Friends, I have done my research and found that Illinois is going to be Michigan 2.0. Follow me to the big money once again by betting Bernie.
The bad:
Google trends analysis not as overwhelmingly good for Bernie in Illinois as in Michigan (however - still several days to go)
Polls (more like LOLs, completely ignore those things)
The good:
-Relative facebook likes of Bernie vs Hillary in IL compared to US average (not as good as in Michigan however)
-Open primary (same as Michigan)
-Late registration (benefit over Michigan - HUGE)
-He is going for it in IL -
check out these 3 new ads all set to air in IL today.
-I live in IL
All in all, the money is not as free as it was in Michigan, but I still think there is pretty good value here on a Bernie upset win - too bad the prediction markets have wised up though. If this were the same odds as Michigan I would be all in. The risk now is to take the action where the price is currently or try to wait for it to dip a bit lower, it has been dipping slowly.
Last edited by beansroast01; 03-11-2016 at 05:33 AM.