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2018 Midterms Gameday Thread UPDATE 15 Mississippi still WOAT 2018 Midterms Gameday Thread UPDATE 15 Mississippi still WOAT

12-05-2018 , 12:39 AM
AP has called it for the Republicans in the Georgia runoffs. As I said, they always win runoffs. It's at 52-48 with 98% precincts reporting.

New Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger said, "Tonight's victory, it's all about the people and it's all about the Lord."

Sharia Law is scary, though.
12-05-2018 , 12:47 AM
Turnout for the midterms was just over 50%, highest in 100 years. I think Donny has radicalized enough people that he can't win in 2020.
