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Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion Brett Kavanaugh - Interest & Discussion

09-28-2018 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Love this.
09-28-2018 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Just wow, a woman’s testimony is not evidence according to this guy. Let’s see just how backwards you are, do you think women should be able to vote?
If Namath is correct, we may both need reading lessons.
09-28-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sideburn
Its beyond the person. It doesnt matter the person. They destroyed this man...for a ****ing seat. They have done this three damn times. They will continue to do it. Because sad sack ****s in the republican party let it happen. Show some ****ing spine. Reverse the roles and dems tell the pubs to pound sand.

What they have done is despicable and unethical of the highest order. Dr. Ford gets treated like a 5 year old and no one questions her bull**** story because everyone is afraid of backlash in the metoo world. **** metoo. The man has had 6 ****ing FBI background checks. 6. Im a govt contractor, i know the **** my bc pulled up, the random people they talked to. No ****ing way the FBI missed missed **** like what is being alleged. Her story is bull****, she is bull****. If people cant see the larger overall problem with all of whats happened, we as a country are truly ****ed.
Originally Posted by Baby Lee
They will never run out of excuses, and no excuse lacks credibility so long as anyone with a voice and an agenda says it is credible.

The make wild predictions about the future so they can grouse about how the Republicans mishandled with through bigotry and callousness. And when the future turns out the exact opposite, they generate a new paradigm of bigotry and callousness that actual events supposedly demonstrated.

They go through life in an eternal incessant vigil for the spin to pontificate on how what happened demonstrates how their opposition is evil. And when nothing is happening, they take a pause and pontificate their hypotheses of what new evil their opposition is about to unleash.

They are narcissistic unflappable zealots. They define their life by criticizing the lives of others.

That's why power is so vital to them. They can just set the rules for how everyone must live and assume everyone is content with their edicts.
Originally Posted by Jim Jones
They can't. All the limp-wristed libs want is one tiny iota they can hang their hat on during the "investigation" to call for further delays.
Originally Posted by ChiTown
That's just the excuse for now. There will be other excuses to follow. That, and they will NEVER concede that BK is not an alcoholic, serial, gang rapist who is a POTUS protectionist and standing at the ready to overturn RvW.

Moreover, I just see them as complete pieces of **** who are hiding behind a woman who is emotionally unstable (Dr. Ford).
Originally Posted by RaiderH8r
McConnell is offering Murkowski and Collins anything they want for their support as we speak. If they get to "yes" then they can cut Flake loose, motion to proceed gets filed tomorrow, voted Monday, and then final passage on Wednesday/Thursday.

In the meantime, Senate GOP needs to respond to this scorched earth character assassination in kind. Every bit of info from Ford's past needs to start being leaked ASAP. Her high school yearbooks, every story, every quote, every donation, every job, every disgruntled co-worker, every time she went to the bathroom and didn't wash her hands, all of it.
Originally Posted by ChiTown
Hell yeah. Why would they stop at this point. The Theater of the Absurd is their safe space.
Originally Posted by Hoopsdoc
I wonder if any more will come forward if it’s delayed. The last 4 were incredibly weak.

One things for sure, the Dems will be beating the bushes looking.

The Democrats as currently constituted are a blight on this land.
Originally Posted by ping2000
Also, **** Arizona. Two ****ed up loser senators. Thanks a lot ****head Arizona voters!
Originally Posted by RINGLEADER
Oh it's over. There's no way Kavanaugh is getting confirmed. It will be wall-to-wall heartstring pulling that has nothing to do with facts.

I hope Flake realizes as this starts to unfold what he's responsible for releasing.
Originally Posted by GloryDayz
Nothing too bad can happen to Flake. I hope something tragic happens in his life, I'll be there to mock him and remind him that it was an act of God. Even if BK gets seated, I hope something happens in his life that'll allow me to mock him.
Originally Posted by RaiderH8r
The GOP has to fill the media space with more than process answers. They've got to get the ugly, salacious details of Ford's life out there. Because that's what's about to happen to Kavanaugh...again.
Originally Posted by Bwana
Oh for sure, anything to stall. I would say two or three more fake "Brett bounced his apple sack off my chin at a party!" chippies will magically come out of the woodwork to try to get a payday.

Christine Blasey Ford has been doing very well from her GofFndMe page. As of now, it's just about hit half a million dollars.

Nice little retirement fund there Chris. No doubt many more plane trips to far away exotic places in your future, now that you're miraculously overcome your fear of flying and all.
Originally Posted by kcpasco
Because it’s not about an actual sex crime. Democrats do not care about Ford.
Originally Posted by NinerDoug
I heard on the radio this morning two crying women, who said they were sexual assault victims, confronted him on the Hill this morning.
Originally Posted by Frazod
I wonder who paid them to do that?
Originally Posted by patteeu
Yeah, she's flown to Tahiti, but Australia is too far.

I'd like to see recent pictures of Blasey Ford to see if she ever combs her hair when she's appearing in public or if she always wears it to look like she was sexually assaulted just before she walked in the door.
Originally Posted by Setsuna
How are there any supporters left for this party of fascism? You don't have to go conservative but my word stop supporting insanity for your own sanity. Please. :shake::shake::shake:
Originally Posted by Frazod
BTW, what is there to investigate? No physical evidence, no discernible location, all the witnesses have already been interviewed and testified under oath about **** that supposedly happened 35 years ago. Everything that these pricks are howling about wanting done HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

It's just a delaying tactic. Like the party of Slick Willy, Ted Kennedy and Keith Ellison gives a **** about any woman getting raped/groped/killed/whatever.
Originally Posted by Iowanian
Give these democratic senators 8" and they're going to ask for 10.
Chiefsplanet in full-on projection mode.
09-28-2018 , 04:12 PM
People like jj and inso0 do not think powerful men should be held accountable. They also do not think he testimony of a woman is credible evidence. These are people who can not he redeemed. They have thousands of posts and if you can find one with humanity or compassion, good luck.

Nobody here thinks they can stall until 2020! The public at large doesnt want that. Kavanaugh had a ~33% public approval rating before yesterday. He is deeply unpopular. He is a liar. He is a judge cut from the cloth of Hannity. He is deeply unqualified. You can have another deplorable judge. You can get one quite easily. Just jump ship on this dude. He's a terrible person who openly makes his female clerks dress in a revealing way.
09-28-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by OneEyedPoker
I think he won $4k and stood to lose $500
Other way around. I think he had other bets though.
09-28-2018 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by OneEyedPoker
I think he won $4k and stood to lose $500
oh, no I won $500 on a side bet here

but I was referring to PredictIt

I was fairly massively betting against him being confirmed, and I bet against him even more when Flake came out as a Yes (Kav hit 87% to be confirmed, he's down to about 65% at the moment).
09-28-2018 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
my $4k against renodoc/his friend's $500

kavanaugh confirmed by the us senate by october 1st, 11:59pm


posting for posterity, was confirmed via PM

gg, altho the way this has been going I feel like I still have a shot lol
09-28-2018 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Not so much pro rape as just hesitant to destroy a man's life over unverifiable and rather inconsistent allegations from 35 years ago when he was a teenager. Particularly when there's more "evidence" that he didn't do anything than there is linking him to whatever Ford remembers.

Walker is indeed down, but HRC was 99% to win the election an hour before polls started closing. Projections don't matter anymore, apparently. No king reigns forever, though. My business could use a downturn, honestly. Real estate prices are too high right now and the labor market is completely empty of qualified people. Bring on the democrats.
"But what about Hillary!" Deplorables gonna deplorable. **** off Inso.

This guy is being interviewed for a job. He's not on trial. Again, **** off. Go whine some more about Hillary.
09-28-2018 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, I am going to need a citation for what evidence actually coloborated his story, under threat of ban.
You let lefto-whackos post **** like this while nit-picking my post?

Originally Posted by skydiver8
At the risk of calling forth the NSA, I am freely admitting that I have been running scenarios in my head a la Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor.

Or maybe just how much money i would need to pay someone to put out a hit on these guys.

I'm not sure anything less will do.

god, my Canadian citizenship papers are taking forever...
My God, what is wrong with you?

Anyways the only piece of physical evidence that was presented at the hearing from the time period of the alleged rape attempt was Kavanaugh's calendar. The calendar is exculpatory evidence meaning it is favorable to the defense; it corroborates his testimony.

Had Ford came to the hearing with a diary that said "Brett tried to rape me tonight". It wouldn't prove Kavanaugh tried to rape her as she could have been referring to another kid named Brett but it still would have corroborated her story. Brett would not be the nominee now if such evidence existed. Corroboration does not mean "proof" like it seems your think it does. The calendar gives us evidence of what Brett was doing in the summer of 1982 and it suggests he was not out trying to rape little girls.

Other than testimony and the physical evidence of the calendar, what evidence presented at the hearing corroborated Ford's account? Zippo. The physical evidence favored Kavanaugh period.
09-28-2018 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

"true or not" rapeologist guy is actually weighing "4chan hoax" in things to consider about Julie Swetnick

can't make this **** up
BTW, it was "4chan hoax and her attorney"

Avaneeti tweeted something outrageous that was claimed to be the words of some kids that punk him. That outrageous definition was not in his client's affidavit. Has he since provided any evidence where he got the definition from?

Last edited by jjjou812; 09-28-2018 at 04:28 PM.
09-28-2018 , 04:22 PM
You mean the calendar that explicitly has a drinking event involving numerous named parties in the accusation right on it, exactly in the right time the accusation said it took place?
09-28-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Anyways the only piece of physical evidence that was presented at the hearing from the time period of the alleged rape attempt was Kavanaugh's calendar. The calendar is exculpatory evidence meaning it is favorable to the defense; it corroborates his testimony.

Had Ford came to the hearing with a diary that said "Brett tried to rape me tonight". It wouldn't prove Kavanaugh tried to rape her as she could have been referring to another kid named Brett but it still would have corroborated her story. Corroboration does not mean "proof".

Other than testimony and the physical evidence of the calendar, what evidence presented at the hearing corroborated Ford's account? Zippo. The physical evidence favored Kavanaugh period.
More dishonesty and disingenuity. For one thing, Professor Ford has notes from therapy sessions in 2012 where she described the attack. Calling the calendar exculpatory is extremely weak.
09-28-2018 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You mean the calendar that explicitly has a drinking event involving numerous named parties in the accusation right on it, exactly in the right time the accusation said it took place?
Yes. It supports his defense more than it supports her accusation. Its exculpatory evidence. Ford provided no inculpatory evidence from the time period.

But why do you let people post threats against public officials and then go on to nit pick my posts? Thats just sick.
09-28-2018 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by renodoc
gg, altho the way this has been going I feel like I still have a shot lol
You are absolutely live here
09-28-2018 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
More dishonesty and disingenuity. For one thing, Professor Ford has notes from therapy sessions in 2012 where she described the attack. Calling the calendar exculpatory is extremely weak.
2012 is not the time period of the rape. The physical evidence we have from the time period supports Kavanaugh.
09-28-2018 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
Yes. It supports his defense more than it supports her accusation. Its exculpatory evidence. Ford provided no inculpatory evidence from the time period.

But why do you let people post threats against public officials and then go on to nit pick my posts? Thats just sick.
That calendar entry is entirely consistent with her telling! That would make it inculpatory.
09-28-2018 , 04:28 PM
Giving that law dictionary a workout today huh
09-28-2018 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Simulated
2012 is not the time period of the rape. The physical evidence we have from the time period supports Kavanaugh.
No, it doesn't. Also, do you see anyone running around proclaiming victory of physical evidence from 2012 contest? No, because that's stupid. Just like your post is stupid.
09-28-2018 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You mean the calendar that explicitly has a drinking event involving numerous named parties in the accusation right on it, exactly in the right time the accusation said it took place?
Not with the right number of people or girls or the right location. And the July 1 entry, assuming that is the one you are referring to, is one of numerous entries that also do not correspond with the correct people or home. And how exactly do you know it was "exactly in the right time" when Ford does not even know that?
09-28-2018 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You mean the calendar that explicitly has a drinking event involving numerous named parties in the accusation right on it, exactly in the right time the accusation said it took place?
I'm still absolutely shocked that July 1, 1982 wasn't brought up by anyone after special counsel asked about it and got immediately canned
09-28-2018 , 04:32 PM
You guys trying to argue logic and facts with someone who clearly doesn't give a ****.
09-28-2018 , 04:34 PM
I will be vigilant to protect the independence and integrity of the Supreme Court, and I will work to ensure that it upholds the rule of law and safeguards those liberties that make this land one of endless possibilities for all Americans.
09-28-2018 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Not with the right number of people or girls or the right location. And it is one of numerous entries that also do not correspond with the correct people or home. And how exactly do you know it was "exactly in the right time" when Ford does not even know that?
sigh, I'll mention this one even tho I shouldn't.

She mentioned seeing Judge at work 6-8 weeks later (something like this I didn't look up exact quote) which actually lines up correctly with Judge working at that safeway (I think she said that was the workplace) if that's the date in question.
09-28-2018 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
I'm still absolutely shocked that July 1, 1982 wasn't brought up by anyone after special counsel asked about it and got immediately canned
Same. Or a dozen other things that could (should) have sunk him but have nothing to do with rape. Some gross incompetence on the part of Ds on that committee.
09-28-2018 , 04:35 PM
From Georgetown Prep to Safeway? This Judge kid is going places
