2018 , 03:35 PM
Checking in - is everyone still super confident there's nothing fishy about Swetnick's claims or have one or two opinions changed?
09-28-2018 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Yes, because credible people can be wrong, and setting such a precedent is a terrible idea. You know this, but are ignoring it because your team is the one doing the accusing here.
Al Franken disproves the bolded.

Shut the **** up. You are either terribly uninformed or terribly dishonest, and your posting is so consistently bad in both categories that it's actually difficult to tell which is the case right here.
09-28-2018 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
But I bet you loved both Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

Let's be don't like his political leanings and view that he would move the Court more to the conservative side. I get that and agree that would be likely.

The rest of this disgraceful sideshow that we have seen (for both Dr. Ford and BK) is pure Washington grandstanding for the cameras without any regard to how it may affect either of their lives. NO ONE besides Dr. Ford and BK know the truth and never will. But what is 1000% true is that every politician in Congress is a self promoting, narcissistic, unethical a-hole whose ONLY objective EVER is to make themselves look good and get re-elected. Every.Single.One.

I say the only way to solve it is to NEVER vote for ANY incumbent. WE control term limits if we all adopt this simple rule.
Yeah that's why I was so vehemently against Franken resigning (I wasn't). Both sides have their bull****, sure. But there is no law of nature that says both sides are always the same. It's just Republican base wish-casting that no matter how horrible the transgression - bbbbbbut Dems do it too.

I agree Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton would make lousy SCOTUS judges, even if qualified on technical merits. I'd like someone with more character.

Mark Judge probably knows the truth. The FBI has a lot of information to go on.

Last edited by suzzer99; 09-28-2018 at 03:45 PM.
09-28-2018 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
I say the only way to solve it is to NEVER vote for ANY incumbent. WE control term limits if we all adopt this simple rule.
This is a popular sentiment but it never materializes. We can pretend we have all the power but the truth is that (lots of) money elects politicians and incumbents tend to have it while outsiders tend to not have it.
09-28-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
- There is no "evidence" that he didn't do anything.
Just wow. No proof of nothing is now proof of something.
