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April NC thread April NC thread

04-09-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Do you guys wake up in the morning and try to visualize what ridiculously untenable position you can defend today?

I'd love to see the argument if it were say a renewable energy company was getting the same anti-competitive tax subsidies as Amazon. The frothy rage would be uncontainable.
What untenable position? Your whole argument is Amazon is killing local businesses because they exploit a tax loophole. Your argument is demonstrably wrong on every level. Amazon is killing local businesses because they are cheaper, more efficient, and much much much more convenient for the consumer. I'm sorry the world is changing faster than you are comfortable with, but honestly, get over it.

BTW: If I were to order solar panels from a company out of state, that doesn't have a physical presence in WA, they wouldn't charge me sales tax either.
04-09-2012 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Do you guys wake up in the morning and try to visualize what ridiculously untenable position you can defend today?

I'd love to see the argument if it were say a renewable energy company was getting the same anti-competitive tax subsidies as Amazon. The frothy rage would be uncontainable.
All taxes are bad, duh. Get with the program.
04-09-2012 , 09:00 PM
Except for the 51% who pay no taxes. They need to be taxed.
04-09-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
What untenable position? Your whole argument is Amazon is killing local businesses because they exploit a tax loophole. Your argument is demonstrably wrong on every level. Amazon is killing local businesses because they are cheaper, more efficient, and much much much more convenient for the consumer. I'm sorry the world is changing faster than you are comfortable with, but honestly, get over it.

BTW: If I were to order solar panels from a company out of state, that doesn't have a physical presence in WA, they wouldn't charge me sales tax either.
Amazon's 'market share at all costs' strategy has not produced huge profits and there are lots of smart people who think it never will.

Nevertheless, whether or not Amazon is hyper-efficient (they aren't) has nothing to do with the obviously awful policy situation whereby their customers don't have to pay sales tax while everyone else's customers do.
04-09-2012 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Amazon's 'market share at all costs' strategy has not produced huge profits and there are lots of smart people who think it never will.

Nevertheless, whether or not Amazon is hyper-efficient (they aren't) has nothing to do with the obviously awful policy situation whereby their customers don't have to pay sales tax while everyone else's customers do.
Okay, once again, I'm in Washington, I pay sales tax when I order from Amazon. Amazon is destroying businesses here in Washington. I have family in Oregon, nobody pays sales taxes in Oregon. Amazon is destroying businesses in Oregon. Amazon is winning, because people prefer Amazon to driving to a store. It has nothing to do with taxes.

This, BTW, is not a "policy decision", this is a commerce clause USSC decision.

Edit: I'll ask again, why do you all hate poor people? Sales taxes are horribly regressive.
04-09-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
What untenable position? Your whole argument is Amazon is killing local businesses because they exploit a tax loophole. Your argument is demonstrably wrong on every level. Amazon is killing local businesses because they are cheaper, more efficient, and much much much more convenient for the consumer. I'm sorry the world is changing faster than you are comfortable with, but honestly, get over it.

BTW: If I were to order solar panels from a company out of state, that doesn't have a physical presence in WA, they wouldn't charge me sales tax either.
You really don't understand this? Whether or not they are killing businesses because of the loophole is beside the point. The loophole is unfair. If you had a store and then some competitor started up down the street who didn't have to charge 10% sales tax based on some arbitrary out-of-date law, what would you think?

The solar panel argument is that your type would be up in arms if we gave solar manufacturers a tax break that gave them a competitive boost. It has nothing to do with out of state.
04-09-2012 , 09:09 PM
How do you know if you're schiztophrenic? I went kind of crazy last night imo
04-09-2012 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by will1530
Okay, once again, I'm in Washington, I pay sales tax when I order from Amazon. Amazon is destroying businesses here in Washington. I have family in Oregon, nobody pays sales taxes in Oregon. Amazon is destroying businesses in Oregon. Amazon is winning, because people prefer Amazon to driving to a store. It has nothing to do with taxes.

This, BTW, is not a "policy decision", this is a commerce clause USSC decision.

Edit: I'll ask again, why do you all hate poor people? Sales taxes are horribly regressive.
Then get rid of the state sales tax. But in the meantime don't let an out-of-state company use it as a competitive advantage to destroy local businesses. Also who is poorer, someone with access to a computer or someone who does all their shopping at Wal-mart? I think computer shoppers can handle the sales tax w/o starving.
04-09-2012 , 09:29 PM
Lol at everyone arguing past each other. will1234, no one cares that Amazon are more efficient or are killing businesses in WA or whatever else you have brought up. That is a completely different subject to Suzzer wanting Amazon to pay the same sales taxes as the local store because its the fairest thing to do.

Im a pretty decent Amazon fan yet i have no problem pointing out its pretty ridiculous that they are exploiting a loophole to get an unfair advantage over local stores. Sales tax being good or bad is another argument entirely.
04-09-2012 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Did you?

Summary: He likes B&M shops and thinks it's BS that they're put at a 10% disadvantage tax-wise.
That wasn't the part of his poasts I was arguing with.

B&M stores are being run out of business by online retailers, but the income tax is a tiny, tiny part of why.
04-09-2012 , 09:34 PM
Suzzer is arguing for mom and pop (emotion) when he should be arguing fairness/level playing field.


Last edited by Riverman; 04-09-2012 at 09:35 PM. Reason: c'mon pvn, stop hitting the carlo rossi, it's a sales tax not an income tax bro
04-09-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Did you actually read my posts? I said if they can beat B&M on price that's one thing. But if they're also getting a 10% advantage on top of that, that's brutal and unfair imo.
Yes I agree with that

But I guess in AC-land leveraging loopholes in the tax code to beat up your competitors >>>>>>>>>>>>> using govt to help the poor or anything. We save our anger for that stuff.

It seriously boggles my mind the really simple basic stuff you AC-types get confused about and how impossible it seems to be for you to put yourselves in anyone else's shoes, like ever. "Hey I don't know **** about cameras so obviously there's nothing to them that can be gleaned from a B&M store or trying the product first-hand. lol suzzer."
No, I get that there are obscure things that sometimes people lose out on without an expert guide.

That said, retail is still a black hole and there are other ways of accessing expertise. But suzzer is lol mccain old and can't figure out how to adapt even though he's posting this on a website built for the express purpose of efficiently disseminating huge amounts of expertise that in the past was incredibly difficult to get access to.
04-09-2012 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Do you guys wake up in the morning and try to visualize what ridiculously untenable position you can defend today?

I'd love to see the argument if it were say a renewable energy company was getting the same anti-competitive tax subsidies as Amazon. The frothy rage would be uncontainable.
Who in this thread has actually defended inequitable tax treatment?
04-09-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
My point, which completely unshockingly you fail to grasp, is that I'd rather not see my option to shop at the camera store disappear due to some unfair loophole in the state tax code that actually punishes local businesses.
and the tax loophole is probably about 0.000001% of the reason your options are changing.
04-09-2012 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman

After having gotten used to your bad poasting, I was surprised at your recent improvement. You had me fooled until I realized that all your non-awful posts are preceded by Fly posts saying the same exact thing about 5-10 poasts earlier.
04-09-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Great. So make AMZN pay a ****ing state sales tax in CA, or end the state sales tax in CA, and we'll call it a day. The current situation is completely unfair and bad for California.
Why are you guys arguing with suzzer the only time he's right? Obviously amazon should be subject to the same sales tax rules as B&M retailers.
04-09-2012 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The Daily Caller may have topped its Trayvon Martin smearing:

Cliff's: Author stopped being overly nice to black people after somebody stole his bike, because he assumes the thief was black
Ah man, Wonkette is kinda terrible sometimes, but now that Newell is back it's steering back towards awesome. Here's the headline on this one, which neatly ties together recent notable racist right wing web contributors:

If Only This Daily Caller Guy Had Listened To John Derbyshire, He’d Still Have His Bike

Some aggrieved fellow at the Caller — to narrow it down — has written a piece about “the end of my white guilt.” He tells of howsomeone in a predominantly black neighborhood stole his bicycle this weekend, a sad turn of events to which he reacted in proportion by completely changing his views of racial relations in the country. Do note that unless we missed something, he still has no confirmation that it was in fact a black person who stole his bike. But, you know, who else could’ve done it?
But there’s a middle-ground between changing your view of an entire race and praying for the person who stole your bike: getting mad at the one person who stole your bike whatever his or her race may be.
Jim Newell imo
04-09-2012 , 09:55 PM
But, you know, who else could’ve done it?
Poe's Law achieved.
04-09-2012 , 10:06 PM
Hai guise,

It's been, what, a week or so since we've all had a good, hearty belly guffaw at Arizona? We're due.

In Arizona, life begins before conception.

The Arizona bill, (HB 2036), passed in the state Senate on Thursday and will now go before the house. Like the proposals before it, Arizona's legislation is modeled on the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" designed by the National Right to Life Committee. And like the other bills, it states that abortion would be banned 20 weeks into a pregnancy. But reproductive rights advocates point out that Arizona's law would actually be more restrictive than others, as the bill states that the gestational age of the fetus should be "calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman."

Not to go all middle-school health on you, but that's not exactly the same as the actual date the egg and the sperm hooked up. Figuring out that exact point one became pregnant can be tricky. Most women ovulate about 14 or 15 days after their period starts, and women can usually get pregnant from sexual intercourse that occured anywhere between five days before ovulation and a day after it. Arizona's law would start the clock at a woman's last period—which means, in practice, that the law prohibits abortion later than 18 weeks after a woman actually becomes pregnant.

Look out, men of Arizlolna. If you bang a chick on her period, you've already gotten her pregnant.
04-09-2012 , 10:10 PM
Michelle Malkin with the early front-runner for worst non-blatantly racist column of 2012:

Cliffs: Obama was only on the Indiana ballot because of (ACORN!-esque) fraud, ergo his whole presidency is illegitimate. Bonus: the decades-long culture of corruption in Indiana is due to Obama being from Chicago!
04-09-2012 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hai guise,

It's been, what, a week or so since we've all had a good, hearty belly guffaw at Arizona? We're due.

In Arizona, life begins before conception.

Look out, men of Arizlolna. If you bang a chick on her period, you've already gotten her pregnant.
Meh, this seems grasping at straws unless there's something else in the law you didn't mention. That's already the commonly-used way people calculate how many weeks along they are. There's plenty of legit stuff to laugh at arizona about.
04-09-2012 , 10:17 PM
Yeah, but when most people use that method to calculate how many weeks along they are, they subtract two.
04-09-2012 , 10:21 PM
Is there a process by which Arizona can be expelled from the Union?
04-09-2012 , 10:41 PM
Wookies pony is very slow
04-09-2012 , 10:47 PM
Maybe. I'm having my first wine with dinner post-lent, so maybe I'm just forgetful. Regardless, "lol Steelers"::SE : "lol Arizona"::Politards. It bears repeating, often, and gratuitously.
