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Breaking- Truck kills dozens in Nice, France Breaking- Truck kills dozens in Nice, France

07-15-2016 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by smrk2
What is the least dumb thing said in this thread about Islam that you feel was lost/unfairly mocked? Or say something not dumb about Islam yourself if you prefer.
I'll go with "most of what Toothsayer posted."
07-15-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
How can this be the case when Islam in and of itself is the whole problem? Muslims integrate better in the USA, because magic? Could it be that the reason isn't Islam?
My best guess for helping integration is cultural exchange. Get Hollywood movies in Mideast theaters. Foreign exchange students. Repeal laws (mostly in Europe) that limit integration. In France, there are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants who aren't citizens with associated limited job prospects.

This goes the other way too. The US MSM occasionally runs stories on non-Jihadi Muslims, but it would be nice if they did more.
07-15-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
I know those are just words, and I dont actually have a specific plan for how I'm going to get racism out of the police force or America at large, so, I guess what I'm really saying is a call to genocide or something? Or ineffectual back-slapping? I'm not sure but I'll just wait for the onslaught of posts reminding me.
Or you could stay on point and not be sarcastic and actually say something. Stop being a martyr.
07-15-2016 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Count up to 84 killed, with 18 in critical condition
I never would've guessed a truck could kill that many at once, that's for sure.
07-15-2016 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I never would've guessed a truck could kill that many at once, that's for sure.
They're saying it went unstopped for 2km. The streets were packed and there was a lot of noise (a live band nearby, still some firecrackers going off).
07-15-2016 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
I'll go with "most of what Toothsayer posted."
Me too. A tiny atoll of reason in an enormous ocean of self-hate and misplaced guilt.
07-15-2016 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I never would've guessed a truck could kill that many at once, that's for sure.
No kidding.

I saw a video and it didn't even look like it was going that fast.

The truck was traveling 32 to 40 km/h (20 to 25 mph), and had traveled at least 100 m (330 ft) before it hit the crowd of people.
The physics of automobiles is more than our brains can really handle, especially since we're so used to them. They have like the speed of a cheetah and the size of an elephant. We're so frail in comparison.
07-15-2016 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
And you feel the same about racism right? And respond accordingly?
Feel the same way and respond accordingly?

I don't think evil is very complicated, you could even say it's banal. I think racism is more complicated than straight evilness. There's more to say in a discussion about racism than a discussion of how evil a religion is. I think.
07-15-2016 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
My best guess for helping integration is cultural exchange. Get Hollywood movies in Mideast theaters. Foreign exchange students. Repeal laws (mostly in Europe) that limit integration. In France, there are 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants who aren't citizens with associated limited job prospects.

This goes the other way too. The US MSM occasionally runs stories on non-Jihadi Muslims, but it would be nice if they did more.
You are assuming all cultures/religions are willing to integrate or are at least moderately compatible with 21st century Western democracy. That's simply not the case.
07-15-2016 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by HughGaines
Regarding what should be done other than hashtags and memorials with little hearts cutouts: as long as we pretend that ''radical islam'' is something that exists in a societal, cultural and religious vacuum that doesn't intersect with moderate or mainstream islam in any way, shape or form, nothing will change. Identifying a problem is the first step into solving it. The PEW survey from a few years ago would be a great starting point : have it presented and debated on every political show in every Western country.
To paraphrase, what should be done is we have to stop pretending radical Islam doesn't intersect with moderate or mainstream Islam. What does doing that entail though? What does that mean in practice?
07-15-2016 , 02:16 AM
Excellent report about what the hell is going on:
07-15-2016 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by 0fisticuffs0
Terrible news, I don't understand why france keeps being targeted?
Because it is a garbage country. They are institutionally racist and otherwise prejudiced to their own citizens with a baked in class divide enforced with a barrier off poor to no opportunities erected around the slums they built and this spreads from the government down.

When you build a society of Eloi and Morlocks you have to accept from time to time Morlocks will leave their tunnels and kill a few Eloi.
07-15-2016 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by HughGaines
You are assuming all cultures/religions are willing to integrate or are at least moderately compatible with 21st century Western democracy. That's simply not the case.
You are excusing ghettoisation of a people where they have the boot of the white man on their throat holding them back in poverty and hopelessness.

France today is the South of America in the fifties. Except the entire country has Jim Crow laws and no one is standing up for the downtrodden.

I mean this doesn't excuse murder but it explains clearly why France has an extremism problem. When you see little value in your own life and those around you it's super easy to think mass murder could change things and better the lives of your friends and family.

Ironically Frances response has always been more racism and prejudice. Sooner or later they might get it, but I suspect not.
07-15-2016 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
So like terrorist attacks are some excuse for ritualistic hyperventilating about the violent barbarian Muslims bringing about the end of western Civilization? That sounds like some healthy behavior we should just collectively ignore? Can I get a clearer definition of the Muslim Freakout Safe Space you need after a terrorist attack to keep your sensibilities satisfied?
This meme about how anti-Islam posters want a SAFE SPACE confuses me, because the only posters who literally complain about people posting stuff are the DISCUSSION IS POINTLESS brigade, where you're not allowed to post about Islam being a problem unless you have a solution that can be outlined in a paragraph.

It's worth revisiting how this came about, here's DVaut from 2010 for instance:

Originally Posted by DVaut1
I can't tell if the people who are like "Islam motivates lots of violence" crowd has an irrational axe to grind against Islam, or if they've just swallowed up a bunch of wholesale propaganda (much of it of course perpetrated by Western governments and its allied media) that what's motivating terrorism is not a response to stuff the West does (a point conceded at least partially by 13th, and admitted by many terrorists) but is actually just those people are all crazy loony toons who looked into their magic book and thought it told them to blow themselves up.
At some point since then, probably right around the time ISIS declared a goddamn caliphate and thousands of people decamped from the West to go fight for them, it presumably dawned on him that the "those people are all crazy loony toons who looked into their magic book and thought it told them to blow themselves up" theory might have some truth to it.

So then we moved on to the current forum party line which is that OK, Islam might be bad, but that can never be discussed by anyone unless they can propose policy solutions to the problem. Here's suzzer manning the barricades on page 1 of this thread:

Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Very true. Lol guns. Also lol at you and progressives acting like guns are the only issue plaguing the world and there aren't hundreds and thousands of cultist savages out there who are going to keep trying to kill us and getting increasingly good at it.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
As far as the other, what is your plan for the cultist savages? Talk tougher so the terrorists know we're serious and give up their cause? Invade Syria? Nuke Mecca? Be specific and note that "do the opposite of what Obama is doing" or "don't be feckless" are not very helpful or specific.
Originally Posted by DCUERVO
it is very simple we just need to end hate. (and guns)
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Same question to you - what's your answer? We invaded Afghanistan and it didn't end terrorism. We invaded Iraq and made the problem much worse. But this time if we invade Syria it's going to be different?
I'm not endorsing wooderson or DCUERVO as posters, and for all I know they do actually want fascist responses to Islam, but that's NOT what is being thrashed out here. Suzzer is attacking them merely for having the temerity to post that Islam is a problem. Safe spaces, indeed.

The fact that a big chunk of America's population are hate-filled, racist morons who want to elect Trump is a huge problem. It's discussed constantly here. Yet I've never seen anyone post what they think we should do about it. Everyone understands that it's a big and intractable problem. Everyone also understands that correct diagnosis of the problem - that is, is it just racism and hate, or do these people have real grievances? - is essential to eventually figuring out what to do. I'm genuinely not sure whether or not people are just pretending not to understand this about Islam.

I understand the concern about stoking fascist tendencies in the US, but the idea that a blizzard of obfuscation and disingenuous bull**** is going to avert this is laughable.
07-15-2016 , 02:54 AM
Lost track of the post on twitter but apparently Isis has encouraged running people over since 2014. Especially against Americans and what they referred to as "the spiteful french." Sorry wish I could dig up the post.

This is actually pretty scary. Any radical ******* can get ahold of a car. The thought that one day you are walking down sidewalk and you need to watch your back for cars is pretty ****ing scary. No background check will stop a terrorist from purchasing a hummer and driving into a crowd.
07-15-2016 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
This meme about how anti-Islam posters want a SAFE SPACE confuses me, because the only posters who literally complain about people posting stuff are the DISCUSSION IS POINTLESS brigade, where you're not allowed to post about Islam being a problem unless you have a solution that can be outlined in a paragraph.

It's worth revisiting how this came about, here's DVaut from 2010 for instance:

At some point since then, probably right around the time ISIS declared a goddamn caliphate and thousands of people decamped from the West to go fight for them, it presumably dawned on him that the "those people are all crazy loony toons who looked into their magic book and thought it told them to blow themselves up" theory might have some truth to it.

So then we moved on to the current forum party line which is that OK, Islam might be bad, but that can never be discussed by anyone unless they can propose policy solutions to the problem. Here's suzzer manning the barricades on page 1 of this thread:

I'm not endorsing wooderson or DCUERVO as posters, and for all I know they do actually want fascist responses to Islam, but that's NOT what is being thrashed out here. Suzzer is attacking them merely for having the temerity to post that Islam is a problem. Safe spaces, indeed.

The fact that a big chunk of America's population are hate-filled, racist morons who want to elect Trump is a huge problem. It's discussed constantly here. Yet I've never seen anyone post what they think we should do about it. Everyone understands that it's a big and intractable problem. Everyone also understands that correct diagnosis of the problem - that is, is it just racism and hate, or do these people have real grievances? - is essential to eventually figuring out what to do. I'm genuinely not sure whether or not people are just pretending not to understand this about Islam.

I understand the concern about stoking fascist tendencies in the US, but the idea that a blizzard of obfuscation and disingenuous bull**** is going to avert this is laughable.
Why don't you start. What should we do about Islam?

Stoking fascist tendencies is bad, and obfuscation is bad. What should be done to "avert this"?
07-15-2016 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
This meme about how anti-Islam posters want a SAFE SPACE confuses me, because the only posters who literally complain about people posting stuff are the DISCUSSION IS POINTLESS brigade, where you're not allowed to post about Islam being a problem unless you have a solution that can be outlined in a paragraph.
It's not pointless if you have something to say. How many different ways can you say that Islam is a problem? Do you have new insight into this problem, something that's been overlooked here or not considered? A guy earlier wanted to talk about how evil it is, he bailed before getting into the evilness of it all though. Maybe you can pick up where he left off?
07-15-2016 , 03:12 AM
Wtf would the attacker have fake grenades and fake rifles for?
07-15-2016 , 03:35 AM

Something similar happened a few years ago in the Netherlands when a mentally deranged (?) person drove into a crowd on their "royal family day".

Possible inspiration for this guy.
07-15-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
I'll go with "most of what Toothsayer posted."
Well that's wildly specific, he posted a lot of things. Do you have a favorite thing he posted? FWIW, he was mocked the least. He got off on the wrong foot by citing a bogus article that asserted 16% of French citizens supported ISIS. Two problems with that article, one even if every sentient French Muslim supported ISIS that would be under 10% because of loldemography and two it was a poll from Russia Today, which is precisely worth nothing, as it is a propaganda outlet funded by the Kremlin.
07-15-2016 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
This goes the other way too. The US MSM occasionally runs stories on non-Jihadi Muslims, but it would be nice if they did more.
Some network should man up and do a Cosby show featuring a Muslim family (sans the rapist dad obv), I actually think that might help a little bit.
07-15-2016 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by smrk2
Some network should man up and do a Cosby show featuring a Muslim family (sans the rapist dad obv), I actually think that might help a little bit.
07-15-2016 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Because it is a garbage country. They are institutionally racist and otherwise prejudiced to their own citizens with a baked in class divide enforced with a barrier off poor to no opportunities erected around the slums they built and this spreads from the government down.

When you build a society of Eloi and Morlocks you have to accept from time to time Morlocks will leave their tunnels and kill a few Eloi.

It sounds like they really had it coming. These racists must be stopped at all cost!
07-15-2016 , 03:53 AM
In the thread about the Paris attacks we have seen the same spiel asking posters that were critical of Islam for detailed solutions. Anyone who had the audacity to try to identify a problem without in the same breath providing step-by-step instructions for solving the Middle East was dismissed out of hand. I will quote a post of my own to save me from typing it all out again.

Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
The discourse is in thread has been very weird. The side that is accusing the other of not having a point is also the one with the most lol, csb, hahaha, ad hominems, strawmen, false equivalencies etc.
Not only that they also make up motivations the other posters have: "You just hate brown people", "You just fear brown people", "you just want to bomb brown people".
Then we have a lot of whataboutism followed by accusations of being offtopic.
A: "Christians also do bad things. Why don't you critized them?"
B: "Criticizing Christianity or religion in general seemed off-topic in the thread about the Paris attacks. But you are right though there are also problems with Christianity that I have critized on other occasions"
A:"So you hate religon because of some unresolved teenage angst because your parents forced you to go to church. CSB, take that **** to RGT. something something atheist fedora."
Then we have lots of false equivalencies where homosexuality being illegal now or at some time in the past is a counterpoint to the killing of homosexuals in Islamic nations. It's not the same. Both are bad but degree matters.
Two problems also keep getting conflated all the time. Namely terrorism and the matter of equal rights in Muslim majority countries. Obviously they need different approaches but they share a common source. That common source is not to be discussed though. Let's pretend it were communism.
If I say "Communism is a flawedidealogy and we should oppose communist regimes and those that want to impose their communist values on others and oppress in the name of communism." the first reaction wouldn't be:"But there are 2 billion communists in the world and most of them are peaceful and don't want to commit acts of violence. Also there are so many different forms of communism. There is Cuban style communism, North Korean communism, Stalinism, modern chinese communism. We can't just condemn all of communism." If it is communism we could have a discussion. Replace communism with Islam and we have immediate accusations of bigotry and racism.
Anyway. I have already posted my "political points" before but once again:
1. There has to be a military solution to ISIS. They won't go away on their own and there can be no peaceful coexistance with them. Preferably the regional powers will overthrow them and the West only plays a supporting role. If not unfortunately we will have to do it. This has been strawmanned into carpet bombinb civilians before in this thread. So let me reiterate that's not what I am advocating.
2. Apply the same principles and methods we used for South Africa for the theocratic regimes in the Middle East and around the world. Let's think of it as Apartheid for women, homosexuals, apostates etc. Impose economic sanctions, shun them on the world stage, make those regimes pariahs while at the same time supporting the liberal forces within those countries. Unfortunately realpolitik might get in the way and they are an unnecessary evil to fight terrorism in the region and satiate our hunger for oil.
3. Therefore let's drastically increase our efforts to become independent of fossil fuels. Let's make large investments into alternative energy, electric cars, solar panels on every home etc. They import our money and export extremism. We really have to stop funding our opponents.
4. In 1987 Morocco asked to join the European Union. They were rejected on the grounds that they are not a European nation which probably was just a cop out and the reasons lay elsewhere. As the carrot to go along with the stick outlined in 2. we could offer the prospect of joining the EU if countries in North Africa embrace democratic values and civil rights. This is already been done although they started out from a ideological position that is closer to what the EU represents.
It's a complex problem and solutions are difficult to implement. There are some aspects that are easier to solve and a little bit closer to home. Here are a few examples of issues that I came across in the media just in the past week:
1) A husband and wife are on trial for murder in Germany for a so-called "honor killing" of her daughter who dared to have premarital sex. Why is that significant? Because not too long ago this couple would have gotten away with comparatively mild sentences. "Honor killings" were seen as part of their culture and their values and therefore they could not be held to the same standards. An "honor killing" amounted to a mitigating circumstance. Not anymore. Finally the lives of Muslim daughters are worth the same as everyone else's. Because it's always the daughters. Always. Somehow sons must have never done anything that besmirched their precious honor enough to warrant killing. Probably just variance.
2) There have been repeated calls from Muslim organizations in the UK for blasphemy laws that prohibit criticizing Islam and other things they find objectionable like drawing the prophet. I oppose these kinds of laws. There is no right to not be offended.
3) There is a debate in Austria about whether the language courses for refugees should be gender-segregated to avoid offending cultural sensibilities. We have established (if imperfect) gender equality. We should not regress make a huge step backwards.
4) A recent study in Vienna of about 150 Muslim Kindergartens found there is at least a small number of them that shields the children from the culture they live in, does not teach them the local language and create a parallel society. Instead the children learn to recite Koran surahs by heart. The study was conducted by Ednan Aslan, professor for Islamic studies. i jump to conclusions from the Yesmuslim name and assume he is not bigoted against Muslims.
Since several times in this thread positions have just been made up and attributed to me or others here is a list of things I don't want:
-A stop to admitting refugees. The risks are minimal compared to the lives at stake and I think we have moral duty to help. As it happens my girlfriend and her brother work for a charitable organization that cares for refugee children. I have a pretty good picture of the horrors they face in their homelands and also of the racism they are confronted with here.
I am more worried about the logistical challenges than anything else.
-Muslim databases. I don't even know what that is supposed to accomplish.
-general surveillance of Muslims and mosques. Let's ignore that this is probably impossible to keep an eye on millions of people and a nonsense proposal. Law enforcements already monitors extremist groups. Be it religious fundamentalists, right wing militias or left wing anarchists.
When in doubt what my position on a matter is I am fine with Bernie Sanders being my proxy and assume I support the opposite of whatever Donald Trump is advocating.
After repeatedly insisting every poster have a "political point" or "solution" this is the reply I got from one of the loudest voices in the thread:

Originally Posted by DVaut1
Louis, did Muslims bomb your Enter key away?

which leaves me wondering how genuine those asking for solutions actually are.
07-15-2016 , 03:59 AM
Sigh. Player to player, pimp to pimp, what is wrong with telling you to use an enter key there? That post is long and hard to read. There's a happy medium between raising 0 worthwhile points (which is what most Clash of Civilizations guys accomplish) and raising 19 points, and it's not really a medium, it's between 1 and 3 good points.
