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The Boston Free Speech Rally The Boston Free Speech Rally

08-20-2017 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by superslug
Im not forbidding anyone to say anything im just curious. How do you know that it was organised by nazis? And what makes you think the 50 that showed up are nazis?
Here's one of the speakers:
08-20-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
It doesn't matter if the people that showed up were Nazis or not. A "free speech" rally after Charlottesville is the right trying to reassert itself (it was a conservative group that organized the event, which you seem to be unaware of) even if not under an explicitly white supremacist label. Today was the left showing up and saying "no, you can't disassociate yourselves from this **** and there's more of us than there are of you". Sounds like it was effective!
Witch hunt much?

08-20-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Witch hunt much?
Great response from another guy who doesn't seem to know anything about the group that organized the rally!
08-20-2017 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Charlottesville ****ing crushed these people's spirits. Whatever optimism they had after November has gradually petered away, and whoops, turns out they are still widely reviled cranks. 20k people against 40, man, that #MAGA magic took a face first dive into reality.
Who are these people? Anyone wearing a MAGA hat? Anyone that says they're conservative? The 62.9 million that voted for Trump that aren't KKK?

Good lord listen to yourself. Heaven forbid i go to a 2nd Amendment rally or something in your eyes.
08-20-2017 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Who are these people?

The 62.9 million that voted for Trump that aren't KKK?

Good lord listen to yourself. Heaven forbid i go to a 2nd Amendment rally or something in your eyes.
Well, obviously almost everybody who goes to a 2nd amendment rally in 2017 is probably racist, but that's like, collateral racism, just drawing from a racist pool.

But a 2nd amendment rally would, at least, have a ****ing purpose. They'd oppose some laws, support other laws, probably have some candidates who would favor gun rights, and so forth.

What the **** "Free Speech" issue were Based Stickman and RamboBiggs and Gavin McInnes going to speak on, dip****?

No ****ing forethought at all here.
08-20-2017 , 06:38 PM
Thank goodness at least the 3rd amendment is holding up.
08-20-2017 , 06:39 PM
The right wing culture warriors have so abandoned even the pretense of having a ****ing point, now their rallies are in support of the message that "our ideas, though reprehensible, should not be against the law"?
08-20-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf


Well, obviously almost everybody who goes to a 2nd amendment rally in 2017 is probably racist, but that's like, collateral racism, just drawing from a racist pool.

But a 2nd amendment rally would, at least, have a ****ing purpose. They'd oppose some laws, support other laws, probably have some candidates who would favor gun rights, and so forth.

What the **** "Free Speech" issue were Based Stickman and RamboBiggs and Gavin McInnes going to speak on, dip****?

No ****ing forethought at all here.
Oh I dunno... that fact that free speech is only acceptable if it doesn't offend someone.

Interesting to know that all the whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics i see at gun shows in town are racists in your eyes.
08-20-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The right wing culture warriors have so abandoned even the pretense of having a ****ing point, now their rallies are in support of the message that "our ideas, though reprehensible, should not be against the law"?
Should ideas be against the law?
08-20-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Oh I dunno... that fact that free speech is only acceptable if it doesn't offend someone.
Were any of them arrested for their speech?
08-20-2017 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by superslug
Im just wondering why people on twitter and in this thread are calling them nazis or racists though?

And from footage of the counter protester they seemed to think they were as well.
One reason is that the KKK said they were showing up. Kind of hard to unring that bell.
08-20-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
I guess it is more convenient for the news to simply call them a bunch of alt-right, neo-nazi, right wing extremists
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Oh I dunno... that fact that free speech is only acceptable if it doesn't offend someone.
rofl this dude is so mad at so many things that he's invented on his own
08-20-2017 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Oh I dunno... that fact that free speech is only acceptable if it doesn't offend someone.
I don't know what this means. It seems like a tautology? Almost as if there's an underlying issue you're too much of a ****ing coward to spit out.

Interesting to know that all the whites, blacks, asians, and hispanics i see at gun shows in town are racists in your eyes.
I didn't say gun show, because you didn't say gun show. You said 2nd amendment rally.

All these self-proclaimed Logic Squad All Stars are ****ing incredibly bad at this. Everything is telegraphed, everything is transparent.
08-20-2017 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Doc89
All of the old school racist townies were gentrified away years ago.
I thought you said you lived a few blocks away from the Common.
08-20-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Oh I dunno... that fact that free speech is only acceptable if it doesn't offend someone.
So nazis and racists get to offend anyone they want, and people showing up to shout down their hate message need to be silenced? You see why people like you get lumped in with the bigots and racists? We have a ****ing voice too.
08-20-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
It doesn't matter if the people that showed up were Nazis or not. A "free speech" rally after Charlottesville is the right trying to reassert itself (it was a conservative group that organized the event, which you seem to be unaware of) even if not under an explicitly white supremacist label. Today was the left showing up and saying "no, you can't disassociate yourselves from this **** and there's more of us than there are of you". Sounds like it was effective!
Goofy nailed it.

The "counter-protesters" coming out in such numbers was a response to Charlottesville (and President Trump). Doesn't matter if the right-wingers who organized the rally talked about motherhood and apple pie and sold girl scout cookies at the rally.

If right-wingers do not honestly, fervently, and visibly disassociate themselves from the nazis, KKK, and other white supremacists, then they will receive some of the blowback.
08-20-2017 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Were any of them arrested for their speech?
That means nothing. There is a growing movement to curtail free speech in this country...

The year is 2015 and all other countries have laws against hate speech along with laws against other forms of speech which violate basic human rights. As a matter of fact, international human rights law MANDATES laws against hate speech. Protecting vulnerable minorities from hate speech is one of the most basic and fundamental of human rights obligations, and all human rights organizations worldwide have emphasized this. But the United States refuses to protect even the most basic of human rights, firmly establishing itself as a pariah state that falls far behind the rest of the world in terms of protecting fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms.
08-20-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
So nazis and racists get to offend anyone they want, and people showing up to shout down their hate message need to be silenced? You see why people like you get lumped in with the bigots and racists? We have a ****ing voice too.
Where did i say that people showing up to shout need to be silenced? I'm for free speech. You can say whatever jerk things you want until you lay a hand on someone.
08-20-2017 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I don't know what this means. It seems like a tautology? Almost as if there's an underlying issue you're too much of a ****ing coward to spit out.

I didn't say gun show, because you didn't say gun show. You said 2nd amendment rally.

All these self-proclaimed Logic Squad All Stars are ****ing incredibly bad at this. Everything is telegraphed, everything is transparent.
Should certain ideas and speech be illegal?
08-20-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Goofy nailed it.

The "counter-protesters" coming out in such numbers was a response to Charlottesville (and President Trump). Doesn't matter if the right-wingers who organized the rally talked about motherhood and apple pie and sold girl scout cookies at the rally.

If right-wingers do not honestly, fervently, and visibly disassociate themselves from the nazis, KKK, and other white supremacists, then they will receive some of the blowback.
**** that.

KKK and alt right scum were on the list and didn't show. It's not like 40,000 people were going to wait at home to see who showed up before deciding to counter-protest.

Free speech is another bull**** right wing trick like pro life.
08-20-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Goofy nailed it.

The "counter-protesters" coming out in such numbers was a response to Charlottesville (and President Trump). Doesn't matter if the right-wingers who organized the rally talked about motherhood and apple pie and sold girl scout cookies at the rally.

If right-wingers do not honestly, fervently, and visibly disassociate themselves from the nazis, KKK, and other white supremacists, then they will receive some of the blowback.
That's exactly what they're saying about ANTIFA.
08-20-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
Where did i say that people showing up to shout need to be silenced? I'm for free speech. You can say whatever jerk things you want until you lay a hand on someone.
You're the one with an issue with the 40,000 people showing up to shout down nazi racist scum just because the most odious of them didn't show.
08-20-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
That's exactly what they're saying about ANTIFA.
If antifa don't disassociate themselves from the Nazis and KKK? If the left don't disassociate themselves from antifa? What exactly is the connection you're trying to draw here, so that we can laugh at you for the correct reasons?
08-20-2017 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
That's exactly what they're saying about ANTIFA.
We're proud to associate with anti fascists.

Are they (and they is you) proud to associate with nazis and the KKK?
08-20-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by faxanadu
That means nothing. There is a growing movement to curtail free speech in this country...
Led by Tanya Cohen, one of the top 100 million most influential people in the country.
