Originally Posted by drugsarebad
For people who agree largely with libertarian values, yes, this is a great opportunity. I, like a lot of people on here who voted for Obama in '08, will likely not be doing so again in '12, but still don't think of myself as a libertarian. I'd consider voting Green Party, but I'd do so cautiously, and not solely based on anger at Obama.
I think perhaps we could still suggest voting Libertarian as best game theory strategy if the goal isn't defined as "electing someone we approve of" (if we admit that is impossible) but instead some other goal such as "working to break up the two party hegemony" or something similar.
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
Everybody has a point where they'll vote for a candidate to prevent another one's election. If Romney guaranteed that he'd spend his first 100 days nuking a new country full of brown people every day, and Obama was the only alternative with a shot at election, would you vote for Obama? I think a lot of people would support him despite their disdain for him.
I think this is a case where we wouldn't have to worry about Romney getting elected under any circumstance so the "be a hostage" argument should hold even less water. But yeah, if his nuke people every day plan was super popular I guess I could see voting for Pol Pot/Hitler/er um, Obama?
I mean, seriously - Put in those terms we'd have to take any of them over Romney wouldn't we? At what point do we refuse to vote at all?
Let's say there's a giant vote happening, and there's two groups -
One group, The ****ers, wants to **** you
Another group, The Rapists, wants to rape you
You feel like getting raped would be slightly worse, but what's messed up is you'd really like to vote NEITHER. You even see other people around the room looking really nervous... maybe they want to vote neither too! But as soon as you guys raise your hands to object reps of the ****ers and Rapists come rushing over to tell you what a horrible mistake you'll be making handing victory over to the opposition... "voting NEITHER is giving half a vote to the Rapists, don't you see??!"
As I see it moving votes away from the two parties just makes a far greater statement in the long run. After all, if I just swallow my integrity and vote for Obama cuz I'm scared of Romney, my one vote among those many millions will be literally insignificant. However if my vote is part of a growing and visible movement away from the two parties than it's actually making a greater statement in favor of a trend I support and ideals as well.
For me it's really clear what I have to do this election season, assuming I participate at all, and I'm willing to take the chance of getting raped instead of ****ed so there you have it.