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Andrew Breitbart dead Andrew Breitbart dead

03-01-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
AFAIK Ryan Beal was just enforcing a "don't dance on the grave" rule that is pretty much sitewide.
Wat. No wai. Beal was paid off to protect the legacy. Everyone knows that.
03-01-2012 , 01:58 PM
And then he was disappeared.
03-01-2012 , 01:58 PM
Coincidence? I think so.
03-01-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Odd comment, considering that Breitbart was a supporter of gay rights.
Odd comment, since more straight people die of aids each year than gays.

Or is aids a "gay" disease iyho?
03-01-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
For the record I really did say Saddam Poopsein today.
Too soon
03-01-2012 , 02:00 PM
I do think that people like Hitchens and Breitbart, who seemed to glory in dancing on other people's graves, may be an exception to that rule.
03-01-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Yeah but if karma didn't claim its due there would be no justice in the world.
03-01-2012 , 02:01 PM
TBH I thought Ryan's approach in that thread was rather over the top, and atypical. Sometimes Ryan was emo like that. What relevance a guy who doesn't work here anymore has to do with this, I have no idea.

ikes and Engineer,

I very strongly disagree with the notion that you win at all costs, basically that simple. To me, associating with a guy who does the things Breitbart did is too great a cost.
03-01-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
Odd comment, since more straight people die of aids each year than gays.

Or is aids a "gay" disease iyho?
Per capita tho...
03-01-2012 , 02:02 PM

The idea that Obama would stealth-assassinate this dude with poison is crazy. That's Putin ****. Obama brags about his due process free assassinations of American citizens on Leno FFS.

So, in short, did he have hands? Did he have a face? Then it was not us a Predator drone.
03-01-2012 , 02:04 PM
25 People Who Think Obama Killed Breitbart
03-01-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
TBH I thought Ryan's approach in that thread was rather over the top, and atypical. Sometimes Ryan was emo like that. What relevance a guy who doesn't work here anymore has to do with this, I have no idea.
I appreciate your recognition of that, it means something from a uber-liberal that I know you to be.

The relevance to me was the lack of any comment by moderators at the time to say what you just said, a silent conspiracy to overlook misconduct. I hope and expect moderators will perform better today.
03-01-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Boa Hancock
I appreciate your recognition of that, it means something from a uber-liberal that I know you to be.

The relevance to me was the lack of any comment by moderators at the time to say what you just said, a silent conspiracy to overlook misconduct. I hope and expect moderators will perform better today.
If it makes you feel any better, I and many others would've preferred carte blanche to post in that thread than this one. In fact, I'll trade right now.
03-01-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Boa Hancock
I appreciate your recognition of that, it means something from a uber-liberal that I know you to be.

The relevance to me was the lack of any comment by moderators at the time to say what you just said, a silent conspiracy to overlook misconduct. I hope and expect moderators will perform better today.
They won't. Like I said you should resign in protest.
03-01-2012 , 02:15 PM
Today's discussion of Andrew Breitbart:

[X] Kennedy
[X] A moderator
[X] ******ed five year old jokes
[ ] Concern for a man's children or family

Regardless of your opinion of the man I don't see what immature comments do to help the situation or how they are constructive.
03-01-2012 , 02:17 PM
You don't know my pain.
03-01-2012 , 02:18 PM
The only conspiracy theory im remotely close to buying right now is it was a suicide so he wouldnt have to actually put up or shut up about the so called college videos.
03-01-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I'm still leaning toward coke, it makes you paranoid, I believe and I don't think meth does.
I have never had paranoia.... maybe I need to up my dosage.
03-01-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington
25 People Who Think Obama Killed Breitbart
I'm sure LirvA will show up soon with a Russian TV link showing what *really* happened
03-01-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by joeco
Today's discussion of Andrew Breitbart:

[X] Kennedy
[X] A moderator
[X] ******ed five year old jokes
[ ] Concern for a man's children or family

Regardless of your opinion of the man I don't see what immature comments do to help the situation or how they are constructive.
wtf are you talking about? the guy died and people talk about it. if the only thing people are supposed to be posting is phony concern about the familiy or whatever, better lock it
03-01-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by joeco
Today's discussion of Andrew Breitbart:

[X] Kennedy
[X] A moderator
[X] ******ed five year old jokes
[ ] Concern for a man's children or family

Regardless of your opinion of the man I don't see what immature comments do to help the situation or how they are constructive.
Does anyone here know or have any remote connections to his family? If so, please pass along condolences from a random internet forum user.
03-01-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by joeco
Today's discussion of Andrew Breitbart:

[X] Kennedy
[X] A moderator
[X] ******ed five year old jokes
[ ] Concern for a man's children or family

Regardless of your opinion of the man I don't see what immature comments do to help the situation or how they are constructive.
and what the &@#& does that have to do with a thread here? You the morality police now?
03-01-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Vael
wtf are you talking about? the guy died and people talk about it. if the only thing people are supposed to be posting is phony concern about the familiy or whatever, better lock it
[X] Talk about "it"
[ ] Breitbart
[X] Someone names Beal
[X] The weather
[X] Thoughts on March Madness
03-01-2012 , 02:24 PM
[?] joeco
03-01-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by joeco
Today's discussion of Andrew Breitbart:

[X] Kennedy
[X] A moderator
[X] ******ed five year old jokes
[ ] Concern for a man's children or family
To be fair, I think most of us assume that well wishes to the surviving family of any deceased person is implied and need not be stated. If you are one of the few who don't have well wishes, you would say that IMO.

A politics forum is for the discussion of the politics of the deceased and their relevant personal character, and to some extent about the forum itself and how posters interact, and if the deceased was involved in a poker-related issue in real life, that is fine to talk about too.

I have no complaints about how this thread has progressed so far. If you have an issue you think we should address here, bring it up please.
