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2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right? 2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right?

12-22-2017 , 03:24 PM
Trump Promised to Protect Steel. Layoffs Are Coming Instead.

Apparently the steel industry didn't get the "we're giving out bonuses thanks to tax cuts" memo? Or is that exclusively for mega-global corps, and not industries that actually have to solely operate within the US?
12-22-2017 , 03:26 PM
From NYT's summary of articles from the right and left about the tax bill comes this nuclear-hot take from someone I've never heard of that apparently writes for CBS (?!):

#Resist means no cooperation, no cutting deals, none of the usual give-and-take of democracy.
Was there really no way for Democrats to make a deal? In a sane world, wouldn't the two sides split the corporate tax rate at 25 percent, get rid of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) Republicans hate, but keep the full deductibility of state and local taxes paid by rich liberals in blue states? Or if not that deal, some other "everybody gets something but nobody gets everything" bill, like welfare reform under Clinton or tax cuts under George W. Bush?

Some Democrats point to non-tax items attached to the bill, policies like ending the Obamacare mandate and allowing drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife reserve and say that's a bridge too far. But these extras were only added after it became clear the Democrats were going to force the GOP to go alone.
How can anyone be this ****ing stupid?
Option A: Rs get some things they want and give a few things to Ds
Option B: Rs get everything they want and club some Arctic seals

Serious (I guess?) conservative writer at a major news company: "well Republicans really wanted option A but the stupid Democrats gave them no choice but to take option B"
12-22-2017 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Loki
Did tsao actually figure out the real percent change for his tax burden, or is he still laboring under the delusion that he’s getting a 4% cut? Just curious if he should be taken seriously yet.
:facepalm: Did you skip over bobman's explanation or did you just not understand it? Tsao is almost certainly in a tax bracket that is reduced by 4%+, which is what he claimed. It's entirely conceivable that his tax bill is going to be reduced, and although he didn't specify by how much, it's also likely >4%. His effective tax rate would then also be reduced, maybe by 4% but that would be near the top of what anyone outside of the super rich stands to benefit.

Tsao has come across extremely ignorant of some of the most basic provisions in the new tax bill and it's not clear if he will actually benefit at all, but the only time he threw out the 4% figure he used it correctly. If you want to show him why he may not benefit it would be better to figure out how his taxable income may be affected or how his taxes may change in a few years. It seems like he doesn't fully understand either of those points. Harping on the 4% figure won't get anyone anywhere.
12-22-2017 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by dth123451
My Megacorp just announced a Trump Bonus. I'll take the $, but GTFO

$20 billion in 2016 net profit
The only respectable course of action is to rip that check up, throw it in the closest executive's face, and demand a new one commensurate with your fair share of the company profits.

You can be the first of many, and your name will be whispered throughout the ages as the man that started it all.

Make sure to have someone record it for Twitter though.
12-22-2017 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The only respectable course of action is to rip that check up, throw it in the closest executive's face, and demand a new one commensurate with your fair share of the company profits.

You can be the first of many, and your name will be whispered throughout the ages as the man that started it all.

Make sure to have someone record it for Twitter though.
Why rip up the first one? Surely they can just deduct the first check $ from his second check?
12-22-2017 , 03:44 PM
The only really respectable course of action if you get one of those checks, Inso0, is to frame it (it's far more valuable than the amount it's written for) and pray to it every night before you go to bed, thanking your corporate overlords and Daddy Trump for the extra spending money for a day at the local strip mall they've benevolently decided to bestow upon you, something far greater than you deserved.

Oh, sorry, am I posting like a middle schooler? Hm, wonder where I picked that up from.
12-22-2017 , 03:46 PM
I am enjoying this thread. Not mentioned in the posts I have read is the standard deduction is doubling. How many refunds will be affected? I have always filed 1040ez with standard deduction so it seems like decent news for me personally. Thanks in advance - social issues voter somewhat uninformed about taxes and economic policy in general
12-22-2017 , 03:49 PM
First article I found on google, which is from the conservative leaning National Review doesn't seem to think it will make a big difference because they would/are eliminating personal exemptions?
12-22-2017 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jules22
I am enjoying this thread. Not mentioned in the posts I have read is the standard deduction is doubling. How many refunds will be affected? I have always filed 1040ez with standard deduction so it seems like decent news for me personally. Thanks in advance - social issues voter somewhat uninformed about taxes and economic policy in general
It's great news!

But if you have 30 children and a mansion in NYC, you probably won't see the benefits due to SALT reductions and personal exemptions

Our NYC millionaires are going to be hurting from this, it's tragic.
12-22-2017 , 03:55 PM
Trump goaded into signing tax bill early and w/o a show by news coverage, wonders if he's getting enough credit

Mr. Trump decided against doing a formal signing ceremony early next year because television news networks questioned whether he would keep his promise to sign the legislation before Christmas.

Mr. Trump said he saw the coverage Friday morning and hastily called his staff to say that the legislation needed to be signed “now,”
prompting a last-minute Oval Office ceremony for the president’s greatest achievement in his first year in office.

“We did a rushed job today,” Mr. Trump said at the bill signing. “It’s not fancy, but it’s the Oval Office. It’s the great Oval Office.”
hahahaha omg
12-22-2017 , 04:00 PM
This was a pretty informative article

From what my meager brain can figure standard deduction goes up to 12000 from 6350 but I lose the personal exemption deduction of around 4k$. my rate did get lowered too though so overall I expect I'll see a little more money via this bill, nothing earth shattering. Coupled with the fact the orange jerkoff who's taking credit for tax cuts said nazis and non nazis were both bad is gonna temper my support for it
12-22-2017 , 04:04 PM
If I get married on 12/31/2018, does that let me file as married for the whole year? Might save me a couple grand in the new plan (I'm sure the gf would find that quite romantic)
12-22-2017 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Just straight opposing everything the Republicans want is not a bad play. They are really unpopular!
Yeah, especially if you and your familiy are hyper insulated from republican Medicare cuts.
12-22-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Why rip up the first one? Surely they can just deduct the first check $ from his second check?
Optics, man. This is going on Twitter.
12-22-2017 , 04:12 PM
The oval office is great because, you know, it's an oval, and it's where I sit, and I'm great and I gave you all money. Lots of money. Great, great money. The oval is great because it's almost like a circle, but round and ovular. It's very ovular. You can grab the ovular part, as long as you have huge hands like me. I have the biggest hands, the best words, and the greatest office. I actually asked them, told them, to change it into an oval. A lot of people don't know this, but I can tell you that the Oval Office used to be a rectangle. Obama made it a rectangle because he's a square. I made it back into an oval because I'm great. Okay, I'm going to Florida now. Merry Christmas to all... of the people who voted for me!
12-22-2017 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
If I get married on 12/31/2018, does that let me file as married for the whole year? Might save me a couple grand in the new plan (I'm sure the gf would find that quite romantic)
Yes, and congratulations!

Same goes for knocking her up and popping out a baby on or before Dec 31st. Full deduction.

Source: Born on Dec 31st, and heard the "tax deduction!" quip about a million times.
12-22-2017 , 04:23 PM
GOP bill doesn't let me deduct at date of conception? Personhood my ass

(you only get 18 years of deductions for a kid though, I imagine? so you lose the deduction a year earlier too, seems less consequential)
12-22-2017 , 04:27 PM
$2000 now vs $0 in 18 years when we're all living under a Chinese flag. Easy choice.

Edit: and remember, the child tax credit is a refundable credit. Cash money in your pocket, even if you had a $0 tax liability to begin with.
12-22-2017 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
If I get married on 12/31/2018, does that let me file as married for the whole year? Might save me a couple grand in the new plan (I'm sure the gf would find that quite romantic)

Yes. Married on 12/31/18. You file MFJ
12-22-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Yes, and congratulations!

Same goes for knocking her up and popping out a baby on or before Dec 31st. Full deduction.

Source: Born on Dec 31st, and heard the "tax deduction!" quip about a million times.

Deduction for what?

Personal exemptions are gone Einstein

Can’t the child tax credit unless it’s 6 months

But hey, another uninformed poster posting nonsense.
12-22-2017 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Deduction for what?

Personal exemptions are gone Einstein

Can’t the child tax credit unless it’s 6 months

But hey, another uninformed poster posting nonsense.

I thought you were a CPA? A child born during the tax year is considered to have lived with you for the full year. Period.


I can forgive the mistake, because tax law is obviously ridiculous. But save your LOL Inso0 for when I'm actually wrong. It'll happen, be patient.
12-22-2017 , 05:33 PM
Gonna side with Inso0 on this one.
12-22-2017 , 05:45 PM
It is pretty lol that the only people pumped about the tax plan are a self admitted libertarian and a Noah’s ark apologist. Only the best people!
12-22-2017 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I thought you were a CPA? A child born during the tax year is considered to have lived with you for the full year. Period.


I can forgive the mistake, because tax law is obviously ridiculous. But save your LOL Inso0 for when I'm actually wrong. It'll happen, be patient.

You said full deductions.

Deductions aren’t a thing anymore

What you are talking about is a credit

Carry on bud.
12-22-2017 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0

Edit: and remember, the child tax credit is a refundable credit. Cash money in your pocket, even if you had a $0 tax liability to begin with.
Droolers HATE the idea of a poor getting FREE MONEY

Inso, this is what we call a tell
