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Arizona Republicans: OK women get pill but only if they're not using it for dirty dirty sex Arizona Republicans: OK women get pill but only if they're not using it for dirty dirty sex

03-18-2012 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by will1530
Yeah, hormones can cause all sorts of problems in adults. If pre-pubescent kids get a hold of them, all hell can break loose.
Before you know it, they're posting in BBV4L.
03-18-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Mondogarage
Because the hormonal contraceptive pills are...well...hormones. Pretty much that simple.

I never understood why Viagra was ever covered by health insurance. My health policy shouldn't have to pay for someone else to get their knob up.
I will gladly pay for someone to (as you awkwardly put it) "get their knob up". We should be marshalling the forces of science to better the sex lives of all americans. Sex is awesome. If you aren't having sex, you are probably in a ****ty place.

cancel a couple of useless JSFs and create a publicly funded sex class where they teach you how to have better sex. Send sex ambassadors to other countries to show the locals how to have crazy sweet american sex. Send a team of crack ****-troops to screw the taliban. Strength through a hard penis.
03-18-2012 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I mean "i may not agree with you wanting to rape women but i defend your freedom to do so" is a piss poor slogan.
You are deliberately misrepresenting my position. Stop it.
03-18-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by sards
You are deliberately misrepresenting my position. Stop it.
Actually, I wouldn't be so sure it's deliberate.
03-18-2012 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by bernie

Please clarify.

I wasn't being serious
03-18-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by sards
You are deliberately misrepresenting my position. Stop it.
That wasnt exactly aimed at you but you are the one advocating rape earlier in the thread:

Originally Posted by you
Originally Posted by Wookie
"Hey, if you want to keep your job, I need you to suck my dick." If jobs are somewhat scarce and employees are somewhat risk averse, then employers should be able to extract any manner of concession out of their employees?
Should employers be able to try to extract any manner of concession out of their employees? Yes. That doesn't mean that they will be able to. Everyone has a line, and I suspect for most people, fellatio is far across that line. But the employer should be free to offer those terms.
Originally Posted by you
I said that the employees can look for a different job. I didn't say that they will be able to find one. If none of the available jobs are satisfactory to them, they can go live in their parents' basements or something. Having a job is not a right.
You have been literally advocating for the legalised rape of vulnerable people in this thread.
03-18-2012 , 01:38 PM
Agreed. I don't see much distinction between using physical force or threatening to fire a woman who you know will have a hard time getting a new job and who has to pay for life-saving treatment for their sick kid.
03-18-2012 , 02:25 PM
Don't allow women to see doctors imo. Problem solved :rollseyes:
03-18-2012 , 02:27 PM
I forget it this was posted yet:

03-18-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That wasnt exactly aimed at you but you are the one advocating rape earlier in the thread:

You have been literally advocating for the legalised rape of vulnerable people in this thread.
Come on Phill be generous. It's not actual rape. It's rape-y, kind of rape, but we will have private rape certification companies and companies will want to be certified with differing levels depending on the market; 98% rape free, Six Sigma rape compliant; and blow-job-for-raise ISO 1900 licensed. None of this inefficient self reporting used by Washington.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 03-18-2012 at 03:09 PM.
03-18-2012 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That wasnt exactly aimed at you but you are the one advocating rape earlier in the thread:

You have been literally advocating for the legalised rape of vulnerable people in this thread.
That's rape in my book.
03-18-2012 , 06:05 PM
LOL sards you been reading some Walter Block?

And did you then paraphrase the bold cutting edge scholarship therein?

And then did people on the internet make fun of you for that morally reprehensible position?

I hope this teaches you a valuable lesson about Walter Block being an idiot. Just because it was in a vanity published .pdf you found on a neoconfederate blog doesn't mean it's true.


But strippers get sexually harassed fulltime!

But don't liberals think prostitution should be legal?
03-19-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
I'd be curious to hear a 'trip report' on this. I currently live in CT/work in NY. I often ponder moving somewhere more conservative and wonder how much it would really effect my life.

How different do you find the culture. When we hear these crazy laws in Arizona... do you experience in your daily lifes interactions with people who support these laws? Do you argue with people constantly or just have to keep quiet about a bunch of stuff?
I typed out a HUGE reply and deleted it all. CharlieDon'tSurf is dissatisfied but I'm retired so I leave his complaint to him. The culture is weird. Above I called it a mix of 'urban cosmopolitanism mixed w/ a healthy dose of Hee-Haw' and that's the way it is: Metro-Phoenix offers every luxury, plenty of theater, a vibrant night life (you should see downtown Scottsdale on the weekend), music (I might be going to Tempe to see the Ting Tings of Tues night), museums etc, etc. There are all sorts of things to do.

And then there are the racists, homophobes and the anti-immigrant crowd*. I forgot to mention the gun nuts. They are pushing to allow guns on college campuses. What kind of waste of time is that? We have Sheriff Joe Arpaio who, while he might have been considered a bit charming years ago, has now gone full ****** (turned 'birther' w/ a vengeance). We had the loathesome Sen. Russel Pearce but he lost a recall. The Dems are toothless but they'd just Dem away which would prob be no good in the other direction.

*Immigration is nuanced, imo, but the crowd I mentioned above refers to the foaming at the mouth bunch.

I don't think you'd want to move here for 'conservative' even though I picked out all of the really bad stuff and all in all it's not that bad. I'm just careful not to speak politics bec I never know who's got the horrid screed painted all over the back of their SUV.

Meh, this is too long also, but to heck w/ it.

btw: We moved here bec w/ the tax diff it was like being paid $15K/yr to move into a new house w/ a swimming pool in a post-card town.
03-19-2012 , 12:25 AM
So your typical urban liberals vs. rural wingnuts?
03-19-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
So your typical urban liberals vs. rural wingnuts?
No. I don't really know how to describe it. There are what appear to be wealthy intelligent ppl who express the most loathsome ideas such as the player next to me who came out w/ 'I'm very, very conservative. I don't understand the queers. I mean why would you DO that to yourself?' So what am I supposed to do? Hit him w/ an end table like I wanted to?

And I never know who's coming out of the trailer park, literally, they are all over the place. Bear in mind that Arizona is enormous, Maricopa County is the size of Mass, and I'm prob not coming into much contact w/ ppl that live in small towns where I wonder what in the world they actually do there.

Yet the Repubs keep getting elected on their anti-immigrant, pro-gun w/e who knows what platform. Not that I'm anti-gun but, come on, what do they want, guns in glass cases w/ a hammer all over the place like fire alarms just in case you need a gun? Immigration is a bit diff, there's room for disagreement but a lot of it is just plain mean.

And I WISH I'd kept the pic I took of the back on one guys SUV. It was a hilarious anti-Obama rant, and there are plenty of mini ones on the road. These ppl don't mind putting this stuff on display.

So, like I said. IDK if this is conservative, what the tea party has become, or what.
03-19-2012 , 01:49 AM
Don't forget Barry Goldwater wanting to dam the Grand Canyon.
03-19-2012 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
So your typical urban liberals vs. rural wingnuts?
they aren't really rural. Its surprising how many of the foaming mouth types drive 50K+ cars, have the nice suburban house and make a decent salary working at Univ of Phoenix or some random construction/land development/medical company.
03-19-2012 , 02:23 AM
Suzzer reminded me:

There is The Goldwater Institute that keeps a hawk's eye on AZ governement (IDK if they operate anywhere else) that seems like they have a cool head. They are pretty effective, too, from what I read.
03-19-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
You have been literally advocating for the legalised rape of vulnerable people in this thread.
Oh, I didn't realize that when you used the word "rape," you meant something other than what the word actually means. My mistake.
03-19-2012 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL sards you been reading some Walter Block?
No. I don't recall ever reading anything by Walter Block.

I just want to make sure I understand your (collective--not just you, Fly) position. Let's use a hypothetical situation to illustrate. Suppose I am your boss, and you are not doing a good job. I want to fire you.

Scenario A: I fire you.
Scenario B: I give you a choice: either I fire you, or you have sex with me.

Now, I would contend that you are strictly better off in Scenario B than Scenario A. Do you disagree?
03-19-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by sards

Let's use a hypothetical situation to illustrate. Suppose I am your boss, and you are not doing a good job. I want to fire you.

Scenario A: I fire you.
Scenario B: I give you a choice: either I fire you, or you have sex with me.

Now, I would contend that you are strictly better off in Scenario B than Scenario A. Do you disagree?
(1) If I'm not doing a good job, I would prefer that my boss gives me some feedback or other assistantance to help me do my job better instead of saying that you'll ignore my poor performance as long as I put out.

(2) Even if I'm ok with sleeping with you to save my job, setting up such a bargain is really unfair to other people who might be doing an equally poor job but who don't get the opportunity to save their jobs through sex (because they are not members of your prefered gender, or you just don't happen to find them attractive, or whatever) and people who would like to apply for the vacant job after you fire me for poor performance.

(3) to turn your hypothetical around a little bit, suppose you are interviewing for a job and the interviewer says, "wow you're a great candidate, and definitely the most qualified person, but I've decided to hire a slightly less qualified person because she's agreed to have sex with me every morning.". Is there any doubt that you'd be better off if the hiring manager weren't allowed to make the agreement he made?
03-19-2012 , 10:46 AM
Christ on a pogo stick. Are you also going to make Dave the shipping manager blow you to save his job?

And what's the end game, here? After you're done you still have a lousy employee who you've promised to keep and is willing to give blow jobs instead of do their job properly.
03-19-2012 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by sards
No. I don't recall ever reading anything by Walter Block.

I just want to make sure I understand your (collective--not just you, Fly) position. Let's use a hypothetical situation to illustrate. Suppose I am your boss, and you are not doing a good job. I want to fire you.

Scenario A: I fire you.
Scenario B: I give you a choice: either I fire you, or you have sex with me.

Now, I would contend that you are strictly better off in Scenario B than Scenario A. Do you disagree?

A. You can be fired or
B. You can hire a hitman to kill the manager and torch the office erasing the prior record.

I would say that you are better off with B, wouldn't you? What's that you say? Assassination and arson aren't victimless crimes? Well it's making the best out of a bad situation. Now are you in favor of legalizing assassination and arson in the work place or not? I am.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 03-19-2012 at 11:00 AM.
03-19-2012 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bigoldnit
(2) Even if I'm ok with sleeping with you to save my job, setting up such a bargain is really unfair to other people who might be doing an equally poor job but who don't get the opportunity to save their jobs through sex
Was thinking it's also unfair to people who do a good job, but firstly have to work around the lousy one who's there because they're putting out, and secondly are themselves exposed to this "deal" undeservedly.

...Which happens all the time now, but at least the employees have some semblance of legal recourse when their boss WAY oversteps the boundaries. The Sards Rape Initiative would remove the only relief available to employees, for some higher collective gain I'm sure he'll elaborate on.
03-19-2012 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by sards
I just want to make sure I understand your (collective--not just you, Fly) position. Let's use a hypothetical situation to illustrate. Suppose I am your boss, and you are not doing a good job. I want to fire you.
Are you sincerely confused at the reasoning behind sexual harassment being against the law?

Scenario A: I fire you.
Scenario B: I give you a choice: either I fire you, or you have sex with me.

Now, I would contend that you are strictly better off in Scenario B than Scenario A. Do you disagree?
I don't think you are sincerely confused. I think you've applied your finely tuned logical skills here and FOUND THE TRUTH that the rest of are too blinded by emotion to see.

As you've just tried to prove with strict logic, if the person doesn't want to have sex, they can just get fired, so they'll only have sex if that makes them better off, right?
