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9/11 Conspiracy Thread 9/11 Conspiracy Thread

08-01-2010 , 01:10 AM
Back to address Aqua, Tri and foal soon.
08-01-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
Oh, and I can't stand poker. I couldn't care less.

I wonder how I would be received if I was in a firefighter forum and said, I can't stand firefighters and I couldn't care less about them.
He didnt say a thing about poker players.

Nice going summing up the entire troofer movement though
08-01-2010 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder

I wonder how I would be received if I was in a firefighter forum and said, I can't stand firefighters and I couldn't care less about them.
Now, we already know that reading for comprehension is not your thing, but, if you will notice, I did not say "I don't like poker players, and I couldn't care less about them. " Yes, then I would expect for someone in authority to show me the door.

Do you see the difference? I sure hope so. I can't explain it any differently.
08-01-2010 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
from a while back...

Any takers, Gorg, Tri?
There is no way to know EXACTLY how hot the fires got, and what the max temp was. Too many variables, and no scientific equipment was installed in the towers.

I reccomend this as your starting point.
08-01-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
Lol, Gorg, you are full of fertilizer little buddy.
wrong. As I said in my other post, I don't play on stars at all anymore, except for the bet. I play on Full Tilt, and I play mainly rush poker. I do play some O8, but I don't think any site tracks that. Could be wrong. Either way, I don't play under this name on Tilt and my account on Stars has 0$ in it after I cashed it out.

Take this crap somewhere else, it is not on topic.
08-01-2010 , 12:35 PM

I will not respond anymore to this red herring beyond linking back to these posts if necessary. It's not relevant at all and is just an attempted distraction.
08-01-2010 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by triforcharity
Now, we already know that reading for comprehension is not your thing, but, if you will notice, I did not say "I don't like poker players, and I couldn't care less about them. " Yes, then I would expect for someone in authority to show me the door.

Do you see the difference? I sure hope so. I can't explain it any differently.
i second the notion that phil has MAJOR reading comprehension problems.
08-01-2010 , 01:38 PM
I hope you dont mean me. I also kinda hope that music guy isnt called Phil too
08-01-2010 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
You claim to know exactly how hot the fires were in WTC 1 and 2 throughout the day, when all that when can do is estimate based on a tiny percentage of the scraps in those areas. How hot did the core columns get Gorg and how hot did the fires get at their hottest? I dare you.
I was going to let this pass, but since you brought it up again, enjoy.

This is just silly. No, I did not claim I knew "exactly how hot the fires were." It's pretty bad reading comprehension to get that from what I said. Here is the exchange again, so you can have a second chance. This is paraphrased, but close enough:

After a close-up photo of a few feet around Edna Citron was posted by you claiming there wasn't even smoke, I posted a zoomed out version of the same photo showing smoke and fire both and asked you if you were seriously claiming that the building wasn't on fire, asked you if you knew how big the building was, and how big the fire raging in it was.

You then replied no one really knows how big the fire was to which I said "lol" as several pictures of just how huge that fire was had been posted.

From this you conclude I stated that I know the temperature of the fire.

Now's your chance to try again.

Last edited by Gorgonian; 08-01-2010 at 01:58 PM.
08-01-2010 , 02:08 PM
1, so what if he did
2, lol at 9/11 was planned in 1776
08-01-2010 , 02:39 PM
he didnt say 9/11 was planned in 1776 you moron. this is why you believe the official story you cannot even comprehend a mere youtube video.
08-01-2010 , 03:29 PM
Not 9/11 specifically, but the general concept of it.

Yeah, centuries old conspiracy leading up to 2010 when the freedom tower is finished in New York and it turns out the secret to solving the conspiracy is that they decided to put all the clues you need on the back of a dollar bill.

L. O. L. He may as well have said 9/11 was planned in 1776, its about as sane a concept. The guy is an even bigger crackpot than the space deathray woman.
08-01-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

So take the simplest conspiracy, LIHOP. They got forwarning and did nothing to stop the attacks. No controlled demo, no cruise missiles, nothing like that. They can still stop the attacks before they happen and not only look amazing doing so "zomg, ty GWB for saving us!", they avoid any potential risk of future murder prosecutions AND they can still attack Afghanistan for merely planning these attacks and then tie in Iraq pretty much how they did anyway. If they want they can have some routine training near NYC and save the WTCs, maybe let the Pentagon plane get through or just shoot it down before hand too.

The problem i have with all this LIHOP and MIHOP is it assumes the events of that day were a requirement. We actually went to Iraq on a series of lies and could have easily gone to Afghanistan on "diet 9/11", where four planes are hijacked and then shot down by the Air Force, where they lost however many passengers and could have lost so many more civilians had they successfully hit their targets.

The hijackings alone are more than enough excuse to invade and topple the regime. It is also a much easier conspiracy to create and cover up so there are huge upsides balanced against small downsides.
wow, really? If they had merely put the 9/11 hijackers who seemingly should have tripped some cautionary watch list, on a "flight restriction" list than 9/11 never happens. The neocon mantra "9/11 changed everything" doesn't happen. Furthermore saying we went into Iraq on lies and could have done it without 9/11 shows a very poor understanding of even the basics around the war buildup. We went into Iraq on lies based around the "9/11 changed everything" neocon mantra - Saddam's pretend WMD's became a clear and present danger, on top of this the neocons took advantage of a emotionally unstable population in the wake of 9/11 to imply that saddam was involved in supporting al qaeda - in other words linked to 9/11. Even considering all of this they still had much trouble getting their war in Iraq, to dismiss the key role 9/11 played in getting the war in iraq is ridiculous.

I also think it's unlikely that they would have gotten the scale of war in afghanistan that we have had for some 9 years now without 9/11 being such a big thing.

Furthermore, simply saying that if they thwarted a big terrorist plan to hijack planes and possibly fly them into building would scare the public to a great degree and allow them the same political effects as 9/11 is baseless. Because dozens of planes have been hijacked in the past without the effects of 9/11, and even saying that they likely planned to used them like missiles into wtc wouldn't mean much because it would just seem like an impossible implausible event, especially if it was prevented before happening, so the public would just shrug and think "like they could ever really pull something like that off... of course they got caught".
08-01-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by kparker1
And your point? There were some firefighters that survived in a stairwell in one of the towers' collapse too.

I survived both tower collapses. What is your point?
08-01-2010 , 05:11 PM
His point is they have been planning this stuff since 1776 and put the master plan on the back of dollar bills. It really is an awesome point. Really.
08-01-2010 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by foal
P.S. Isn't ikestoys the best poker player in the politics forum?
DCJ311, imo.
08-01-2010 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgonian
His point is they have been planning this stuff since 1776 and put the master plan on the back of dollar bills. It really is an awesome point. Really.
STFU?!?!? Are you serious??? Sorry, I didn't watch the video, and now I am glad I didn't.

I'll tell you what, some people's kids........
08-01-2010 , 06:47 PM
A couple of his pieces of evidence is the squares on the back of the bill add up to 1776 in some way and also the Freedom Tower is going to be 1776 feet high.

For some reason he seems to be unaware that the Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776 and these numbers are direct references to that. It isnt a conspiracy of numerology, its just a nodding reference to the "birth of freedom".

I turned it off at that point. I assume the rest was equally well evidenced and provided a cast iron case of a conspiracy tracing back to the Founding Fathers through the use of wikipedia and the symbols on the side of a Cheerios box.
08-02-2010 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by triforcharity
Yes, fire can weaken steel at 1,800 deg. F. Happens all the time. Sight and Sound Theatere in PA comes to mind.

A passport in a flame for 5 seconds, sure. It actually takes more time for paper to ignite than plastic. Suprising, yet. True, yes.

The common narative is the most comprehensive and plausable. Are there some assumptions made in the NIST report? Sure. Are they lies? No.

I am certain that there was many CYAs going on in the Pentagon. Does it mean it was an inside Jobbity job? Nope.
Lol at passport theory lolx2. How many people were alleg. On all four planes? And how many passports were found perectly intact? Math guys , what are the odds.....
08-02-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Lol at passport theory lolx2. How many people were alleg. On all four planes? And how many passports were found perectly intact? Math guys , what are the odds.....
There were plenty of personal things of that nature found, many of which I actually posted pictures of in this thread. The odds are not bad at all.

Remember that not everyone (in fact, not many would be my guess) carries around a passport on a domestic flight. But, here is a link to the post with a sampling of similar personal items found:
08-02-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
Lol at passport theory lolx2. How many people were alleg. On all four planes? And how many passports were found perectly intact? Math guys , what are the odds.....
Are you suggesting the 19 hijackers weren't actually on the planes? This would require United Airlines to be in on the conspiracy too. Also if they weren't on the planes, who do you think crashed the planes into the buildings and how? Propose a plausible alternative.
08-02-2010 , 04:01 PM
conspiracy or not, you gotta admit bush admin handled 9/11 about as badly as possible.
08-02-2010 , 04:04 PM
Who flew the planes? My vote is for robots or lizard people.

Re: the passports - it's more likely for someone who was in the cockpit to have personal effects survive as they're the ones ahead of the giant fireball and also the first to make it through and out the other side of the building as videos clearly show.
08-02-2010 , 05:06 PM
Getting back to the point that LIHOP crushes MIHOP...

I'd still like to hear coincidence theorists spin as to how secrecy trumps justice, especially for the greatest crime in U.S. history. Along those lines, why can't translator Sibel Edmonds testify about what she saw regarding U.S.-Afghan and U.S.-Iranian relations as they relate to specific events leading up to 9/11?

Further, why was the notorious Phoenix Memo innocuous, including Colleen Rowley's calls for much more specific FBI accountability?

Last edited by JiggsCasey; 08-02-2010 at 05:30 PM.
