jesus christ, 13 years ago she said hiring illegals is bad, and she gets the have you stopped beating your wife question, "are you a flip flopper or a panderer or hispanderer"
jesus christ, 13 years ago she said hiring illegals is bad, and she gets the have you stopped beating your wife question, "are you a flip flopper or a panderer or hispanderer"
From what I heard, Hillary supposedly in 2003 said, and it was in the question, something like "businesses should not hire illegals immigrants". i mean that's the law. so yeah. and that was used to ask, "well u support immigration reform now, so have you flipped flopped or are you pandering, which one is it?"
From what I heard, Hillary supposedly in 2003 said, and it was in the question, something like "businesses should not hire illegals immigrants". i mean that's the law. so yeah. and that was used to ask, "well u support immigration reform now, so have you flipped flopped or are you pandering, which one is it?"
illegal immigration is not the same as immigration reform.
i dont know why moderators have to freak out over time when either side is explaining something that takes time. it's clearly winding down. just give them both the 30 sec to finish up. there are 2 people up there, let them both talk.