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August Low Political....Content Thread....Thing August Low Political....Content Thread....Thing

08-30-2010 , 09:49 PM
Where memory doesn't play tricks is when recalling the works of the sainted Bugs Bunny. While not originating the term, Bugs can claim to have done more to fix it into the language than the rest of rabbitkind, especially in its most often used form 'Wait just a cotton-picking minute'. There's an example in Bully for Bugs, 1953:

"Just a cotton-pickin' minute, this don't look like the Coachella Valley to me!"
Bugs Bunny, the original rabbit racist
08-30-2010 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Old racists imo
I'm starting to believe that this term is redundant.
08-30-2010 , 10:04 PM
Ugg poor Roger Clemens... screw congress wasting my time and monies
08-30-2010 , 10:07 PM
A coked-up Bush43 would monkeystomp a mudhole in Obama's ass in about three seconds. Obama would be wearing that bike helmet for the rest of his life.
08-30-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
Cotton-pickin is a term very much used by old people.
Yeah, but Rick Sanchez isn't old.

That's because watermelon-eatin' isn't a phrase.

Edit: We don't need to "absolve" him, we can sit and make fun of the fact he's ******ed regardless! Getting fired would be a massive (but predictable) overreaction.
Yeah, but what if it WAS a phrase?

Also, yeah, firing him would be a horrific overreaction. He'll apologize quietly and we'll just move on. At least until he goes all Dr. Laura.
08-30-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Him getting fired for being this stupid seems like a positive outcome to me. Without doing any research on who he is, if he (at best) is using a little used phrase like cotton-picking accurately but without realising the double meaning involved then he must be saying and doing some other really dumb ****.

If he wants he can blame his firing on his first amendment rights being taken away.
It does not have a double meaning..... it is the old fashioned way of saying darn/damn/mf'ing whatever..... just cause overly sensative politically correct types and people who live their lives actively looking to be offended get their panties in a bunch want to assign the term another meaning, does not give it that meaning.

10 or so years back, a similar situation occured when someone used the word *****rdly, same type of people got their panties in a bunch because the word sounded like a word they don't like, so assumed it was from the same root word.

Wow, even the profanity filter fell for it.
08-30-2010 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
A coked-up Bush43 would monkeystomp a mudhole in Obama's ass in about three seconds. Obama would be wearing that bike helmet for the rest of his life.

I'm convinced that you're either a mad scientist, or are wearing a bicycle helmet yourself. I'm not sure whether or not I should feel bad when I laugh at your posts.
08-30-2010 , 10:12 PM
I am helmet-free and loving it.
08-30-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by PoBoy321
mad scientist
Sad truth: Most "mad scientists" are actually just mad engineers
08-30-2010 , 10:36 PM
Isn't Obama like 5 inches taller than Bush?
08-30-2010 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Not_In_My_Name
I'm willing to bet he has a decent amount of ****** strength too.
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
but obama has allah on his side
08-30-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by govman6767
Ugg poor Roger Clemens... screw congress wasting my time and monies
But Blago goes free!
08-30-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball

Fight illusions of terrorism with actual terrorism. GO VOLS!
lololol. Ive been to Murfreesboro before for a baseball tournament, and it was god awful. Tried to get some senile old man at a Taco John to drive us to some amateur wrestling match, but he took like 10 minutes to get a sentence out so we gave up and walked to Home Depot to buy some PVC pipe to launch bottle rockets accurately. Terrible, terrible place.
08-30-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
10 or so years back, a similar situation occured when someone used the word *****rdly, same type of people got their panties in a bunch because the word sounded like a word they don't like, so assumed it was from the same root word.
I was going to mention this exact story, but was distracted by booze.
08-30-2010 , 10:46 PM
08-30-2010 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
Bugs Bunny, the original rabbit racist
08-30-2010 , 11:31 PM
I swear i played a game of scrabble once where the words went NIP, JAP, *****.

Yes, it was indeed on facebook.

Last edited by [Phill]; 08-30-2010 at 11:31 PM. Reason: 1/3 i cant get through the filter, but its good enough for Scrabble, lol
08-31-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
as soon as i saw the looney tunes mention i was wondering who would be the first to dig this up
08-31-2010 , 12:25 AM

Sarah Palin's influence cannot be underestimated.
08-31-2010 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Barretboy
Most people use it not realizing it has racial connotations. I mean seriously, how many times do they say it in Looney Toons cartoons.

The answer is a lot.
Yeah, I'll sympathize with people who use "cotton-pickin'" as a substitute for "damn" at inopportune moments, esp. if they realize it an apologize. I'm sure that when I was young I used "cotton-pickin'" sometimes, thinking to myself that it was a great "clean" perjorative. I mean, they say it on my cartoons, so it must be OK for me, right? I thought the logic behind it was, "No one in their right mind would pick cotton nowadays, we have machines for that! Thus, crazy people are the ones who pick cotton."
08-31-2010 , 01:00 AM
well in the south that phrase was used quite often by both blacks and whites alike when growing up and i don't think we every thought it was meant derogatorily in any way. It's actually one of those phrases that morphed from cotton picking to cottonpickin and nobody even thought about cotton crops or who was picking what.
08-31-2010 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
You really can be an idiot sometimes. That isnt the reason people who think no-fault divorce is a bad idea do so. And in the case of couples who dont have children, I think its less of an issues, but when children are involved then I would definintely be in favor of ending no-fault divorce. And FWIW cheating isnt the only thing that you could get divorced for doing.
Be honest, how many drinks under were you when you wrote this post? It has shockingly little to do with the post I made. If you've recovered then I'd be interested in hearing why you think the state should force couples that want a divorce to stay together for the kids.
08-31-2010 , 02:09 AM
08-31-2010 , 02:13 AM
I just happened to read some line about a Senate race in Alaska with some dude named Joe Miller? So I read his wikipedia page, and I agreed with 99% of his positions (as listed).

But he was endorsed by the Tea Party so I have to assume wikipedia is lying to me confirm/deny?
